Former Gophers QB Phillip Nelson arrested in his hometown of Mankato for assault

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You can't be serious, really? Save face and tell us this was a poor attempt at trying to enhance and engage conversation.

Are you joking? Maybe next time if and when this kid recovers he will think twice about doing something of that caliber. Maybe, people need a taste of their own medicine. I am sure you are such an upstanding citizen, if someone came and cold cocked you in front of your girlfriend or boyfriend (Have to show PC) you would shake the guys hand and call the cops on him.

Wow, blanket statement of the year. This IK-guy aside, I have to say that I am completely offended by your post. I have gotten drunk about 3 times in the last 10 years. It's called celebrating. It's called planning ahead. It's called, "the wife's ok with it". You're going pretty fast on the Judgemental Express, be careful.

And a big thanks for letting us all know when toddlers are up. Had no idea.

I did say "regular basis" IMO getting drunk 3 times in 10 years does not translate into "regular basis". You can however answer my question about how someone can be a good parent to toddlers at 7 a.m. if they arrived home at 2:00 a.m. drunk...

I haven't been on gopherhole for weeks because its that lull in between basketball and football season. But I knew this thread would be gold. Had to read it.

Actually, this thread has made this whole sad affair even more disgusting. Lives have been forever changed. A man with a young family is still listed in critical condition and still might die all because of stupid actions decided upon in seconds. Yet, people on here have lost sight of that as they engage in their verbal sparring, insults, stupid comments, macho poses, etc.

This isn't about stopwatch versus hand-held times or Royce White or whether some basketball player should be on scholarship. I've been guilty in bringing down the tone at times, but this has really brought out the worse in GH. It's certainly not "gold."

If Nelson got cold-cocked by this kid from behind then the Kid deserved the consequences of his actions. You cant expect to knock someone out by a blind sided cheap shot and then get away like nothing happened. This is a crappy situation to be in. Let the facts come out.

Not sure that just because you essentially shove/punch someone in the back you should be kicked in the head to within an inch of your life. But I guess that's the thug life you live, huh?

From the report:

"While he was speaking with Nelson, I.K. struck Nelson in the upper back shoulder area. S.T. described the punch as a 'non-fighting' punch."

"The force of the punch caused Nelson to move into S.T. and both Nelson and S.T. fall to the ground."

Sounds more like a push.

Actually, this thread has made this whole sad affair even more disgusting. Lives have been forever changed. A man with a young family is still listed in critical condition and still might die all because of stupid actions decided upon in seconds. Yet, people on here have lost sight of that as they engage in their verbal sparring, insults, stupid comments, macho poses, etc.

This isn't about stopwatch versus hand-held times or Royce White or whether some basketball player should be on scholarship. I've been guilty in bringing down the tone at times, but this has really brought out the worse in GH. It's certainly not "gold."

Exactly. I don't who gave all these people the right to judge and dig into the personal lives of those involved, but it is really making this thread hard to read. I keep clicking, though, for real information like if/when the 2nd suspect was arrested, and hard facts of what happened.

Are you joking? Maybe next time if and when this kid recovers he will think twice about doing something of that caliber. Maybe, people need a taste of their own medicine. I am sure you are such an upstanding citizen, if someone came and cold cocked you in front of your girlfriend or boyfriend (Have to show PC) you would shake the guys hand and call the cops on him.

I'll admit that I'm enough on the side of thinking it is a good idea to stand up to bullies and idiots that a lot of people on this board would probably criticize me in some situations for failing to walk away. I'll also admit that if, as you described, someone came and "cold cocked" me, regardless of who it was in front of, I'd likely turn and punch them in the nose. I sure as heck wouldn't be cowardly enough to go up to that person while they were laying on the ground and kick them in the head.

Philip Nelson is going to have a really tough time if he tries to use a "voluntary intoxication" defense. After a confusing line of precedent on the issue, the Minnesota Supreme Court clarified in 2012 that assault with intent to cause bodily harm is a general intent crime, which means that the state only needs to show that Nelson intended to do the physical act which caused the harm (in this case, that he intended to kick in the head), and therefore a jury instruction on voluntary intoxication would not be available to him. The case was State v. Fleck, 810 N.W.2d 303 (Minn. 2012) in case anyone wants to check my source.

Interesting. So the court gutted the mens rea element for assault-harm. Now if someone is harmed and charged with assault, the crime is essentially strict liability even though the statutory language uses transitive verbs and says "intentional infliction." SCOTUS itself is generally against strict liability used in this way. It doesn't make much sense.

The court got it wrong, probably for good intentions in order to protect domestic abuse victims, and now Phil Nelson is probably really up a creek.

