Badgers Offer Keelon Brookins

Still waiting on your data. While you are at it, can you please give your definition of a US economic policy maker? Also, if you could provide a single source of evidence showing that UM graduates are somehow affecting economic policy in an meaningful way, that'd be awesome. Thanks

Still waiting on your data. While you are at it, can you please give your definition of a US economic policy maker? Also, if you could provide a single source of evidence showing that UM graduates are somehow affecting economic policy in an meaningful way, that'd be awesome. Thanks

I am still waiting on your data FWIW. A list of graduate students and staff economists at the MPLS FR is not exactly what I meant haha.

Is there a reason the original subject of Keelon Brookins flipping commitment to Wisconsin got diverted into an irrelevant pissing match? Let's get back on topic, people! Has anyone heard from the only in-state Gopher commit?

Oh dear Lord. For the sake of humanity, please don't breed.

Is he referring to curriculum vitae? I didn't see any until I clicked on a non-grad student's profile (grad students make up 3/4 of the list, so I was confused).

Either way, this list means absolutely nothing.

You seriously need to go back to school or read stuffs like WSJ or NYT . Not solely the football message boards. I'm not here to explain how US economic policy works. Your knowledge on economy is extremely limited. I've encountered numerous graduates from UMN, Cal, MIT, Duke business school. But none of them need that kind of explanation. If you have time, start from Econ 101 again. Economic schools have their own doctrines, and based up where they graduated from, economists are incline to use that doctrines to formulate the long term and short term policies.
These researchers are integral part of US policy making process and if you're looking for how many UMN graduates are employed at the Fed, you're a fool. But you can have an idea who is who in policy making world by check their resume and where they graduated from. If you want to and you have time you can look up all of Fed data, check CVs, and make a list.
I don't have time to track down how many of them are UMN, Chicago, MIT or Cal graduates. I don't have time to educate you on how US economic policy works.
It is the fiduciary duty of your university to educate you, explain you and enlightened you.

Do you know any of these issues?
keynesian economics vs austrian economics, Euro crisis, monetary vs fiscal policy

How does a person who allegedly went to college (for business, nonetheless) not automatically know what the term "CV" means? Honestly.

I know what a curriculum vitae is. I didn't see any on the list he provided so I assumed he meant something else.

I know what a curriculum vitae is.

Uh-huh. Since you clearly lack basic literacy and/or reading comprehension:

"The '6 National Titles Football Forum' is the place where Gopher football fans gather to talk about the team, recruiting and the program's march back to Pasadena."

- forgive me if I don't believe your backtracking.

You seriously need to go back to school or read stuffs like WSJ or NYT . Not solely the football message boards. I'm not here to explain how US economic policy works. Your knowledge on economy is extremely limited. I've encountered numerous graduates from UMN, Cal, MIT, Duke business school. But none of them need that kind of explanation. If you have time, start from Econ 101 again. Economic schools have their own doctrines, and based up where they graduated from, economists are incline to use that doctrines to formulate the long term and short term policies.
These researchers are integral part of US policy making process and if you're looking for how many UMN graduates are employed at the Fed, you're a fool. But you can have an idea who is who in policy making world by check their resume and where they graduated from. If you want to and you have time you can look up all of Fed data, check CVs, and make a list.
I don't have time to track down how many of them are UMN, Chicago, MIT or Cal graduates. I don't have time to educate you on how US economic policy works.
It is the fiduciary duty of your university to educate you, explain you and enlightened you.
I didn't ask you to explain to me what economic policy means. I asked you to provide your own definition of a "economic policy maker" because that term applies to a wide variety of people. I also asked for a single source

Do you know any of these issues?
keynesian economics vs austrian economics, Euro crisis, monetary vs fiscal policy[/QUOTE]

I am familiar with some aspects of Keynesian economics, which is not an "issue," but a collective theory revolving around a wide variety of economic subjects.

I am familiar with the financial/debt crisis in Europe.

What is your point here?

Uh-huh. Since you clearly lack basic literacy and/or reading comprehension:

"The '6 National Titles Football Forum' is the place where Gopher football fans gather to talk about the team, recruiting and the program's march back to Pasadena."

- forgive me if I don't believe your backtracking.

You guys might want to start heading west then...

Keynesian economics, which is not an "issue,"but a collective theory revolving around a wide variety of economic subjects.

