What Could the University Do to Make A Better Gameday Atmosphere?

I'm probably in the minority, but I changed my tune and don't mind piped in music anymore. I used to be all about the band playing and no piped in music, but often times, it seems like we need a little shove to get excited as a home crowd, generally speaking.

Oh, I almost forgot again: AIR RAID SIREN ON TOUCHDOWNS. Are the Germans coming or did Gray find A.J. Barker in the back of the endzone? It could go either way......

Food Carts/trucks all over the place (especially around the east bank) offering cool cuisine. A grove would be perfect...

One thing they could do to create a better gameday atmosphere is to add a beer garden to the open end of the stadium behind the end zone seats.

I've been to a couple of non-Gopher, non-Big 10 games at Oklahoma and Notre Dame. They both had pretty good game day experiences.

-The Victory March is a start, build upon that. March the band down Univ. or have them perform somewhere and march to the stadium with the audience following in line behind.

The band DOES march in front of Mariucci every game, believe 1 hr b4 gametime. They march in and play a pep rally on the street every home game...the flags are there, the dance team and cheerleaders are there. The Director and Drum Major do a heck of a job as does the band (Beat the Badgers, etc) with their little skits and movements. And we do sing the school songs! It's Fantastic! It's the best pregame entertainment there is. I do agree that having everyone follow them out would be a good idea but it's pretty darn good as it is now!
(Only problem...not enough room for the crowd!).

Pork rinds so I can cram them in my fat greasy mouth followed by me washing it all down with copious amounts of free beer. It's the only way to watch a game!

How is the pre-game atmosphere at the State Fairgrounds? Is there much tailgating? Anything for kids? Stadium Village has become very boring and wondering if parking at the fairgrounds wouldnt be better?

St. Paul is pretty fun. There seems to be a ton of flags and tents up but the problem right now is that everyone is kinda spread out because the lot is so big. Me and my crew have about 20 of us that we always tailgate with and it is a blast. The one big down side is you do get a lot of visiting schools' fans, but that isn't a real big deal either. The buses work really well and every year they and the lot seem to improve in atmosphere. There is good people, tons of beer, and plenty of games to partake in. Also, if you live on the East side of the cities it is a snap to get in and out! If you end up there be sure to stop by, we are the ones with 2 giant Maroon "M" flags and 5 or so smaller ones that are all clumped together.

As for kids. It's a good lot for them as far as adults behaviour goes and there are plenty of kids running around. There really hasn't been any sort of kid specific attractions though.

St. Paul is pretty fun. There seems to be a ton of flags and tents up but the problem right now is that everyone is kinda spread out because the lot is so big. Me and my crew have about 20 of us that we always tailgate with and it is a blast. The one big down side is you do get a lot of visiting schools' fans, but that isn't a real big deal either. The buses work really well and every year they and the lot seem to improve in atmosphere. There is good people, tons of beer, and plenty of games to partake in. Also, if you live on the East side of the cities it is a snap to get in and out! If you end up there be sure to stop by, we are the ones with 2 giant Maroon "M" flags and 5 or so smaller ones that are all clumped together.

As for kids. It's a good lot for them as far as adults behaviour goes and there are plenty of kids running around. There really hasn't been any sort of kid specific attractions though.

Everything you say is spot on but one nice thing about all the open space is that kids can play ball with much less chance of conflicting with other tailgaters. We park in the rear (east side) for just this reason. My son and his friends love to play games both on the grass/dirt area to the east or in the open parking area. If your kids like tossing the ball around, the Fairgrounds is a great place.

Go Gophers!

One thing that was kind of cool when I went to *gasp* Wisconsin for a Gopher/Badger game: we were at a bar and about 5-10 badger marching band members marched through the band and played songs. The place went nuts. I will admit I don't go to many bars before the game so this may be done already.

An idea I've had, since we have parachuters parachuting in before the games, I always thought it would be cool if one of them would deliver the game ball to the field.

I always thought it would be a cool idea to have an all-ROTC section. Show some love for the #1 ROTC program in the country.

I live in Tallahassee, the home of Florida State. On Friday nights before a Saturday home football game they have what's called "Downtown Get Down". It's basically an outdoor pep rally featuring food from local restaurants, entertainment, the cheerleaders, marching band, etc. It helps fans get revved up for the game on Saturday. Why not have a similar celebration on the U campus (Campus Get Down?). It might help get the students better involved and hopefully make Football Saturday "Football Weekend" instead.

We have a winner! Tailgaiting should kick off at 5P.M. Friday. The U, Bars, Restaurants, heck even the Radison, Dinky Town. Maybe use The Cannon to fire the first shot. If this was LSU the tents would be on the Mall, pick ups would be shuttling kegs, and it starts in Baton Rouge on Thursday for a Saturday Night Kick Off.

St. Paul is pretty fun. There seems to be a ton of flags and tents up but the problem right now is that everyone is kinda spread out because the lot is so big. Me and my crew have about 20 of us that we always tailgate with and it is a blast. The one big down side is you do get a lot of visiting schools' fans, but that isn't a real big deal either. The buses work really well and every year they and the lot seem to improve in atmosphere. There is good people, tons of beer, and plenty of games to partake in. Also, if you live on the East side of the cities it is a snap to get in and out! If you end up there be sure to stop by, we are the ones with 2 giant Maroon "M" flags and 5 or so smaller ones that are all clumped together.

As for kids. It's a good lot for them as far as adults behaviour goes and there are plenty of kids running around. There really hasn't been any sort of kid specific attractions though.

Thanks. Just some place the kids can throw the ball around and keep them busy. Dont need or want a carnival. Let's keep it about football!

All the U has to do is sell alcohol. These kids get bored without it.

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