Former Gophers QB Phillip Nelson arrested in his hometown of Mankato for assault

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This post is beyond offensive. You're calling me and my significant other bad parents because I think it's ok for her to have a girls night out partying while I stay home with our daughter? And she does the same for me? That makes us irresponsible? I would honestly like an answer to this from you.

It must be hard for CoMN to sit at his desk and type these responses with that stick so firmly up his ass. The real person I feel bad for in this thread is his daughter

Jesus this thread has gotten out of control in so many aspects. It's like a train wreck and I can't help but refresh again, and again, and again.....

Agreed. My wife and I have thought about having children so I'm hitting refresh hoping to learn the appropriate times to come home!;)

Lol, I see you're The Capt. of USS Dou-che Canoe in thinking it is tough guy attitude. If called me a tool bag I would laugh because it words from someone insignificant hat has no moral bearing on my life or outcome. You wouldn't associate with me because you are probably to busy in your life thinking that everything is rainbows and butterfly's and I wouldn't want someone like that who is so far from reality. Guess what, regardless how you think that insignificant push was, you don't know the history of these two. Maybe that push or cold-cock in the back of the head (We weren't there) was something more between the two. You fail to grasp the idea that every action has a reaction. Everyone will have different opinions.

The guy had every opportunity to not touch Nelson, just like Nelson had every opportunity to not kick him. I bet you're the kind of person who talks crap to someone and then runs to the police for protection when you started the whole thing. Don't tug on the tail end of a snake if your not prepared to have what's coming.

You keep thinking these great thoughts while you have double rainbow playing on repeat.

No, we are calling you a toolbag because you more or less said that IK deserved what he got because he may have been the provoker. Sort of the "it's a dog eat dog world" attitude. If I turned around to see my agressor unconscious, the most evil thing I may do is high five the guy who did it.

Are you joking? Maybe next time if and when this kid recovers he will think twice about doing something of that caliber. Maybe, people need a taste of their own medicine. I am sure you are such an upstanding citizen, if someone came and cold cocked you in front of your girlfriend or boyfriend (Have to show PC) you would shake the guys hand and call the cops on him.

I love that you think the reaction should be different if challenged in front of your girlfriend. As if that matters. That tells me everything I need to know about you - you are THAT GUY. The one who has said on many occasions, "I trust you honey, it is the other boys I don't trust.". I'm right, aren't I?

All I can say is wow!

The season hasn't even started and the GopherHole is already in mid-season meltdown form after a Gopher loss. Congratulations!

No one wants to hear it again (and again and again), but not much good can happen if you're out at 2 a.m., especially if testosterone, alcohol, and/or bars are involved. Sad and tragic situation for all parties involved.

Are you joking? Maybe next time if and when this kid recovers he will think twice about doing something of that caliber. Maybe, people need a taste of their own medicine. I am sure you are such an upstanding citizen, if someone came and cold cocked you in front of your girlfriend or boyfriend (Have to show PC) you would shake the guys hand and call the cops on him.

You must be deeply insecure, that's not an attempt to attack you. It's just an observation. Many people are insecure.

Why does any of this matter? You can argue all day about what a good parent should or should not be doing. The bigger issue here is that he put himself into a life-threatening position, it doesn't matter how/what/where. He WAS there regardless of whether he is a good parent or a bad parent.

Agree I just felt like jumping into the parenting pissing match for the fun of it :cool:

Exactly. I don't who gave all these people the right to judge and dig into the personal lives of those involved, but it is really making this thread hard to read. I keep clicking, though, for real information like if/when the 2nd suspect was arrested, and hard facts of what happened.

There are plenty of news outlets you can turn to if you'd like to keep abreast of current events in this case. Please don't try to pretend you're desperately searching this site for hard news - like everyone, you're interested in what people have to say.

And why the faux outrage over this discussion anyway? At this point, there's not much most of us can do. The physicians, attorneys, authorities and family members are doing the work. I, for one, have found this thread very illuminating. I agree with some posters, disagree with others, but all of the viewpoints have made me think. I would consider that the point of a free and open discussion.

So 11:00 pm is okay. 2:00 am is bad. Can you tell us the exact time marking the difference between good and bad?

Wait, this just in. I'm hearing from someone who thinks everyone should be in and off the streets by 10:00. Maybe move your reservation up?

Difference being, she's an adult now, I don't have to parent her anymore.

I love that you think the reaction should be different if challenged in front of your girlfriend. As if that matters. That tells me everything I need to know about you - you are THAT GUY. The one who has said on many occasions, "I trust you honey, it is the other boys I don't trust.". I'm right, aren't I?