Exactly this!!! Every one of my mug shots, I'm looking directly into the camera. In fact, I usually try to flop out my enormous penis or flash my multiple-comma bank book into the photo.

Well done.

As a parent of young children myself I agree in general that staying out till 2am is not a good idea. That being said I think we need to know if this was a regular thing for IK or a special occasion before passing judgement on his decision making as a father.

Why does any of this matter? You can argue all day about what a good parent should or should not be doing. The bigger issue here is that he put himself into a life-threatening position, it doesn't matter how/what/where. He WAS there regardless of whether he is a good parent or a bad parent.

Can you imagine the anxiety sitting, waiting, wondering if you will be caught. The phone rings or you hear a car pull up...they will find you eventually.

No. That's the kind of sh*t nightmares are made out of.

I did say "regular basis" IMO getting drunk 3 times in 10 years does not translate into "regular basis". You can however answer my question about how someone can be a good parent to toddlers at 7 a.m. if they arrived home at 2:00 a.m. drunk...

You sleep and let your wife deal with it and then return the favor later in the day. It's called co-parenting.

once i get up on this high horse....

im kicking you in the head.

This isn't about stopwatch versus hand-held times or Royce White or whether some basketball player should be on scholarship. I've been guilty in bringing down the tone at times, but this has really brought out the worse in GH. It's certainly not "gold."

Sad but true!

Not sure that just because you essentially shove/punch someone in the back you should be kicked in the head to within an inch of your life. But I guess that's the thug life you live, huh?QUOTE]

Thug Life? How is that thug life? I would think thug life is when you get cold cocked and then you have 15 boys jump the one guy and shank or shoot him.

I am saying his actions to touch or cold cocked Nelson started this ordeal. The kid didn't need to do that. Everyone looks at Nelson's decision and forget about the other guy. The other the guy made a choice also, Nelson reacted to that choice. It has nothing to do with Thug life, but everything to do with consequences of your actions. The guy made a choice and now he has to deal with that choice, Nelson made a choice ad now has to deal with it. Don't try and act like the other kid is an angel in this matter. take turns going out…two irresponsible parents instead of just one...

I can only imagine the excitement CoMn The Younger must be feeling as her graduation celebration approaches. Sounds like a lively group!

Guys, clearly we have a difference of opinion on whether a good patent can be out past a certain time of night. How do we want to settle the matter? Compare penises, bank accounts, grad degrees, children school/tuition?

In deference to those with smaller penses, bank accounts, and/or whose children attend lesser schools we can have the compare-a-thon on a Sat morning. On the other side, remember to tell your wife/baby momma that you'll be out celebrating until 1:00.

Thug Life? How is that thug life? I would think thug life is when you get cold cocked and then you have 15 boys jump the one guy and shank or shoot him.

I am saying his actions to touch or cold cocked Nelson started this ordeal. The kid didn't need to do that. Everyone looks at Nelson's decision and forget about the other guy. The other the guy made a choice also, Nelson reacted to that choice. It has nothing to do with Thug life, but everything to do with consequences of your actions. The guy made a choice and now he has to deal with that choice, Nelson made a choice ad now has to deal with it. Don't try and act like the other kid is an angel in this matter.

I already know what kind of toolbag you are based on your tough guy machismo and the fact that you said "or boyfriend (had to be PC)" while likely rolling your eyes at that thought but you do realize there are varying degress of action and reaction, correct? I call you a toolbag and you react by punching me in the face, most would say that you escalated that unnecessarily. Nelson getting shoved in the back and then the "shover" getting kicked in the head and now struggling for his life, most would say that Nelson escalated that unnessarily and is more at fault. Sorry you can't apparently see those stark contrasts and that fact alone makes you unstable and not someone I'd ever want to associate with.

You sleep and let your wife deal with it and then return the favor later in the day. It's called co-parenting.

Don't waste your time arguing with a member of the morality police. My experience is that they make for the worst spouse/partner/parent/etc.

I can only imagine the excitement CoMn The Younger must be feeling as her graduation celebration approaches. Sounds like a lively group!


/kills self.

If I contributed to the derailment of this thread, I apologize. I really do. I wouldn't chalk this up to the "worst of GH", I would just say there is a lot of misdirected passion. If you read my posts in this thread, I have been one of those actually pushing for more neutrality. There is a ton we don't know. Everyone is picking and choosing the facts that best make their case.

In our society, the ability to logically look at complicated social, legal, financial, etc issues has almost entirely eroded into a "black/white" thing. It's the 24/7, talking heads, arguing, yelling, highly political nature of things to want to have a "good guy" and a "bad guy". We need a white knight and a black knight. People are picking sides. This might be due to past experiences you've had (e.g. I got cold-cocked once), or just whether or not you liked Phillip Nelson when he was at MN. I have no idea.

