Former Gophers QB Phillip Nelson arrested in his hometown of Mankato for assault

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Chapter 609..02 Subd. 10.Assault. "Assault" is:
(1) an act done with intent to cause fear in another of immediate bodily harm or death; or
(2) the intentional infliction of or attempt to inflict bodily harm upon another.

I'm not a criminal lawyer, I do civil law. With that being said, a good defense lawyer will look at that statute and attack the Mens rea or mental elements, which are the "intent to cause fear" and "intentional infliction." This would go directly to Nelson's state of mind.

Under (1), it doesn't matter if the victim couldn't be in fear due to being unconscious all that matters is that Nelson kicked or tried to kick with the intent to cause fear of immediate bodily harm or death. Moreover, before the victim was unconscious, if Nelson did anything with the intent to cause fear of immediate bodily harm or death, then Nelson is guilty of assault. For instance, if Nelson threatened the victim verbally or with gestures with intent to cause fear of immediate bodily harm or death, then Nelson is guilty of assault.

Under (2), Nelson had to specifically kick the victim with intent to injure or attempt to kick the victim with intent to injure. That's right, Nelson did not have to even connect with the kick. He simply had to believe in his mind that he was kicking his leg in order to injure the victim. If he kicked the victim without that intent but the victim was injured, then Nelson is not guilty under this section. Knowing that kicking the victim could be injured isn't enough. Nelson had to kick with intent to injure.

It's hard to say anything about (1), because I haven't looked at any videos, and I don't know what was done or said leading up to the fight. So, I'm just going to ignore that for, but Nelson could definitely be found guilty under this section.

However, a good defense lawyer may be able to beat (2). Ironically, the more drunk Nelson was, the easier it will be for the defense.
Chapter 609.075 Intoxication as Defense:
An act committed while in a state of voluntary intoxication is not less criminal by reason thereof, but when a particular intent or other state of mind is a necessary element to constitute a particular crime, the fact of intoxication may be taken into consideration in determining such intent or state of mind.

That's right, if you're drunk, then a defense lawyer can argue that the aggressor (Nelson in this case) could not have formed the specific intent in his mind necessary to be found guilty because the aggressor was mentally impaired from reaching that level of intent due to intoxication. A defense lawyer could concede that Nelson was drunk and even knew he could injure someone, but Nelson was so impaired that Nelson did not intend to injure the victim. We need to know how drunk Nelson was, but he could legitimately win this argument.

I would bet that Nelson is eventually found guilty or pleads out, but he can mount a defense that he could prevail on. I don't know what degree of assault Nelson could realistically get convicted on, and I don't really want to take the time to look or lay it out.

With all that being said, Nelson would probably be screwed in civil court. I, or someone with equal or better skill, could probably ruin Nelson financially for the rest of his life. But that is another matter.

As for stcgopher, well, you don't know what you're talking about, and you're making nonsensical, moronic, red-herring challenges that you might not even be able to win. Just stop.

I'm going to skip past the DPO Drivel and cite this post. Excellent post. Lots of good information here. Part 2 here could be Nelson's defense. I wonder what his BAC was or if it was taken.

pretty interesting that the newark media is all over this case and the local papers aren't releasing any details. Including:
Name of girlfreind
Nelson and Isaac knew each other, played against each other, dated same girl at one point
Second attacker is freind of Nelson according to person with knowledge of situation, but not named.
Fight was started by Isaac.

Are there different rules for the east coast media than here?

Not sure why his size matters. You pointed out his weight twice in your original post. Does a 280# man seem more intimidating laying unconscious on the ground than a 180# man? Or are you playing the "Nelson didn't know he was laying motionless on the ground" angle?

It matters for a few reasons. 1) This was not a case of some big jock (Nelson) picking on some regular guy at a bar. Rather two big jocks, the other being a 280lb former college linebacker. It lends needed perspective. 2) It helps explain Nelson's possible state of mind after being blindsided by the guy so hard that he was knocked to the ground. 3) If the punch that the skinny, unknown assailant threw was so powerful that it dropped a guy that size, it's conceivable it fractured his skull as opposed to the kick that came later.

I'm going to skip past the DPO Drivel and cite this post.

Drivel, eh? I guess taking care of your wife and kids isn't commendable and advocating for it is to be made fun of now.

P.S. Why is it that I'm singled out when I'm far from the only one to advocate for personal responsibility in this thread? Hmm. Strange.

pretty interesting that the newark media is all over this case and the local papers aren't releasing any details. Including:
Name of girlfreind
Nelson and Isaac knew each other, played against each other, dated same girl at one point
Second attacker is freind of Nelson according to person with knowledge of situation, but not named.
Fight was started by Isaac.

Are there different rules for the east coast media than here?

we could use some GF pics.

Question: Has Nelson had any run-ins with the law? I realize he may not have a record, but does anyone know if he has been "protected from his own behavior" by parents, coaches, or friends. Small towns have a different set of justice and I suspect that Mr. Nelson has had some temper issues that have been covered up.

The reason I ask this: his actions depict someone that is easily provoked and violent. This doesn't seem like an outlier to me. I could be wrong, but I'm guessing he was a ticking time bomb.

That's a real stretch.

Looks like they got the 2nd guy, hopefully he doesn't have any ties to the Gopher football program. Rutgers pulled the trigger quick on Nelson, most schools usually let the legal process play out more before acting but I suppose in this case Nelson has never suited up for them so there is no real harm on their end to just distancing themselves from all of this as quickly as possible.