I said keynesian economics vs austrian economics issue. Please let me repeat keynesian economics vs austrian economics issue. Repeat after me " keynesian economics vs austrian economics issue"

Ok I'll rest my case because you're so far in lalaland. I should have realize that I'm talking to a person with severely limited knowledge.

Keynesian economics, which is not an "issue,"but a collective theory revolving around a wide variety of economic subjects.

I said keynesian economics vs austrian economics issue. Please let me repeat keynesian economics vs austrian economics issue. Repeat after me " keynesian economics vs austrian economics issue"

Ok I'll rest my case because you're so far in lalaland. I should have realize that I'm talking to a person with severely limited knowledge.

I am not familiar with that issue. Can you explain how knowledge of this issue has anything to do with any of the subjects at hand: UM economic graduate program graduates affecting economic policy in a meaningful way, why economic graduation programs actually matter, overall school rankings, Keelon Brookins, Jerry Kill pulling scholllys, dpodoll needing to get off of my dick, Bret Beilema and the gentlemen's agreement. Any of those will do.

Just so we are clear how we arrived here:
dpodoll makes fun of UW academics => I show evidence stating UW>UM overall academically => Prado talks about graduate economics program rankings (which apply to .001% of the population at most) => I ask for evidence and an explanation as to the relevance => Prado begins talking about specific economic issues that have nothing to do with school rankings, and provides a list of Minneapolis federal reserve bank researchers as evidence => I wonder WTF his point is...

this is what happens when a person leaves his/her beloved home state to matriculate and then comes back to birth state to live. they find themselves tilting at windmills.

blah blah blah Badger fan propositioning Gopher fan for gay sex blah blah blah

You forgot the point at the beginning of your flow chart, which would be "Badger2010 continues to post here despite the facts that he is unwelcome here, makes no contributions whatsoever, is not wanted by anyone here, and is not even a Gopher fan".

Is there a reason the original subject of Keelon Brookins flipping commitment to Wisconsin got diverted into an irrelevant pissing match? Let's get back on topic, people! Has anyone heard from the only in-state Gopher commit?

Awesome......another "winner" made it over here. Seriously, why can't you fuc&ers stay away?

You forgot the point at the beginning of your flow chart, which would be "Badger2010 continues to post here despite the facts that he is unwelcome here
Public forum

Makes no contributions whatsoever
I started this thread and provided good information on a Gopher commit

is not wanted by anyone here
I was thanked by at least one poster for at the beginning of this thread. I also was thanked by Selection Sunday for providing information on Taco Charleton a few days ago. Those are the last two threads I've posted in. Your statement is invalid.

is not even a Gopher fan".
Never claimed I was.

The moment you said
Keynesian economics, which is not an "issue,"but a collective theory revolving around a wide variety of economic subjects.
I realize that you’re a complete tool. Especially for a person with business degree.

The moment you said
Keynesian economics, which is not an "issue,"but a collective theory revolving around a wide variety of economic subjects.
I realize that you’re a complete tool. Especially for a person with business degree.


Completely incapable of defending any of his points, begins name calling. Top notch.:clap::clap:

I beg your forgiveness, for you are a graduate of the University of Minnesota; a school that is academically inferior to to the University of Wisconsin according to virtually every reputable source.

The moment i tried to prove that your statement is incorrect. You started immature things such as show me the data, the ranking and the policy making worlds are not related, where is the CV, I cannot see. CV, who are the policy makers. You just can't accept the fact that UW is inferior to UMN in policy making world. It is just sad to see you in that type of situation. You're asking these things but you know even know basic economic facts. Before you ask that type of question, please try to familiar yourself with the subject. When was the last time you pick The Economist? The name could be very misleading. It is more than economy. The magazine is very important to those who are in finance, business, and bonds market.
According to your statement, UW is such a great school, and yet they fail to educate a business student on how basic economic function works and how policy making process works.

It is time!

I don't know what you guys are feeding this guy below but even by having him on my ignore list still requires way too much time to scroll down all the ignore notices. It is time for the monitors to ban this Wisconsin troll now!


This user is on your Ignore List.

I beg your forgiveness, for you are a graduate of the University of Minnesota; a school that is academically inferior to to the University of Wisconsin according to virtually every reputable source.

