Tyus Jones to Duke.

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i'm officially on record ( a year ago ) as MSU, Minnie, or Kansas. Baylor? UNC? come on.

anyway, after watching Kansas/Duke the other night, both players would be better served at Kansas.. which actually uses a PG and low post players.. plus its Midwest.. Okafor would be a nice complement to the 7' freshman they have.. i'm sure he'll be there next year also.. and Tyus will have shooters to kick to in Greene, etc. so he will have a skilled front line, skilled wing shooters, and a hounding D that will create TO's and highlight reel fast breaks.

Duke is just a bunch of guys jacking 3's or driving.. no teamwork.. funny how a hall of fame coach had to ride a freshman the other night.. w/o Parker, it would have been a 25 point blowout.. without Wiggins, Kansas would still have fought and been in it.

Okafor would be a nice complement to the 7' freshman they have.. i'm sure he'll be there next year also...

No Chance on Embid staying. Bleacher report has him at 5, I think chad for has him 3. It took me about 5 minutes of watching the KU/Duke game to see that this kid was for real. Great foortwork, passing, and coordination for a 7 footer. For how little he has played organized basketball, he is way too good already to be hanging around in college for more than one year. Not to mention his potential!


I'm in no way guaranteeing anything, so take it for what it's worth. I have a friend who went to Kansas and is pretty tied in with some people close to the program. He was down in Chicago for the KU/Duke game and he heard that Tyus/Okafor to KU is a done deal. It will be interesting to see how tomorrow shakes out, I think Crystal Ball only has 9% KU at the moment.

I'll cheer for Tyus if he goes to Kansas, I like/respect Bill Self much to the same extent I've always appreciated Tubby Smith and what his alleged style of basketball was (his method of getting his players to accomplish said style is a different subject). Coach K is a mastermind in dealing with people, I just personally don't like him or his personality, and coach Cal, I cannot stand.

It was so blatantly obvious that of the 4 teams that played on Tuesday night, MSU and KU had traditional "offenses" which included something more than dribble drive and pick and pop. I think Tyus would flourish at Kansas at Duke I could see him in college 3 or 4 years based on how his skill-set may not play well on a team like that.

I'm in no way guaranteeing anything, so take it for what it's worth. I have a friend who went to Kansas and is pretty tied in with some people close to the program. He was down in Chicago for the KU/Duke game and he heard that Tyus/Okafor to KU is a done deal. It will be interesting to see how tomorrow shakes out, I think Crystal Ball only has 9% KU at the moment.

Im not trying to challenge your friend, but I've heard from some connected people who say the exact opposite!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Everyone come to my college announcement tomorrow at Apple Valley high school @ 2:30. Doors shut at 2:40. Thanks for the support!</p>— Tyus Jones (@Tyusjones06) <a href="https://twitter.com/Tyusjones06/statuses/401179985265688576">November 15, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Everyone come to my college announcement tomorrow at Apple Valley high school @ 2:30. Doors shut at 2:40. Thanks for the support!</p>— Tyus Jones (@Tyusjones06) <a href="https://twitter.com/Tyusjones06/statuses/401179985265688576">November 15, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Crazy that this whole saga is going to be over tomorrow. Haven't we been talking about Tyus since on this board since 2010 or so?

I have a bunch of buddies that work in college athletics and college basketball. I got to know a few of them because we used to work together in a past life. They all agree that they do not like Bill Self. His nickname in the basketball coaching community is Dollar Bill. Honestly I hope that Tyus goes to Duke, but honestly it does not matter either way since he is not coming here.

