Badgers Offer Keelon Brookins

Actually, on a Gopher forum by Gopher fans and for Gopher fans, it does give me that free pass. Do you understand? You are not a Gopher fan. You are not welcome here. You don't belong here. The overwhelming majority want you to leave. Just because the moderators refuse to make you leave does not mean these are not all facts. They are. Leave. Don't come back.

do you understand how trolling works?

don't act like you speak for everyone on this bard. i like when badger fans post on here. in fact, if you want a provincial, minnesota only board, go to GI where you will be happily segregated behind a pay wall without ever needing to even imagine that another team might exist outside of our grand ol' gophers.

my dream is for the day that badger fans come to this board and flame because they're pissed at not having laid a hand on the axe for a generation. they will be right at home with the iowa trolls, osu trolls and nebraska trolls. until then, i am happy that even with the gophers being one of the worst football team in the nation, we still have insecure badger fans flaming on this site. but you know what, i'm gona do what i do with every other troll (with the exception of you, who i have a hard time ignoring) and ignore them. without you getting all insecure with the badger troll, this thread would not be at ten pages.

do you understand how trolling works?

don't act like you speak for everyone on this bard. i like when badger fans post on here. in fact, if you want a provincial, minnesota only board, go to GI where you will be happily segregated behind a pay wall without ever needing to even imagine that another team might exist outside of our grand ol' gophers.

my dream is for the day that badger fans come to this board and flame because they're pissed at not having laid a hand on the axe for a generation. they will be right at home with the iowa trolls, osu trolls and nebraska trolls. until then, i am happy that even with the gophers being one of the worst football team in the nation, we still have insecure badger fans flaming on this site. but you know what, i'm gona do what i do with every other troll (with the exception of you, who i have a hard time ignoring) and ignore them. without you getting all insecure with the badger troll, this thread would not be at ten pages.

Rational, mature Gopherhole posters... They DO exist! Very respectful and very well said, 1899.

Just to add my 2 cents into the academic debate, in my major (biomedical engineering), UW is ranked higher and is admittedly a better program than the U. But I still wouldn't even think about going there, because, quite simply, nobody in the industry gives two $41ts about UW. I have family friends whose kids have gone there and internships in the medical device industry are rare and hard to come by, maybe a couple a year for UW students. Meanwhile at the U, I can count on one hand the number of people I know who tried to get an internship and didn't. There are 7 U of M people at the company I am interning at this summer in my department alone, tied for the most interns with Georgia Tech. The parents of the person at UW sounded absolutely shocked when I said that, but it was pretty normal for around here cause industry trusts our school to put out quality students.

So rankings don't mean anything if no company cares about you.

Think so. With the magnitude Brookins was spewing how great it was to be a Gopher ( There's no place like home) and if he indeed does a 360, there is a crack in adhering to core values. You my good man might think it is old school, but in fact it has become a eye sore with today's youth. Giving your word has become pass'e.

Pretty funny to listen to some old divorced scr@w who fancies/fantasizes in every other thread he posts in about being some kind of elite c@cksmen, ripping on a teenager--he knows nothing about and has never met--about the teen's "core values."

And while Brookins would be a big loss, the staff really needs to turn Rucker around. Many sources out their are calling him underrated at 5.7 on Rivals scale and only the elite of the HS elite get selected for this squad:

To lose both of these guys would flat out suck, but Rucker has the raw skill set to play on Sundays if he can pack on some muscle.

Just to add my 2 cents into the academic debate, in my major (biomedical engineering), UW is ranked higher and is admittedly a better program than the U. But I still wouldn't even think about going there, because, quite simply, nobody in the industry gives two $41ts about UW. I have family friends whose kids have gone there and internships in the medical device industry are rare and hard to come by, maybe a couple a year for UW students. Meanwhile at the U, I can count on one hand the number of people I know who tried to get an internship and didn't. There are 7 U of M people at the company I am interning at this summer in my department alone, tied for the most interns with Georgia Tech. The parents of the person at UW sounded absolutely shocked when I said that, but it was pretty normal for around here cause industry trusts our school to put out quality students.

So rankings don't mean anything if no company cares about you.

I've never been one to buy into the whole academic superiority idea. "Our school is better than your school - US News and World Reports says so."

You can get a great education anywhere. Like most everything in life, the quality of an education is greatly affected by what you put into it.

If I'm hiring someone, I'm paying closer attention to a person's class rank than I am where he/she went to school.

I've never been one to buy into the whole academic superiority idea. "Our school is better than your school - US News and World Reports says so."

You can get a great education anywhere. Like most everything in life, the quality of an education is greatly affected by what you put into it.

If I'm hiring someone, I'm paying closer attention to a person's class rank than I am where he/she went to school.

And that's all well and good, but not the reality of the situation for companies. The truth is they have limited resources and can actively recruit only so many schools. For instance, I was at a talk given by one of Medtronic's recruiters (not the company I'm interning for, BTW) and they said they actively recruit 7 schools nationwide. The only 3 that I remember were the U, Georgia Tech, Johns Hopkins, and Cal Poly. Don't remember the last 3, but I do remember that it was not UW. You certainly can get jobs without going to these 7 schools, but it is a much easier task to get your foot in the door when the company recruits your school. Especially now, where most applications are done online and there is computer-automated weeding of applicants, getting that face to face contact with the recruiters is beyond crucial.

