Badgers Offer Keelon Brookins

Killjoy said:
I am not sure if there is as much dishonestly going on as you think. The truth is probably closer to the statements I heard from kids that they have been told that if such and such guy doesn't commit then the scholarships is his. The biggest problem in this area is probably with SEC where they do "over book" on a regular basis. That probably because it is extremely difficult to know exactly how many kids will actually sign on National Signing Day. Maybe an early signing date isn't such a bad idea.

So do you honestly believe that Kill doesn't pull offers and that he is upfront with all offered players where they stand as far as being plan A or B guys?

I have no problem pulling offers or slow playing recruits, just like I have no issues with players backing out of commitments, it goes both ways. Sure it stinks as a fan but both sides do it. The poster I responded to clearly does however as he wouldn't even consider that Kill could possibly do this.

JG, you're talking about a very small percentage. There is a difference in a bold face lie and a given word. How many of Coach Kill's class last year changed commitments?
( McDonald left and came back) I believe we had two that switched to Minnesota. My son went to Moorhead State. When he pulled the trigger I sat down with him and made sure there were no other skeletons in the closet that would make him change his mind. So call me old school...

Ruppert, there have been plenty of Gophers who previously "committed" somewhere else and ended up at the U. Michael Carter is another that comes to mind. I believe in commitment, but the word should have no place in the lexicon of college football recruiting. "Probably" or "maybe" would be better ways to describe it, I don't know who came up with the term. No one is truly "committed" until they sign in February. And even then players transfer...

Ruppert, there have been plenty of Gophers who previously "committed" somewhere else and ended up at the U. Michael Carter is another that comes to mind. I believe in commitment, but the word should have no place in the lexicon of college football recruiting. "Probably" or "maybe" would be better ways to describe it, I don't know who came up with the term. No one is truly "committed" until they sign in February. And even then players transfer...

Andre McDonald
Foster Bush
Marcus Jones
Keanon Cooper
Michael Carter
John Rabe

I agree with that.

Why is it so ridiculous to have a debate about college football recruiting? It is apt for the thread being that it's based on the fear that Brookins de-commits and commits elsewhere and the debate has been pretty respectful both ways. I can't understand how that would be so ridiculous. Different people find different things to be interesting and worthy of discussion. I don't personally find your posting of recruits twitter info to be interesting, but I'm sure some people probably do. Just like you don't seem to find this sub-convo interesting, you'd think on something like an internet message board you'd just not comment.

Bob_Loblaw said:
#2: It's not just Rivals. It's rivals, scout, ESPN, gopherhole, the kids themself with interviews through Gopherhole, FBT. . .every possible outlet that talks Gopher football knew those kids had offers at one point. It wasn't rivals rumors. . .

#3: He didn't honor all of Brew's commitments and he also didn't have enough time to put together a full class.

Sam Rohr, unless you think Sam Rohr really wanted to go to UNI instead of the U.

#4: You just have to look at when the kids accepted the offers. Timms was a late signing and plays the same position as Twitty, it could be him. Duke or Ben Lauer got late scholarships. As far as Sam Rohr, it's pretty obvious that was Drew Goodger, a TE that was signed and then miraculously Sam Rohr another TE ended up at Northern Iowa.

That's exactly my point. Why would they have pulled a scholarship from Twitty and Rohr and then get Timms right before signing day and give Duke and Lauer scholarships for this year? They obviously didn't just pull them because they had a bigger fish, there was probably something else going on that we don't know about.

What was the name of the RB coach that left here to be the RB coach at Wisconsin?

I think this has been a very good topic to voice one's opinion on. If you don't like the theme or comments on the subject it seems rather childish to fire off a one word shot of: " ridiculous ". Just
leave it alone.

JG, you're talking about a very small percentage. There is a difference in a bold face lie and a given word. How many of Coach Kill's class last year changed commitments?
( McDonald left and came back) I believe we had two that switched to Minnesota. My son went to Moorhead State. When he pulled the trigger I sat down with him and made sure there were no other skeletons in the closet that would make him change his mind. So call me old school...

But what if at the time you sat down with your son, there were no other skeletons, but then, suddenly, he gets a scholarship to go to a bigger, more prestigious institution that would probably be better for his career? You would not allow him the freedom to analyze the change in dynamics and make a fresh decision based on the latest data? It just doesn't seem fair to make him stick to his prior decision because he didn't "have all the facts" so to speak. Of course he could just wait until the day before he has to go to a school before even making any kind of decision or something, but sometimes you just want to ease your mind and have a plan.

Keelon basically said he's planning to go to the U, but he's not closing the door. Now if the recruiting sites wanna run with that and turn him into a "commitment", then okay, so be it. I don't consider him a full commit really, and I'm sure Kill doesn't either, but since the recruiting sites have to put labels on stuff, then it doesn't hurt to have a quality caliber player sitting there on the list of Minnesota commits for others to see. It doesn't really change anything though, whether he's there or not. All it means is Minnesota has an edge on getting him on to campus, which is what's important.

My guess is in the end, he sticks it out. But I'm not gonna rail the kid for keeping his options open, nor do I think it's a reflection of "bad morals" LOL.

That's exactly my point. Why would they have pulled a scholarship from Twitty and Rohr and then get Timms right before signing day and give Duke and Lauer scholarships for this year? They obviously didn't just pull them because they had a bigger fish, there was probably something else going on that we don't know about.

