What Could the University Do to Make A Better Gameday Atmosphere?

Thanks Ole. That's the sort of detail I was looking for. For anyone interested, the link to the first part that Ole quotes is here: http://www.ci.minneapolis.mn.us/parking/parking_tailgating

So this means that if the U wants to push for an expansion of the gameday atmosphere that they don't have to worry about losing what they have now. This is good. It means that they start from a position of relative strength (at least in the sense that they can't lose atmosphere).

I'm going to stick to my guns and point out that the U can't play rebellious teenager if they expect to get anywhere. But they can choose to find ways (both public and private) to get the City to change the ordinances. The easiest is to point out that it isn't a very sensical/equitable rule to allow private lot owners near the Dome make money while forbidding lot owners near the U. It's not like they have to open the floodgates. They could easily do the same thing they've done near the Dome and establish a "tailgating zone" that covers the Stadium Village and Dinkytown areas.

Most importantly, it points out that the State could get involved if they wanted. Though that prob brings back in issues with alcohol in GA at TCF.

This sentence also poses some interesting questions:
However, the Minnesota Legislature gave the U of M the authority to choose to allow tailgating with alcohol. Only the lots on U of M property that they have selected may tailgate with alcohol.

For instance, who is the "they" in "they have selected"? Is it the U? The State? If the U wanted to offer a Gopherville on Church Street would they need State permission? City permission? No permission?

Not all of these can or need to be implemented together but they could all help the situation:

Move all tailgating to Minneapolis somehow (even if the U has to rent a couple lots from local companies). As long as I park in St. Paul I will probably never attend the Victory Walk, just being blunt. I'm sure I'm not alone.

Allow fans to come earlier before and stay later after - allow them to make it a whole day deal. Even have long term RV lots like Penn State does (fans start getting there days before hand).

Have the Bookstore open 3 hours before and after games.

Have a tent in the area that has food and drink (including adult drinks) before and after the game.

Open up the McNamara center after the games again. That was an awesome experience.

Push to allow the local bars to have tents and outdoor parties for EVERY game (both the bars and the city need to buy off on this).

At the Dome they used to give away gift cards to the student section in the middle of the fourth quarter to try to keep them there. Maybe they could talk to Best Buy and have them give out a bunch of gift cards each game.

Please eliminate commercials during the game. I've been to three bowl games, six other B1G schools and USC, and I've never experienced anything like the bombardment of commercials I experience on a weekly basis at the Bank in any other college environment. I honestly think one week at the Bank might exceed all the other experiences combined.

Let the band play a little more.

Arrange a limo to pick up each season ticket holder at their house so they arrive at the game 3 hours before kickoff and don't bring them back until 3 hours after the game, forcing fans to stay the whole game and spend extra time around the stadium. I'm pretty sure this is the most realistic option! :)

I've been to a couple of non-Gopher, non-Big 10 games at Oklahoma and Notre Dame. They both had pretty good game day experiences.

Notre Dame's in game experience was better. Their fans were great and the students cheered extremely loud. They had all original cheers and some were silly - they didn't even have words, everyone woos, but it created a great atmosphere. Their after touchdown celebration is cool, way better than Goldy and the cheerleaders doing pushups. That's way too overdone by the rest of college football. At ND, students are pushed up by other students, so there are hundreds of students being pushed up at a time and it is a cool sight. ND's band also performs on the steps in front of some building before the game, they get tons of people to go and watch and it is a fun atmosphere.

At Oklahoma, they had a pretty good tailgate atmosphere. They didn't have large parking lots surrounding the stadium - something the U doesn't have either. Instead, the day before a game, everyone goes and stakes a claim in their grassy areas to put up their tents. Each tent probably had 3 or 4 flatscreens on and a group of 20 or so people to each tent. They were there early, roasting hogs, ribs, all-sorts of BBQ and were definitely enjoying the liquor - although not strong beer as OK doesn't allow that, I guess. It also seemed that not everyone who tailgated went to the game. We left early because they were whooping A&M and Tannehill was throwing bounce passes, and there were still plenty of people tailgating and the stadium was full. At OU, the A&M band was there, too. This added to the atmosphere, they both performed at half time. A&M had a great band and awesome formations which was super entertaining.

Now, I haven't read what others have said, I'm too lazy, and I might be repeating what was said previously. What i think the U needs to do to improve the prior, in, and post game atmosphere are several things:

-Combine tailgating to one area. It doesn't need to be done next to a car. I've seen it work. People can drop off their stuff and go park and either walk, or take a shuttle back. Allow alcohol at tailgating.