I'm not basing it off of check marks on a rivals page, I am basing it off of following college football recruiting for years. There always seems to be a group of players who have offers and accept offers throughout the process and then at the last minute, they no longer have an offer and end up at a mid major. There is no way of knowing exactly what the circumstances surrounded those kids departures, but they always end up at mid-majors. I'm talking about kids who are academically eligible to play football in the NCAA, who had Big 10 offers (U) at one point and ended up going to MAC or Sun Belt schools.

As far as knowing the ins and outs of the entire deal that went along with the offer, no one will ever know. No coach would be honest about pulling an offer because a better one came along and they can't even talk about any of these kids until after signing day.

It's simply deductive reasoning and following college football recruiting, it happens and it happens every year.

As far as being up front with the kids, I don't know, he probably is upfront with the kids who get offers.

Keelon Brookins was also honest about his intentions. He told Gopherhole last week in an interview "I'll keep my options open". The U also knew he was attending the Badgers camp.

My entire point is that it's part of the recruiting process. The kids who de-commit aren't villians and coaches who "pull" offers aren't villians. It's really part of the whole process. The verbage of a "commitment" is misleading, especially when the athletes make it obvious that they are "keeping their options open".

You seem awfully worked up over speculation. Just like you say, who knows? Why are you so worried about it? Seems counter to what you are preaching.

I don't think there has been too much trolling going on here... trolling is spewing obviously pointless mean-spirited jabs about the opposite team. These are legit discussion about recruiting/academics. The discussion here seems to be pretty civil. Or back-and-forth at the very least. Besides... what's so bad about visiting fans? I love hearing from visiting fans from other sites (trolls or not) and I love having visiting fans in Camp Randall. The more the merrier. For gosh sakes there were 20,000 Nebraska fans in the stadium last fall and it was an awesome time! Loosen up on the visitor hate/phobia.

We don't have anything against visiting fans as a whole. There are a small handful of Purdue fans and an Ohio State fan on the basketball board, there is in fact a Wisconsin fan on the basketball board who posts frequently and offers insight on recruiting and his contributions to the board are appreciated by many Gopher fans. There are one or two Michigan State and Nebraska who post sparingly. On ESPN boards there are some Indiana fans who offer civil discussion and are modest despite their team's impending dominance of Big Ten basketball. Badger fans and Pantherhawk, and probably a couple Iowa fans before we beat them in 2010 and 2011 in football, are pretty much the only ones who get the "Get the hell off our board" treatment. I think the rivalry between our two schools leads to a greater quantity of pissing contests between us and Wisconsin than we have with pretty much the rest of the Big Ten teams combined. The thread started out nicely enough with a Badger fan giving us some information about one of our own recruits. Unfortunately it seems some posters here will pick a fight with Badger fans even said Badgers are behaving themselves and simply offering a different perspective. Badger 2010 usually doesn't start anything, he just posts something that is usually relevant to both us and the Badgers and gets flamed for it, and then he dishes it back, and we get threads like this. There are Badger fans who do come just to troll and thump their chests though, which is annoying to everyone.

I guess if you Badger fans want to lessen the amount of hate you get, just don't give people crap even if they give it to you first. It doesn't seem entirely fair, but you may just have to accept the fact that some posters just don't want you here regardless of how civil you are.

I've never been one to buy into the whole academic superiority idea. "Our school is better than your school - US News and World Reports says so."

You can get a great education anywhere. Like most everything in life, the quality of an education is greatly affected by what you put into it.

If I'm hiring someone, I'm paying closer attention to a person's class rank than I am where he/she went to school.

Couldn't have said it better. The fact is, UM and UW are both good academic institutions. Why argue over it?

There is no gentleman's agreement. That was D'Antonio's quote. Bielema wasn't mad about OSU trying to flip a recruit. He was mad about how they did it - with illegal contact from coaches and alumni during either a quiet or dead period. Multiple people just 'happened' to 'bump into' the recruit, at a time when no contact was allowed.

They did the same thing with another OL recruit, but couldn't flip him. He admitted he was contacted during a period where contact wasn't allowed.

Bret was obviously pissed at wat he called the illegal recruiting AND Urban not following the perceived gentleman's agreement. Something that he doesn't follow.

One issue Bielema would talk about—and it’s perfectly legal under current NCAA rules—is Meyer’s recruitment of players who already had given verbal commitments to other Big Ten schools. It has been a longstanding “gentlemen’s agreement” in the league that coaches wouldn’t recruit players who had publicly given commitments to schools.

And while Brookins would be a big loss, the staff really needs to turn Rucker around. Many sources out their are calling him underrated at 5.7 on Rivals scale and only the elite of the HS elite get selected for this squad:

To lose both of these guys would flat out suck, but Rucker has the raw skill set to play on Sundays if he can pack on some muscle.
There is a guy commited to Akron on that list don't say that.