Maybe Tyus is trolling us in the opposite way that Reid did? Just trying to bring a little optimism :p

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Everyone come to my college announcement tomorrow at Apple Valley high school @ 2:30. Doors shut at 2:40. Thanks for the support!</p>— Tyus Jones (@Tyusjones06) <a href="https://twitter.com/Tyusjones06/statuses/401179985265688576">November 15, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Everyone come to my college announcement tomorrow at Apple Valley high school @ 2:30. Doors shut at 2:40. Thanks for the support!</p>— Tyus Jones (@Tyusjones06) <a href="https://twitter.com/Tyusjones06/statuses/401179985265688576">November 15, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Watch me! Watch while I pull out a Gopher cap and poop in it!

Not even really worried about where Tyus signs, IMHO. For one, he's not coming to a B1G team (unless it's the Gophers :eek:), so we won't have to be reminded every year at the barn that he's not in maroon and gold. Two, we're in great position for Jarvis the following year (who is absolutely electrifying), among other huge recruits (Alex, Henry, Elijah, Jalen, etc.). This program will be more than fine. Although most of us have mentally resigned from the Tyus situation, it will be nice to see it come to an end. Also, as I was typing this, Tyus and Jahlil flashed across the bottom of ESPN as a packaged deal. Excited for the end.

Watch me! Watch while I pull out a Gopher cap and poop in it!

You don't even know the kid and you are deciding that he is an attention grabber?

All people close to him have said on the contrary. That they are amazed that with all the attention he has received for so long, that he has stayed humbled and a good person.

You don't even know the kid and you are deciding that he is an attention grabber?

All people close to him have said on the contrary. That they are amazed that with all the attention he has received for so long, that he has stayed humbled and a good person.

I can only compare his approach to the way I'd handle it or how I'd advise my own kid to handle it.

I can only compare his approach to the way I'd handle it or how I'd advise my own kid to handle it.

Tough to say how any of us would handle it. I've personally never had such an important decision in my life with that many great options. It'd be tough for me to choose with pretty much every college in the nation telling me how good I am.

Who said Tyus is an attention hog?

I think he's done a great job stay on the low key. I wouldn't have played the "maybe Minnesota???" as long as he did/had, but I truly think he might have held out for Pitino bringing in some crazy exciting class and he could have jumped on board. When that didn't happen I WISH, do not expect, Tyus had done something public informing Minnesota it was in his best interest to go elsewhere and he would always hold the state in high regard.

Good luck Tyus, wish you would have been a trailblazer

It appears that he is trying to keep people interested and make the announcement a bigger deal than it otherwise would be.

I kind of get this feeling as well. Wish him the best of luck, wherever he ends up!

I think he is in almost an impossible situation to make everybody happy, particularly Minnesotans.

But I'm to the point now that I don't want to read about it anymore.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Everyone come to my college announcement tomorrow at Apple Valley high school @ 2:30. Doors shut at 2:40. Thanks for the support!</p>— Tyus Jones (@Tyusjones06) <a href="https://twitter.com/Tyusjones06/statuses/401179985265688576">November 15, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Seems like there is no end to the amount of adulation they require. In the end just make your damn decision within your family and send out an email or whatever to the media. In the end your family and friends are the ones who really care about you. No school's fan base cares about you any more than you or they care about me or any other schmuck.

When are these high profile guys going to learn the golden rule. Maybe they need to have it put to them this way, don't jerk other people around unless you want to be jerked around.

I think he is in almost an impossible situation to make everybody happy, particularly Minnesotans.

But I'm to the point now that I don't want to read about it anymore.

+1 I could care less either way.

Tyus posted a blog yesterday. You can't make this stuff up. He says he's 100% picking the same school as Okafor, but then talks about Minnesota as if he's still considering them.


I'm definitely not one to rip on kids for deciding to go where they want to go, but how dumb does he think we are? A kindergartner could deduce that he isn't coming to Minnesota based on the fact that he's going to commit with Okafor who has no interest.

I'm definitely not one to rip on kids for deciding to go where they want to go, but how dumb does he think we are? A kindergartner could deduce that he isn't coming to Minnesota based on the fact that he's going to commit with Okafor who has no interest.

I'm trying to figure out where we are going to find the scholarship for Okafor.

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