-First, fire the band director. Hire a good one. Quit playing 5 different school songs and just play the rouser. I've noticed at the ND and OU games, they played their school songs a lot more the U does. Also, come up with some good music to play on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd downs. Add more trombones, tubas, and trumpets, there's not enough brass!

-Invite your opponents band, you have no idea how much this adds to the atmosphere having them play back and forth.

-Revamp halftime. Allowing each band to play would make it better. I am sure season ticket holders get sick of hearing the tribute to John Philip Sousa 4x a year.

-The Victory March is a start, build upon that. March the band down Univ. or have them perform somewhere and march to the stadium with the audience following in line behind.

-Texas A&M has yell leaders, can we borrow from that? How about the U holds a competition for yell leaders/spirit leaders from the student body (freshman preferrably, they're creative and full of pi$$ and vinegar). Give them HC week publicity so people will want to do it, and they're responsible for coming up with the silly cheers. I went to a small school and we had some stupid ones led by our unofficial cheer leaders, but the whole student body participated.

-Lastly, I think the bars near the stadium really hurt the gameday experience. I think they suck the lazy people in and take away from the atmosphere. Seems like a lot people want to go there for a drink and food before the game because it is easier than tailgating. The U needs to work with those places to empty out their bars, or set up tents outside by the stadium to get those people near the stadium to take part in pre-game activities.

Nice to hear opinions about your experiences at other locations. I have some thoughts and/or disagreements with 3 of the bullet points though:

-Combine tailgating to one area. It doesn't need to be done next to a car. I've seen it work. People can drop off their stuff and go park and either walk, or take a shuttle back. Allow alcohol at tailgating.
This would be tough to accomplish depending on how you define "one area". What do you see as the "one area" around TCF?

-First, fire the band director. Hire a good one. Quit playing 5 different school songs and just play the rouser. I've noticed at the ND and OU games, they played their school songs a lot more the U does. Also, come up with some good music to play on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd downs. Add more trombones, tubas, and trumpets, there's not enough brass!
Disagree strongly on the songs. I hate the schools that overplay their one song. It gets really annoying. Also, they play the Rouser a lot already. Twice before the game, after TD's, again at halftime, after big plays (which already annoys many people). You're not "wrong" since it's just opinion, but I think you'll find you're in the minority here. I wouldn't mind a bigger mix of songs for key moments though. Last thing, the band does not limit the brass sections. If more brass wanted to play they'd make room. This has been confirmed by multiple current and former band members. Perhaps a bigger emphasis could be placed on recruiting brass players, I don't know. But they aren't limiting the numbers on purpose.

-The Victory March is a start, build upon that. March the band down Univ. or have them perform somewhere and march to the stadium with the audience following in line behind.
This one has been argued over for a long time. I think there are ways to make it possible but I do understand why the U didn't do it.

-Lastly, I think the bars near the stadium really hurt the gameday experience. I think they suck the lazy people in and take away from the atmosphere. Seems like a lot people want to go there for a drink and food before the game because it is easier than tailgating. The U needs to work with those places to empty out their bars, or set up tents outside by the stadium to get those people near the stadium to take part in pre-game activities.
Again, disagree strongly here. If you've been to a game in Madison you'll understand that bars do nothing to detract from the gameday experience. You can't force people to have the experience you want. If they want easier then so what? Plus, are you actually suggesting that the U actively work to undermine the local businesses in the area?

Again, disagree strongly here. If you've been to a game in Madison you'll understand that bars do nothing to detract from the gameday experience. You can't force people to have the experience you want. If they want easier then so what? Plus, are you actually suggesting that the U actively work to undermine the local businesses in the area?

No. I put an or instead of an and. I think the U should get the bars set up tents near the stadium to draw more people there away from the bar's building. I'm thinking of a german style beer garden set up if you have ever been to one.

No. I put an or instead of an and. I think the U should get the bars set up tents near the stadium to draw more people there away from the bar's building. I'm thinking of a german style beer garden set up if you have ever been to one.

Apologies...rereading it I realize I skimmed this last one too quickly and totally misread the intent.

Not sure where there would be room near the stadium for that idea though. Space is at such a premium.

Then, what? There is no hope?

I get that the city is basically against anything and everything, then why try to convince them. Go over their head, go up to their face, do whatever you want and let the public see how screwed up the situation is.
It's time to pick a fight with the city if they will not help.