Couldn't have said it better. The fact is, UM and UW are both good academic institutions. Why argue over it?

Very true. The University of Minnesota is a great academic institution, and I will be proud to earn a degree from The Carlson School of Management in the future. It is absolutely one of the finest business schools in the Big Ten, and the United States.

Buckyville is not a good academic institution. It's beer drinking school.

Very true. The University of Minnesota is a great academic institution, and I will be proud to earn a degree from The Carlson School of Management in the future. It is absolutely one of the finest business schools in the Big Ten, and the United States.

Please don’t. CSM has enough do**hes to annoy students from other colleges & schools. We don’t need another one.

I've never been one to buy into the whole academic superiority idea. "Our school is better than your school - US News and World Reports says so."

You can get a great education anywhere. Like most everything in life, the quality of an education is greatly affected by what you put into it.

If I'm hiring someone, I'm paying closer attention to a person's class rank than I am where he/she went to school.

Whenever someone brings up "U.S. News and World Report" as a source that might legitimately suggest an institution should be held in high regard they must be punched in the face, instantly. There is not another option.

This is similar to contending that McDonald's serves the finest American cuisine because they sell the most and it is the cheapest. It is not just simply wrong. The person who belives it is stupid, and probably too mentally feeble and incorrigible to ever see the error in their reasoning.

Simply put, USN&WR is not a serious ranking system at all and is designed for entertainment purposes. Their criteria has nothing to do with rigor, quality or fostering an evironment for innovation in one's discipline. Their rankings are roundly scoffed at by academics, and cause administrators to roll their eyes. Much of the criterea actually has an inverse relationship to actual, demonstrable measures of academic rigor.

It is as annoying as someone constantly citing what they read in Sun as a way of lending credability to their position.

AV Gopher said:
Bret was obviously pissed at wat he called the illegal recruiting AND Urban not following the perceived gentleman's agreement. Something that he doesn't follow.

One issue Bielema would talk about—and it’s perfectly legal under current NCAA rules—is Meyer’s recruitment of players who already had given verbal commitments to other Big Ten schools. It has been a longstanding “gentlemen’s agreement” in the league that coaches wouldn’t recruit players who had publicly given commitments to schools.

He did not talk about any Genttleman's agreement. This is an old story when the press was still speculating on what he was complaining about. BB NEVER complained about the recruiting of committed players. He complained about the illegal recruiting of committed players.

Find a quote and I'll eat my words.

So how about that Keelon Brookins, eh?

Did Badger 2010 get banned? I noticed his last post is now gone.

So how about that Keelon Brookins, eh?

I skipped from page 3 to page 11 to see if the topic got back on track. I can only assume by this post that the continuous bickering lasted about 8 pages with no substantial information about Keelon Brookins.

Its actually kind of impressive.

Gopher Hole - Taking Continuous Bickering to new heights in 2012!

If I may be so bold as to actually say something about the original topic:

I'm not a big fan of the current system, either. Teams put pressure on kids to make these 'verbal' commitments, and then other teams try to flip them. One the one hand, you could consider adopting an early signing day, so kids who want to could sign a LOI before their senior year, and get it over with. But then, kids who sign early and have a change of heart would be locked in, and have to lose eligibility to get out of an LOI.

We seem to be caught in a vicious cycle - as Rivals, Scout, 24/7 and ESPN give more coverage to recruiting, then it ups the pressure on kids to commit, and on teams to line up commitments - which then ups the ante for teams to try and get kids to flip and change their commitment. I wouldn't be surprised to see more kids changing their minds, and more coaches willing to venture into 'grey' areas (hello, Mr. Meyer) to 'steal' a recruit away from a rival.

I honestly think I liked it better when we didn't have all this info about prospective recruits. IMHO, it puts too much emphasis on the individual, instead of the team.

Isn't Bert Bielema against flipping recruits within the conference? Or is that only when it happens to him?

I haven't read all 11 pages of this thread, so maybe this was already mentioned.

Don't mean to rehash a hijacked thread, but the interactions between Mayes, Brookins, and Streveler on Twitter have me thinking Keelon is pretty solid on his commit. Alex Mayes seems like a natural leader as well. Pumped to have these guys aboard

Bret was obviously pissed at wat he called the illegal recruiting AND Urban not following the perceived gentleman's agreement. Something that he doesn't follow.

One issue Bielema would talk about—and it’s perfectly legal under current NCAA rules—is Meyer’s recruitment of players who already had given verbal commitments to other Big Ten schools. It has been a longstanding “gentlemen’s agreement” in the league that coaches wouldn’t recruit players who had publicly given commitments to schools.

As the above poster said, this is the press speculating/lumping 2 stories together. D'Antonio was the one complaining about the 'gentleman's agreement', because Meyer had flipped one of his guys as well. Bielema has flipped several guys n the past 4-5 classes, so he would have no grounds for complaining about it. Like I said, his complaint was about illegal contact, hence using the term ncaa violation when describing the offense. Dodson was bumped more than once during a period where no contact was allowed. Another OL recruit who wouldn't flip confirmed the same thing was tried with him, but he kept his commitment.

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