What Could the University Do to Make A Better Gameday Atmosphere?

Great idea. Is there someone within the marketing department that these kind of ideas could be sent to?

Don't know about the marketing dept, but I'm planning to send a list of ideas to both Kaler and the new AD (once the hire is complete) with Kill CC'd on it. I'll also be offering some tailgating suggestions based on my observations/experiences at USC (which Kaler should be able to relate to as he was also there).

I didn't dislike the INTRO video in 2011 (2009 was better, IMO), but they completely botched the team entrance last year. I'd be screaming at the end of the video, trying to get folks yelling, then the camera would cut to the entrance tunnel where the players would be casually walking through the tunnel. The music would switch to something that sounded like Pirates of the Caribbean, and we'd end up waiting another 30 seconds before the team ran on the field. HORRIBLE. Complete loss of crowd energy. Each week I though they'd fix it, but they never did...
I had the same feeling about the execution as you. The "walk" part (which was to one of the primary musical pieces from Pirates, good ear) also struck me as anti-climactic. I like the intro video though.

EDIT: I like the walk part though. Trying to recall how other places that do a "walk" handle it. But I'm pretty sure they all have longer walks then the Gophers and that they show the walk before the main "intro video".

Oh, and they should also bring back the speakers that they had in 2010...the marching band is really hard to hear on the Student Section side without the speakers.

Oh, and they should also bring back the speakers that they had in 2010...the marching band is really hard to hear on the Student Section side without the speakers.

Are you talking about the speakers that pointed up towards the SS?

Free beer to all attendees 65 and older with their AARP Card.

Let the kids booze. The stupid red cup rule at the frats where they can't party openly is a sin. Everyone knows that by half time everyone leaves to go drink more. unless you sneak a flask in your boot like I always did but then all the fiends would have it downed by kickoff.
much like wisconsin plays "jump around" i say we play "get outta your mind" at the beginning of the third quarter instead of this stupid text to hear some crappy song. Lets have one song that everyone knows to get crazy too.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=041h-1_5yfo&ob=av2e for ref. how can you not have fun with Lil Jon bumping in the background.
The season pass for parking is stupid. open up some of the lots to single game passes. that way rivals can also tailgate and we can drink all their booze and also hopefully beat them and talk smack.
The band needs to lead crazy cheers much like hockey games and post them online or something so we all know them.

I'll stick to one aspect: The scoreboard. How about actually using it? Find someone who knows "how" to use it first off. Utilize the whole thing on replays-it is possible. Show the replays earlier. They will show a random 2 yard gain seconds before the next play while ignoring the diving catch type of play completely. That's my biggest beef right now.

Isn't Lot 37 and the Maroon and Gold nearly if not totally sold out at the $1000 and $2000 level? Why would the U want to change that? I realize it sucks for those who can't afford it, but the market rules here.

They fill up for the big games because the ticket holders actually show up...they are not having a problem selling the spaces.

By the way, the Victory Walk is a terrific idea. I've never missed one. The fans that complain about atmosphere should show up for one and make some. Atmosphere is spawned, not created from whole cloth.

They did try that in 2009 (as a cheer before the opening kickoff led by the SKI, U, and MAH flags) but it bombed out pretty badly. Personally, I think they gave up on it too early and didn't do a good job of publicizing or explaining the cheer. I'd like to see them give it another try, better publicized this time. For instance, they could use 30 seconds of a break to run a "Gopher History" explanation of Ski-U-Mah that also highlights that the cheer squad will lead the fans in it before the first kickoff. The could also include something about it in the STH packets, etc.

I was around for those attempts, it was pathetic. Get the cheerleaders some big ass flags ala Iowa's I-O-W-A flags, put Ski and Mah on each sideline and U in front of the students and wave the hell out of them when you are supposed to yell it. Don't use the PA system, that was laughable. I see no reason why this can't be accomplished.

We need to get away from generic crap like "We Are... Minnesota!" and "Go Big Gold" and embrace the unique things from our history that we have going for us. We need to stop trying to be "like Wisconsin" and be ourselves, this was one of Maturi's areas of epic fail while he was here.

Get the cheerleaders some big ass flags ala Iowa's I-O-W-A flags, put Ski and Mah on each sideline and U in front of the students and wave the hell out of them when you are supposed to yell it.
They did that. That was EXACTLY what they did.