Drivel, eh? I guess taking care of your wife and kids isn't commendable and advocating for it is to be made fun of now.

P.S. Why is it that I'm singled out when I'm far from the only one to advocate for personal responsibility in this thread? Hmm. Strange.
Because everyone hates you and only most everyone hates me?

Looks like they got the 2nd guy, hopefully he doesn't have any ties to the Gopher football program. Rutgers pulled the trigger quick on Nelson, most schools usually let the legal process play out more before acting but I suppose in this case Nelson has never suited up for them so there is no real harm on their end to just distancing themselves from all of this as quickly as possible.
According to the Free Press, his name is Trevor Shelley and he lives in St. Peter.

Drivel, eh? I guess taking care of your wife and kids isn't commendable and advocating for it is to be made fun of now.

P.S. Why is it that I'm singled out when I'm far from the only one to advocate for personal responsibility in this thread? Hmm. Strange.

This post makes you just as guilty at mischaracterization as you claim others to be, DPO. You have assumed the thread derailing first position, now that Section2 is gone.

Drivel, eh? I guess taking care of your wife and kids isn't commendable and advocating for it is to be made fun of now.

P.S. Why is it that I'm singled out when I'm far from the only one to advocate for personal responsibility in this thread? Hmm. Strange.

Because you engage with almost everyone on this site in "pissing matches". Umm, because of that. It's called "rep".

This post makes you just as guilty at mischaracterization as you claim others to be, DPO. You have assumed the thread derailing first position, now that Section2 is gone.

Oh, so I was the one who derailed the thread? We're just making things up now? I forgot - you're very good at that.

According to the Free Press, his name is Trevor Shelley and he lives in St. Peter.

Whew...glad they caught the guy and also glad he is not connected to the program. The football angle is secondary in all this of course but it would not have been good for the program if the other attacker turned out to have been a current or former player.

The occasional night out with the guys (or gals) is a completely normal and enjoyable thing for married couples to do. I don't think anyone here would demand their spouse stay home and sever all ties with buddies.

I personally (even though my wife wouldn't forbid it or whatever) would never leave her, extremely pregnant, at home with another little one and party to the point where I am going to lose control of my sensibilities. It wouldn't feel like the responsible thing to do as a family man. This is where I have issue with IK. I missed out on a wonderful road trip (for this very reason) to Northwestern this year because I just could not let myself case. Maybe that is a minority opinion.

PN is a whole new level of POS for what he did here.


Hmm, looks like he's a 2011 graduate of Mankato West. Seems very likely that Nelson would know who he was, despite telling the police he didn't recognize him.


Of course he knew him, there was not much doubt about that from the get go, he was trying to protect his friend by claiming not to know him. That of course won't help his case in the long run but I am betting a lot in here, whether they will admit it or not, would have tried to do the same thing in that situation.

Hmm, looks like he's a 2011 graduate of Mankato West. Seems very likely that Nelson would know who he was, despite telling the police he didn't recognize him.


Weird. He changed his "profile pic" today. You would think he would have other things to do, on his mind, etc.

pretty interesting that the newark media is all over this case and the local papers aren't releasing any details. Including:
Name of girlfreind
Nelson and Isaac knew each other, played against each other, dated same girl at one point
Second attacker is freind of Nelson according to person with knowledge of situation, but not named.
Fight was started by Isaac.

Are there different rules for the east coast media than here?
A quick twitter search brought up a channel 5 reporter attempting to contact the GF, so I would say they are operating under the same rules as the East coast. I doubt they played against each other in HS as Kolstad is 4 years older.

I hereby sentence this thread to no more than 20 years

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well, the mug shot of him not looking at the camera is a disgrace to the photographer. you ever not look at the camera for your mug shot? They bring in a couple of officers to convince you to look at the camera.

Exactly this!!! Every one of my mug shots, I'm looking directly into the camera. In fact, I usually try to flop out my enormous penis or flash my multiple-comma bank book into the photo.

I personally (even though my wife wouldn't forbid it or whatever) would never leave her, extremely pregnant, at home with another little one and party to the point where I am going to lose control of my sensibilities. It wouldn't feel like the responsible thing to do as a family man. This is where I have issue with IK. I missed out on a wonderful road trip (for this very reason) to Northwestern this year because I just could not let myself case. Maybe that is a minority opinion.

Well, you very clearly are a piece of human garbage! How dare you!

It matters for a few reasons. 1) This was not a case of some big jock (Nelson) picking on some regular guy at a bar. Rather two big jocks, the other being a 280lb former college linebacker. It lends needed perspective. 2) It helps explain Nelson's possible state of mind after being blindsided by the guy so hard that he was knocked to the ground. 3) If the punch that the skinny, unknown assailant threw was so powerful that it dropped a guy that size, it's conceivable it fractured his skull as opposed to the kick that came later.
Minnesota State listed Kolstad at 6'1" 227. Given that rosters are usually inflated by an inch and 10 pounds, I'd say Philip was probably bigger than Isaac. Not stronger, but bigger.

Not everyone. Just people with wives, children, and responsibilities. You're free to do whatever the hell you want, and the rest of us are free to judge you as the irresponsible immature moron that you are when you're out partying (not working) past 2 am with a wife, daughter, and soon-to-be born child at home. Oh, and you just went on a guy's trip to Vegas the weekend before. This just keeps getting better and better. What an upstanding model of Christian virtue!

Agree entirely, Dpo!

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