I'm not blaming Kill for doing this, I don't even think it's dirty, I think it's part of the whole process, but to me, it's pretty evident that guys like Twitty, Rohr, and Ballesteros got their offers pulled based on performance. They all qualified academically and had underwhelming senior seasons athletically.

Coincidentally, they were all guys who didn't camp with Kill either.

I don't think it was so much of a matter of us having some blue chip in the fold to take their scholarship as much as it is that our staff changed their opinions of these kids as football players.

These are just recent examples for 1 school. It seems to always happen that there are these players who are academically eligible, who don't have breakout senior seasons, and end up going to mac-level schools after having been commits to BCS programs.

Neither one of us can really prove what sent these kids out the door, but I've never seen a kid commit to MN get his offer pulled and end up at Miss St., West Virginia, or or any other BCS school. I'd think if it was a grades situation, something specific with the U or the Big 10, this wouldn't be so unheard of. Why are these athletes always going to non-BCS conference schools? To me, it's pretty evident that it's because they are non-bcs athletes.

I think this has been a very good topic to voice one's opinion on. If you don't like the theme or comments on the subject it seems rather childish to fire off a one word shot of: " ridiculous ". Just
leave it alone.


I agree with you ruppert. We are on completely different sides of this debate, but I think it's been a good and interesting back and forth about Gopher/college football.

Will Dr. Don be filing for unemployment?


I agree with you ruppert. We are on completely different sides of this debate, but I think it's been a good and interesting back and forth about Gopher/college football.

It is called a discussion or a dialogue as opposed to a pissing match. Does this mean that Dr. Don will need to be filing for unemployment benefits?

Think so. With the magnitude Brookins was spewing how great it was to be a Gopher ( There's no place like home) and if he indeed does a 360, there is a crack in adhering to core values. You my good man might think it is old school, but in fact it has become a eye sore with today's youth. Giving your word has become pass'e.

ruppert - don't agree with you at all on this but I do understand your point of view. just seems that a kid making probably the biggest decision of their life wavering or changing their mind has nothing to do with the values instilled on them by their parents.

Who's kidding whom here?

This thread would have died long ago had a butthurt red weasel not chimed in about how Kyle Dodson snubbed whiskey for tOSU.

Sorry for you loss, becky.

Who's kidding whom here?

This thread would have died long ago had a butthurt red weasel not chimed in about how Kyle Dodson snubbed whiskey for tOSU.

Sorry for you loss, becky.

I'm pretty sure I'm the only Badger fan ITT, and I don't think any rational person would consider my actions to be "butt hurt" in anyway.

Update on Keelon: he will be making a "decision" in the next few days according to some premium sites. One of the BadgerBlitz mods seems to believe he will be flipping soon, and the 247 mod seems to think there is a good chance as well.

Not saying he will, and I'm not trying to flame, I'm just passing along the information I've heard.

"Brethren" is a term used in reference to a group of people. You are speaking to one person. Then again, I wouldn't expect a Madison graduate to understand the difference between singular and plural.

Woah, I just got owned. I clearly picked the wrong, "You Mad Bro?" gif.

I beg your forgiveness, for you are a graduate of the University of Minnesota; a school that is academically inferior to to the University of Wisconsin according to virtually every reputable source.

Check out the rankings table on the right...–Madison#Rankings

Mad? Are you really that clueless?

I was illustrating how easy it is to get under your skin, and you come running to post.

Typical Edina snot-nosed kid.


Anyone else find it funny that the poster talking about getting under another poster's skin is the one resorting to name-calling?

By the way, did your girl get banged out by an Edina graduate or something?

I beg your forgiveness, for you are a graduate of the University of Minnesota; a school that is academically inferior to to the University of Wisconsin according to virtually every reputable source.

At least I'm smart enough to stay on my own team's board and not pollute the boards of other teams with my nonsense and idiocy.

By the way, did your girl get banged out by an Edina graduate or something?

Nope. I've lived in Edina much longer than you've been alive.

You're the type of D-Bag that gives that town a bad name.

At least I'm smart enough to stay on my own team's board and not pollute the boards of other teams with my nonsense and idiocy.

I came here to provide an update on Keelon Brookins (I started this thread), a Gopher commit, hence the relevance. I was thanked by a poster for the update and there was a very civil discussion that followed. You were the one who made it personal with your idiotic remark about Badgers graduates. It would be great if you could get off my dick and just be civil, or not post towards me at all, but I'm not holding my breath. You seem to live for only two purposes: to argue with Badger fans and to correct people.

Nope. I've lived in Edina much longer than you've been alive.

You're the type of D-Bag that gives that town a bad name.

An honor student who lettered in community service four times and who paid for his college? I thought Edina had a reputation for producing selfish, spoiled kids that have been spoon-fed everything they've ever had in life.

An honor student who lettered in community service four times and who paid for his college? I thought Edina had a reputation for producing selfish, spoiled kids that have been spoon-fed everything they've ever had in life.

And you present yourself here as the latter.

It would be great if you could get off my dick and just be civil, or not post towards me at all, but I'm not holding my breath.

It would be great if you could leave here and never post again, or just dive facefirst into a pitchfork, but I'm not holding my breath.

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