Don't use the PA system, that was laughable. I see no reason why this can't be accomplished.
Agree that having Jamie lead it was counterproductive, but they will have to do more than just wave the flags. People are dumber about this stuff then you think. I don't mean that in a mean way, it's just that not everyone knows that the flag waving means chant what's on the flag by you.

The season pass for parking is stupid. open up some of the lots to single game passes. that way rivals can also tailgate and we can drink all their booze and also hopefully beat them and talk smack.

I think there should be single game tailgating spots on EB, but not so the rivals get access. If they want in they need to work for it (or pay for it on Stub Hub like they do now).

The season pass for parking is stupid. open up some of the lots to single game passes. that way rivals can also tailgate and we can drink all their booze and also hopefully beat them and talk smack. [/QUOTE said:
Parking pass Stupid??? You obviously don't have season tickets. Rivals tailgating...who cares!!

Parking passes all sell out anywhere near the stadium. So lowering the prices would be a poor decision for the U.

Check out what CU Boulder did for their top student season ticket holders (for hoops):


My wife told me about this this morning - her cousin is one of the 50 who get to go and he found out on his birthday! Pretty awesome for him, and for CU to do - he is as die-hard of a CU fan as any of us are Gopher fans.

That's great CU would do that. However, I think it's a waste of money. At 50 fans, nearly $1,000 per, you won't see $50,000 in additional revenue because of that promotion. I just don't see it inspiring future student section attendees that otherwise wouldn't buy tickets.

Minnesota's problem isn't finding 50 loyal fans who will show up to each home game. We need to do something that makes more casual or non-existent fans care about the team.

The Twins had a great campaign that should've been the U's. Your tax dollars pay for these athletes to go to school. Your tax dollars pay for the school to even exist. Everybody has something invested in this team, whether they know the words to the rouser or not. The key is getting them to understand that.

That's great CU would do that. However, I think it's a waste of money. At 50 fans, nearly $1,000 per, you won't see $50,000 in additional revenue because of that promotion. I just don't see it inspiring future student section attendees that otherwise wouldn't buy tickets.

Minnesota's problem isn't finding 50 loyal fans who will show up to each home game. We need to do something that makes more casual or non-existent fans care about the team.

The Twins had a great campaign that should've been the U's. Your tax dollars pay for these athletes to go to school. Your tax dollars pay for the school to even exist. Everybody has something invested in this team, whether they know the words to the rouser or not. The key is getting them to understand that.

Well, unless I missed it, we don't know where the money CU spent came from - donation? surplus in ticket sales? We don't know. But I will say this - how do you think these 50 students feel about CU now? Do you think they are going to be donors going forward? I would bet they will be, as will my wife's aunt and uncle, who already are (and season ticket holders for both footbal and basketball) and likely will be even more so going forward.

I think it's a great thing period, and potentially a great investment towards future dollars.

Also, just this morning, I corresponded with a member of the U of M athletic Dept. who informed me that Northwestern bussed 500 students to Indy and provided them tickets and a meal for the game. He said they had a great crowd for the game. Do you think those 500 kids are going to remember what NU did for them down the road? Do you think that will influence their willingness to be donors going forward? Absolutely.

I want a U flag hanging on the capitol building, draped from minneapolis city hall, hanging by MOA, hanging by best buy, target and 3m corporate, and from all of your houses!!!!

I guess I wanted the thread to be about pregame stuff. What can the U do better?
How can the U make campus 'special' on gamedays?

I know this comparison really isn't fair, but when you first step foot into Disney World you are transported to a different place and that is before you even park your car. Everything is done at a level different than anywhere else you have ever been. From the music, to the emaculate grounds (where you cannot find a piece of garbage anywhere), to the over the top customer first attitude.

Well, unless I missed it, we don't know where the money CU spent came from - donation? surplus in ticket sales? We don't know. But I will say this - how do you think these 50 students feel about CU now? Do you think they are going to be donors going forward? I would bet they will be, as will my wife's aunt and uncle, who already are (and season ticket holders for both footbal and basketball) and likely will be even more so going forward.

I think it's a great thing period, and potentially a great investment towards future dollars.

Also, just this morning, I corresponded with a member of the U of M athletic Dept. who informed me that Northwestern bussed 500 students to Indy and provided them tickets and a meal for the game. He said they had a great crowd for the game. Do you think those 500 kids are going to remember what NU did for them down the road? Do you think that will influence their willingness to be donors going forward? Absolutely.

You don't think the 50 most loyal fans of your program were going to remain loyal fans into the future? They're already hooked, you don't need to incentivize them.