The moment i tried to prove that your statement is incorrect. You started immature things such as show me the data, the ranking and the policy making worlds are not related, where is the CV, I cannot see. CV, who are the policy makers. You just can't accept the fact that UW is inferior to UMN in policy making world. It is just sad to see you in that type of situation. You're asking these things but you know even know basic economic facts. Before you ask that type of question, please try to familiar yourself with the subject. When was the last time you pick The Economist? The name could be very misleading. It is more than economy. The magazine is very important to those who are in finance, business, and bonds market.
According to your statement, UW is such a great school, and yet they fail to educate a business student on how basic economic function works and how policy making process works.

As I pointed out before, one specific program is not a good measure of overall academics.

I am asking for basic evidence that UM>UW in terms of policy makers.

What I know about economics is not relevant to the discussion.

You are utterly incapable of articulating even the most basic thoughts. You continue to talk about my knowledge level of economics, a subject I admittedly know very little about and have not studied since freshman year of college (5 years ago), as if it is some sort of barometer for overall UW academics. Your ability to make coherent, logic-based conclusions is lacking to the point that I wonder if you are actually a high school graduate.

At least I'm smart enough to stay on my own team's board and not pollute the boards of other teams with my nonsense and idiocy.

And for that I am thankful. I have developed a heightened appreciation for your nonsense and idiocy. Please, don't ever stop.

Go to NYC, Philly or Asia and try to communicate with people who're in charge of economic policy. You will figure out what I mean. If you’re thinking the ranking of Econ Depts. Or Schools are not related to the US econ policy making, you’re kidding yourself. U Chicago and U Mn gradates thoroughly dominate the economy policy making world. The rank and file positions at the Federal Reserve are usually occupied by graduates from UMN, UChicago, Harvard, MIT cand Cal. Not UW graduates. Hope you can see the correlation.

As I pointed out before, one specific program is not a good measure of overall academics.

I am asking for basic evidence that UM>UW in terms of policy makers.

the University of Minnesota; a school that is academically inferior to to the University of Wisconsin according to virtually every reputable source. hahahahaha I'm laughing too hard again! You're such a petite entertainer.
Here is a reminder for you and it is just one resource. Let me repeat if you have reading comprehension issue. JUST ONE RESOURCE. If you still want to know law school ranking as well.
Here it is. Enjoy
Now, I'm making argument based on one program. I can come up with more if you want me to.
What I know about economics is not relevant to the discussion.

You are utterly incapable of articulating even the most basic thoughts. You continue to talk about my knowledge level of economics, a subject I admittedly know very little about and have not studied since freshman year of college (5 years ago), as if it is some sort of barometer for overall UW academics. Your ability to make coherent, logic-based conclusions is lacking to the point that I wonder if you are actually a high school graduate.

What I’m telling you about economic issues are not PhD level education. They are just very basic stuffs. The truth of the matter is your esteemed university didn’t prepare you for meaningful conversations which require basic econ/business knowledge.
I’m not sure about my high school diploma, but I’m on my way to get master degree. I’m pretty sure that your English is not a high school graduate level as well. By the way, I’m not a native speaker. So, it makes me chuckle to see a native speaker stumble on his own language. I do hope your second language is as good as mine.
Your university will also be judge by the behavior of its students and alumni. It is not THE barometer but it is one of the measuring tools for me. It is also one of the measuring tools for sophisticated world.

What I’m telling you about economic issues are not PhD level education. They are just very basic stuffs. The truth of the matter is your esteem university didn’t prepare you for meaningful conversations which require basic econ/business knowledge.
I’m not sure about my high school diploma, but I’m on my way to get master degree. I’m pretty sure that your English is not a high school graduate level as well. By the way, I’m not a native speaker. So, it makes me chuckle to see a native speaker stumble on his own language. I do hope your second language is as good as mine.
Your university will also be judge by the behavior of its students and alumni. It is not THE barometer but it is one of the measuring tools for me. It is also one of the measuring tools for sophisticated world.

You haven't said anything about any issue, you've merely just stated that the issues exist. You, sir, are incapable of forming a coherent thought. All you do is spew of meaningless and baseless bullsh*t. I have not seen a single fact in any of your posts since your pointed out the US News rankings. Nothing. Absolutely nothing of basis.

Oh! Look who is angry now. Cute little Badger. Your English is OK for another degree at UW.

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