The point I'm trying to make is like the vast majority of issues in life, there is a ton of grey area and the truth almost always lies somewhere in the middle. Both of these young men made bad decisions. Both of them have something to regret now. The consequences. Of the two suspects and one victim, I highly doubt that any of them if "morally innocent".

People need to stop trying to vindicate one and crucify the other. Let the facts shake out.

Maybe partying until 2:00 a.m. on your graduation night is okay…but my daughter is graduating this month and we are going out to dinner with another family to celebrate…including grandparents, uncles, siblings, aunts etc. There will be toasts, presents, stories etc. until probably 11 p.m. and then there will be an early breakfast before everyone flies home. Why do people think a great way to celebrate is to head down to a bar with friends….I would guess that in the most functional, successful families, graduation is a family event...

So 11:00 pm is okay. 2:00 am is bad. Can you tell us the exact time marking the difference between good and bad?

Wait, this just in. I'm hearing from someone who thinks everyone should be in and off the streets by 10:00. Maybe move your reservation up?

Thug Life? How is that thug life? I would think thug life is when you get cold cocked and then you have 15 boys jump the one guy and shank or shoot him.

I am saying his actions to touch or cold cocked Nelson started this ordeal. The kid didn't need to do that. Everyone looks at Nelson's decision and forget about the other guy. The other the guy made a choice also, Nelson reacted to that choice. It has nothing to do with Thug life, but everything to do with consequences of your actions. The guy made a choice and now he has to deal with that choice, Nelson made a choice ad now has to deal with it. Don't try and act like the other kid is an angel in this matter.

Please read my past and future posts*, then take a couple of minutes to feel embarrassed.

EDIT: *Where I have remained neutral and said about 5 times that both parties are to blame take turns going out…two irresponsible parents instead of just one...

This post is beyond offensive. You're calling me and my significant other bad parents because I think it's ok for her to have a girls night out partying while I stay home with our daughter? And she does the same for me? That makes us irresponsible? I would honestly like an answer to this from you.

Truly amazing that a snapshot in time which has left a father at the very least brain damaged and a once-promising athlete's life in tatters has come to questioning Kolstad's suitability as a parent.

What a freakin' mess and I'm not even necessarily talking about the event, which is also obviously a freakin' mess.

The courts and law enforcement will eventually sort it all out. Until then, this is all just puffing out the proverbial chest.

This post is beyond offensive. You're calling me and my significant other bad parents because I think it's ok for her to have a girls night out partying while I stay home with our daughter? And she does the same for me? That makes us irresponsible? I would honestly like an answer to this from you.

Statisically, the numbers state that you will out of yer childs life in 4.5 years. not judgin' - just sayin'.

I already know what kind of toolbag you are based on your tough guy machismo and the fact that you said "or boyfriend (had to be PC)" while likely rolling your eyes at that thought but you do realize there are varying degress of action and reaction, correct? I call you a toolbag and you react by punching me in the face, most would say that you escalated that unnecessarily. Nelson getting shoved in the back and then the "shover" getting kicked in the head and now struggling for his life, most would say that Nelson escalated that unnessarily and is more at fault. Sorry you can't apparently see those stark contrasts and that fact alone makes you unstable and not someone I'd ever want to associate with.

Lol, I see you're The Capt. of USS Dou-che Canoe in thinking it is tough guy attitude. If called me a tool bag I would laugh because it words from someone insignificant hat has no moral bearing on my life or outcome. You wouldn't associate with me because you are probably to busy in your life thinking that everything is rainbows and butterfly's and I wouldn't want someone like that who is so far from reality. Guess what, regardless how you think that insignificant push was, you don't know the history of these two. Maybe that push or cold-cock in the back of the head (We weren't there) was something more between the two. You fail to grasp the idea that every action has a reaction. Everyone will have different opinions.

The guy had every opportunity to not touch Nelson, just like Nelson had every opportunity to not kick him. I bet you're the kind of person who talks crap to someone and then runs to the police for protection when you started the whole thing. Don't tug on the tail end of a snake if your not prepared to have what's coming.

You keep thinking these great thoughts while you have double rainbow playing on repeat.

Jesus this thread has gotten out of control in so many aspects. It's like a train wreck and I can't help but refresh again, and again, and again.....

Statisically, the numbers state that you will out of yer childs life in 4.5 years. not judgin' - just sayin'.

We're you trying to make a point in English? I have no idea what you're trying to say.

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