I can envision several public displays that would be both powerful and asinine to point out the ridiculousness of it all.

Maybe the U could start their own city or something, find local partners to aid in the basic utilities Minneapolis provides.

Blockade streets on Saturdays and challenge Minneapolis's authority with 40000 gopher fans as a show of force.

only slightly sarcastic here, but seriously if nothing can be done, then we are forever doomed to the current state of things.

I completely agree with you. I was being sarcastic at the end myself.

You know, I'm pretty damn good at looking up State Statutes, and I cannot find one reference in the entire body of work that refers to anything allowing the U the authority to skip by Ordinance 319.310(c). I think this is the "wink wink" page on the ordinance site.

There is this doozy in the City ordinances, though:

"319.50. - Classes of licenses; commercial parking lots.

Licenses granted for commercial parking lots under this chapter shall be designated as either Class A, Class B, or Class C licenses.

A Class A commercial lot may charge any rate that a Class B lot can charge, or may charge a rate based upon any fraction of a month.

Class B commercial parking lots shall be limited to charging customers for parking on a month-by-month contractual basis only.

A Class B parking lot shall have no pay boxes or other available means on the premises, by which a more frequent than monthly fee may be charged for parking.

A Class C temporary commercial parking lot shall be limited to charging customers for parking on no more than fifteen (15) specified days in one (1) calendar year and shall not utilize a pay box or other form of automated payment system.

Notwithstanding the provisions of section 551.175 of this Code, eligibility for a Class C license is limited to nonresidential uses with approved on-site accessory parking located on or within the area bounded by the following streets:

Commencing at the southeasterly bank of the Mississippi River where said riverbank is intersected by the Centerline of Franklin Avenue SE., extended; thence easterly to the Minneapolis City Limits; thence northerly on the boarder of Minneapolis and St. Paul to the centerline of the Intercampus Transit way; thence westerly on the centerline of the Intercampus Transit way, to 23rd Ave. SE., thence northeasterly along the centerline of 23rd Ave. SE., to the centerline of 6th Street SE., thence westerly to the centerline of 5th Street SE, thence westerly on 5th Street SE to the centerline of 15th Ave. SE., thence southeasterly on the centerline of 15th Ave. SE. to the centerline of Pleasant Ave. SE., thence southerly on the centerline of Pleasant Ave. SE to the centerline of Washington Ave. SE., thence Westerly on the Centerline of Washington Ave. SE to the point of intersection with the bank of the Mississippi River, thence southeasterly on the riverbank to the point of beginning."

So as I map it lot owners can sell event parking "off campus" in this area with a C license, or an A license outside this area. However, NO tailgating according to the alcohol ordinances. How magnanimous of them.

You know, I'm pretty damn good at looking up State Statutes, and I cannot find one reference in the entire body of work that refers to anything allowing the U the authority to skip by Ordinance 319.310(c).
Could it be that it was part of the stadium bill versus a more specific law passed on this subject alone? Don't spend a lot of time looking up state statues so I don't know how that affects things.

Haha, we cheer for every first down..the band plays "Fight On!"

By the way, have a great season, I'll be cheering for your Gophers, hope I'm welcomed back to visit.

Apologies...rereading it I realize I skimmed this last one too quickly and totally misread the intent.

Not sure where there would be room near the stadium for that idea though. Space is at such a premium.

space can always be found somewhere. you sure do enjoy shooting holes in other's ideas though don't you? just giving you some grief. ;-)

space can always be found somewhere. you sure do enjoy shooting holes in other's ideas though don't you? just giving you some grief. ;-)

Ha ha...I don't mean to, it's just that I try to stay relatively grounded an realistic about what can change.

Regarding how strictly enforced alcohol is. I was downtown St. Paul on Saturday (I know, different city) but you could walk up and down the streets with a beer in your hand. Cops didnt even think to care. Everyone was doing it. Bars would actually give you "to go" glasses to take to the streets.

Here's a more extreme idea that would be awesome: turn that whole area of crap and construction next to the Ski-U-Mah lot and the bus transitway from St. Paul into a "grove" similar to Ole Miss. Landscape it with some hills, plant some grass and some big trees, maybe even put a pond in the middle. It would be about 1,000,000 times better of an atmosphere than the crap that's there right now.