Just think, if Minnesota football did this, at 50 incentivized students per year--- they could fill 20,000 seats in just 400 years!

After three years, I am disappointed with the gameday experience. I expected much more getting back on campus..

IMO, the UM should muster a group of fans/students to explore ways to create a better atmosphere. Look at what goes on at other campuses. Maturi-like efforts, ala face-painting, endless promo's, etc., need to be put aside. The sterile tenure in the damn dome lingers and has carried over to TCF. Having the band pre-game two hours prior to KO was another bad decision. At least that was changed last year to one hour.

I have been to Camp Randall when it was not the place to be on gameday. Now it is and the whole state tunes in. A good example of what winning can do.

Not every college program wins yet their fans can have fun and get into it. Look at what Pitt does. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dawv04k5_78 The UM has tried Sweet Carioline but gave it up in favor of tunes that half the stadium don't recognize. Find something that all fans can get into.

The casual ticket buyer should leave TCF with the desire to return no matter the score and say, "Wow, that sure was fun!"

You don't think the 50 most loyal fans of your program were going to remain loyal fans into the future? They're already hooked, you don't need to incentivize them.

Just think, if Minnesota football did this, at 50 incentivized students per year--- they could fill 20,000 seats in just 400 years!

I guess you are smarter than the Administrations at CU and Northwestern University (just to name the two schools that I know of that are apparently allocating funds for rewarding student loyalty).

Anyway, I feel as though I've hijacked this thread... carry on...

Again...Big outdoor TV's to watch Big 10 games in progress - and adult beverages.

GoGophers2005 said:
I guess I wanted the thread to be about pregame stuff. What can the U do better?
How can the U make campus 'special' on gamedays?

I know this comparison really isn't fair, but when you first step foot into Disney World you are transported to a different place and that is before you even park your car. Everything is done at a level different than anywhere else you have ever been. From the music, to the emaculate grounds (where you cannot find a piece of garbage anywhere), to the over the top customer first attitude.

The Disney comparison is a great prompt. It all starts with their culture. It is a culture that encourages everyone to be creative and care about their customers. The most famous example is a housekeeper who, while making up a room, put the kids stuffed animals in bed as if they were sleeping. Now guests expect to find them that way when they get home from the park.

Honestly, I think that the best contributors to a great college football gameday experience are, in this order:
1. Great play / winning consistently
2. Full & vibrant student section
3. Full attendance
4. Playing Outdoors
5. Fun pre-game environment
6. Stadium traditions (ex. Rouser)
7. Program tradition

My approach for each
1. Up to coach Kill, we can show up, be vocal, & stand and be loud on 3rd down on D
2. Fill the student section by any means necessary. If it is full they will make their own fun. We just need to get them there. At UW, BA had punch cards in his first season and there was re-entry. Ten kids would go in, then one kid would come back out with 10 cards and let nine others in without paying. The AD didn't make a lot of money of the students but the section was full. What can the U do? I would create four classes, Football I, II, III, and IV. Students who sign up attend a class for two hours a week and seven home games a seaon. They get one or two credits. They get to roll in the fee that includes thier ticket cost to their bill and thus can pay with scholarship or student aid, etc.
3. Ensure a full house by 'right pricing' tickets. Also get rid of the IA/WI/NE & MI problem by having one of them switch hosting years so we have balance in the schedule. The Vikings under Red McCombs realized the value of having a full house. They've been mostly full for 14 years. The U must also recognize the importance. I don't care if they have to give away the last 2,000 tickets.
4. Playing outdoors - check
5. Fun pre-game environment - It is actually pretty good right now. I would like to see more bars able to do fenced in parking lots so the fun isn't only in the tailgate lots but I will be in the tailgate lots, so not a huge deal personally.
6. Create more stadium traditions. Let the students lead this. Get rid of the stupid text your favorite song thing. Get rid of 'rah' at the end of the rouser. Guess what, if nobody else says it after you've been saying it for fifteen years it is not going to catch on.
7. Tradition - We have it and we flaunt it in the right way. If we start a football class like I suggested above, more people would be familiar with it.

They need to add something to the stadium food menu that would make the guy from "Man v. Food" stop in for a visit.

How long has it been since we added a song? I don't mean borrowing a song like the Superman or Darth Vader themes. A new fight song. There are a lot of music students, how about a contest, the winner gets to have their song played by the band. Give them a credit for participating.

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