Badgers Offer Keelon Brookins

Oh! Look who is angry now. Cute little Badger. Your English is OK for another degree at UW.

Haha what? My English? Good lord, you have to be joking. Deflect, deflect, deflect. You can't provide anything of substance anyway, because you are completely FOS. Sad. I feel bad for you.

You appear to be contradicting yourself:

I show evidence stating UW>UM overall academically a ranking where 15% of the score is peer assessment survey, and 7.5% of the score is attributed to high school counselor ratings. Also chip in 5% of the score to alumni giving.

There are so many holes in the US News rankings that few serious people put too much credence into it.

I don't know if you meant this seriously, but you could not be more correct.

Nothing. Absolutely nothing of basis.
Oh! Really? You surely seems to have reading comprehension issue. UMn has pretty good ESL program. Do you want to enroll?

Umm ha your English. Do you remember the opinion/opinari argument? I remember very well, because of your stellar English. Woops! My bad!

Nothing. Absolutely nothing of basis.
Oh! Really? You surely seems to have reading comprehension issue. UMn has pretty good ESL program. Do you want to enroll?

I've been trolled I think...damn. Well played.

Please take this stupid and ridiculous argument elsewhere. And DON'T respond by saying that the other person started it or some stupid crap like that. Just stop.

Please take this stupid and ridiculous argument elsewhere. And DON'T respond by saying that the other person started it or some stupid crap like that. Just stop.

There's an easy way to stop the argument. Get rid of the idiot Badger troll who can't see that he doesn't belong here and won't get rid of himself. I don't know why the moderators let nonsense like this continue on as long as it does. He's not here to do anything but puff his chest and attempt to make himself superior vicariously.

I feel sorry for you as you are totally unprepared for intellectual world. You're not here for any substance anyway. Why bother? You're here to troll. So, keep doing what you're good at.


We should keep him because he is an amusing badger. His intellectual superiority is questionable at best.

I feel sorry for you as you are totally unprepared for intellectual world. You're not here for any substance anyway. Why bother? You're here to troll. So, keep doing what you're good at.

Yep, definitely got trolled. Sh*t. Very well played, sir.

There's an easy way to stop the argument. Get rid of the idiot Badger troll who can't see that he doesn't belong here and won't get rid of himself. I don't know why the moderators let nonsense like this continue on as long as it does. He's not here to do anything but puff his chest and attempt to make himself superior vicariously.

Hypocritical post is hypocritical.

Hypocritical post is hypocritical.

How is it hypocritical? I'm attempting to make myself superior vicariously through the Gophers? Why would anyone choose a decades-mediocre-to-poor team to trumpet for their surrogate success?

Then again, you trumpet a never-has-been, never-will-be team for your surrogate success, so I guess I sort of answered my own question.

How is it hypocritical? I'm attempting to make myself superior vicariously through the Gophers? Why would anyone choose a decades-mediocre-to-poor team to trumpet for their surrogate success?

Then again, you trumpet a never-has-been, never-will-be team for your surrogate success, so I guess I sort of answered my own question.

It's hypocritical because you were the one who started the UW vs. UM pissing match. Before you entered the conversation, this thread was completely civil. I have never come here to start any arguments, but if someone like you starts giving me sh*t, I don't think it's unreasonable for me to respond similarly.

Do you understand? And please don't use the whole "this is a Gopher forum" bit. I understand that this is a Gopher forum, and I do not care. You Gopher fanhood does not give you a free pass to be a dick and admonish those who retaliate.


There's an easy way to stop the argument. Get rid of the idiot Badger troll who can't see that he doesn't belong here and won't get rid of himself. I don't know why the moderators let nonsense like this continue on as long as it does. He's not here to do anything but puff his chest and attempt to make himself superior vicariously.

It is time for you to do your job. This Badger troll has made it impossible to have a conversation here. Read my typing:

Ban Badger2010

But Bielema, what about that Big Ten "gentleman's agreement"?!

There is no gentleman's agreement. That was D'Antonio's quote. Bielema wasn't mad about OSU trying to flip a recruit. He was mad about how they did it - with illegal contact from coaches and alumni during either a quiet or dead period. Multiple people just 'happened' to 'bump into' the recruit, at a time when no contact was allowed.

They did the same thing with another OL recruit, but couldn't flip him. He admitted he was contacted during a period where contact wasn't allowed.

Do you understand?And please don't use the whole "this is a Gopher forum" bit. I understand that this is a Gopher forum, and I do not care. You Gopher fanhood does not give you a free pass to be a dick and admonish those who retaliate.

Ban Badger2010
Is it democratic way to do it? I may not like his shallowness and pretentiousness but I won't support that.

Do you understand? And please don't use the whole "this is a Gopher forum" bit. I understand that this is a Gopher forum, and I do not care. You Gopher fanhood does not give you a free pass to be a dick and admonish those who retaliate.

Actually, on a Gopher forum by Gopher fans and for Gopher fans, it does give me that free pass. Do you understand? You are not a Gopher fan. You are not welcome here. You don't belong here. The overwhelming majority want you to leave. Just because the moderators refuse to make you leave does not mean these are not all facts. They are. Leave. Don't come back.

Actually, on a Gopher forum by Gopher fans and for Gopher fans, it does give me that free pass. Do you understand? You are not a Gopher fan. You are not welcome here. You don't belong here. The overwhelming majority want you to leave. Just because the moderators refuse to make you leave does not mean these are not all facts. They are. Leave. Don't come back.

No. Never. Deal with it.

What an entitled attitude! I'm all for democratic ways and means. However, there are things you need to recognize. This is a public forum. True. But it is intended for gopher fans. You may express your thoughts, ideas, and opinions. But it is not a platform to promote your arrogance. I believe those who created this forum neither intended to cater your whims nor will allow you behave as you wish. The origin of forum is foris which literally means out of doors. I think you're pretty close to be out of door. And it will not be fun to get kicked out.

I don't think there has been too much trolling going on here... trolling is spewing obviously pointless mean-spirited jabs about the opposite team. These are legit discussion about recruiting/academics. The discussion here seems to be pretty civil. Or back-and-forth at the very least. Besides... what's so bad about visiting fans? I love hearing from visiting fans from other sites (trolls or not) and I love having visiting fans in Camp Randall. The more the merrier. For gosh sakes there were 20,000 Nebraska fans in the stadium last fall and it was an awesome time! Loosen up on the visitor hate/phobia.

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