Here's a more extreme idea that would be awesome: turn that whole area of crap and construction next to the Ski-U-Mah lot and the bus transitway from St. Paul into a "grove" similar to Ole Miss. Landscape it with some hills, plant some grass and some big trees, maybe even put a pond in the middle. It would be about 1,000,000 times better of an atmosphere than the crap that's there right now.
Hate to be that guy (again), but I'm guessing this is indeed an "extreme" idea because the whole area around TCF is planned out as the new East Gateway District, which will include major research facilities for the U. http://www.cppm.umn.edu/assets/pdf/east_gateway_district_mp.pdf I'm betting they aren't looking to greatly redevelop the land in advance of the already planned EGD development.

But I agree that cleaning it up in the meantime is important. I'm wondering if it isn't related to the LRT work. The new LRT line will have a station between 4th and University just off 23rd and then line will then proceed down the transitway until 29th.

Hate to be that guy (again), but I'm guessing this is indeed an "extreme" idea because the whole area around TCF is planned out as the new East Gateway District, which will include major research facilities for the U. http://www.cppm.umn.edu/assets/pdf/east_gateway_district_mp.pdf I'm betting they aren't looking to greatly redevelop the land in advance of the already planned EGD development.

But I agree that cleaning it up in the meantime is important. I'm wondering if it isn't related to the LRT work. The new LRT line will have a station between 4th and University just off 23rd and then line will then proceed down the transitway until 29th.
Yeah, I mean they've been working on it for the past three years, so you would think something would pop up there pretty soon. It just looks so bad when you drive in that way every game.

Encourage people to hang out in Lot 37, which is where it's at.

Drastically reduce the amount of time the marching band gets to play. The band is ok but the times have changed where the great college venues, like Wisconsin, limit the marching band and play popular oldies and new music that gets the crowd rockin. Sorry, but the Marching Band does not work the same way any more. Once again, Minnesota is way behind the times.

Dial back the marching band. They are ok but the stadiums that rock, like Wisconsin, limits the marching band during the game and instead pipes in oldies and newer music to get the crowd engaged. It works! Sorry marching band, you do a good job but times have changed and once again Minnesota is left behind when it comes to music and crowd enthusiasm at TCF Stadium. Let's get with the times Minnesota!!

Regarding how strictly enforced alcohol is. I was downtown St. Paul on Saturday (I know, different city) but you could walk up and down the streets with a beer in your hand. Cops didnt even think to care. Everyone was doing it. Bars would actually give you "to go" glasses to take to the streets.

I was also in Saint Paul on Saturday and apparently I wasn't the only won was wishing that Gopher games could be like that. If the U could generate half the energy around campus for football Saturday's that Saint Paul creates for the Saint Patty's Day celebration, we'd have one of the best gameday atmosphere's in the country. West Seventh was lined with beer gardens and was absolutely rocking; it's too bad Minneapolis is too effed up to allow a fraction of what Saint Paul lets fly.

Seriously, there are some great points in this thread.

I hope the administration is receptive to all kinds of new ideas. The old ones are not working.

Dial back the marching band. They are ok but the stadiums that rock, like Wisconsin, limits the marching band during the game and instead pipes in oldies and newer music to get the crowd engaged. It works! Sorry marching band, you do a good job but times have changed and once again Minnesota is left behind when it comes to music and crowd enthusiasm at TCF Stadium. Let's get with the times Minnesota!!

This is the opposite of what we should do.

Drastically reduce the amount of time the marching band gets to play. The band is ok but the times have changed where the great college venues, like Wisconsin, limit the marching band and play popular oldies and new music that gets the crowd rockin. Sorry, but the Marching Band does not work the same way any more. Once again, Minnesota is way behind the times.

This is the same idiot who posted the conspiracy theory between Sid and Maturi. If there is anyone who's opinion should not be listed to, its this guy.

Haha, we cheer for every first down..the band plays "Fight On!"

By the way, have a great season, I'll be cheering for your Gophers, hope I'm welcomed back to visit.
Didn't you say that Iowa fans were some of the worst you'd ever seen? Yeah, I think it'll be OK for you to visit.

Drastically reduce the amount of time the marching band gets to play. The band is ok but the times have changed where the great college venues, like Wisconsin, limit the marching band and play popular oldies and new music that gets the crowd rockin. Sorry, but the Marching Band does not work the same way any more. Once again, Minnesota is way behind the times.

Get brain surgery as soon as possible. You know nothing about college football. If you don't like band music, there's the NFL.

I still want Bronko's plow at the team entrance to the field.

Put it on wheels, have the starting offensive linemen push it into the endzone, and the team follows. And then it sits in front of the band.

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