Oh ok, thanks for letting me know that I am that guy. My life is ruined, my girl left me just now over your comment and I was just fired from my job.

I never said the reaction should be different whether a girl is involved or not, who cares the point is. Don't talk the talk if your cant walk the walk. Simple right?

Oh ok, thanks for letting me know that I am that guy. My life is ruined, my girl left me just now over your comment and I was just fired from my job.

I never said the reaction should be different whether a girl is involved or not, who cares the point is. Don't talk the talk if your cant walk the walk. Simple right?

And you keep doing it. We are just opening the door. You are walking through it.

Lol, I see you're The Capt. of USS Dou-che Canoe in thinking it is tough guy attitude. If called me a tool bag I would laugh because it words from someone insignificant hat has no moral bearing on my life or outcome. You wouldn't associate with me because you are probably to busy in your life thinking that everything is rainbows and butterfly's and I wouldn't want someone like that who is so far from reality. Guess what, regardless how you think that insignificant push was, you don't know the history of these two. Maybe that push or cold-cock in the back of the head (We weren't there) was something more between the two. You fail to grasp the idea that every action has a reaction. Everyone will have different opinions.

The guy had every opportunity to not touch Nelson, just like Nelson had every opportunity to not kick him. I bet you're the kind of person who talks crap to someone and then runs to the police for protection when you started the whole thing. Don't tug on the tail end of a snake if your not prepared to have what's coming.

You keep thinking these great thoughts while you have double rainbow playing on repeat.

I generally don't talk crap to people in the first place because I'm an adult and rarely find myself in situations that requires me to do so. One day, I hope, you will be too. Until then, and I'm going to talk crap now because you've earned it, go ahead and enjoy that Red Bull and Ed Hardy sale.

Let's just all agree that... no good can happen outside the confines of your bed. Stay in bed, and nothing bad will ever happen.

Oh ok, thanks for letting me know that I am that guy. My life is ruined, my girlleft me just now over your comment and I was just fired from my job.

I never said the reaction should be different whether a girl is involved or not, who cares the point is. Don't talk the talk if your cant walk the walk. Simple right?

Hahaha, who says 'my girl'?

Forgive gopherfanatic, for he is obviously under 23 years old and has no real world experience. Once he gets out of this age group, gets a job, doesn't hang out with his bros 4 nights a week, and matures a little he will understand that not everything needs to be a test over testosterone.

Forgive gopherfanatic, for he is obviously under 23 years old and has no real world experience. Once he gets out of this age group, gets a job, doesn't hang out with his bros 4 nights a week, and matures a little he will understand that not everything needs to be a test over testosterone.

But he's also successfully managed to unsuccessfully argue using nothing but macho cliches and idioms. That's quite entertaining.

Let's just all agree that... no good can happen outside the confines of your bed. Stay in bed, and nothing bad will ever happen.

Ever heard of STD's?

My take on the whole situation is that it just sucks all the air out of me. I just wanna cry. I feel devastation for all the people involved and their families.
Their lives will never be the same. It's soo sad. My prayers go out to all of them.
Blame or finding fault is the job of the court system, not ours. Everybody involved needs our support...both sides. Not our judgement about what they should or should not have done or been doing.
Yes, for others there are lessons to be learned. All the people involved need our love and support.

Let's just all agree that... no good can happen outside the confines of your bed. Stay in bed, and nothing bad will ever happen.

You ever hear about things called "Bed sores." Those can be bad.....real, real bad.

I generally don't talk crap to people in the first place because I'm an adult and rarely find myself in situations that requires me to do so. One day, I hope, you will be too. Until then, and I'm going to talk crap now because you've earned it, go ahead and enjoy that Red Bull and Ed Hardy sale.

You make me laugh. Internet tough guy you are. Someone who rarely talks crap as an adult, but will do it over the computer. That tells me everything I need to know about you. I can see you are one of the do as I say not as I do.

I think I should explain about calling this thread gold a few pages back. I didn't mean for it to seem as if I think what has happened is good. It's a terribly sad story for countless reasons that have already been discussed at length. I very much hope that the victim recovers and that justice is found. I meant that this thread is gold because in typical GH fashion, the thread has turned into an absolute **** show. Its the epitome of GH.

So back to Nelson, now it has been revealed that Nelson and his GF does in fact know the "unknown" person (as I suspected from the video of them grouped together), that probably puts Nelson in more trouble, and even his GF, if the authorities want to pursue it.

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