Tyus Jones to Duke.

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Jared Nuness is a close relative of the Jones' and he is an assistant at Baylor. That's why mom wants Baylor.

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If Debbie wants people to fall in line with the charade, she needs to stop telling HER FRIENDS that it's down to Duke, Kansas, and Baylor. Truth is, she wants Tyus to pick Baylor.

I have long thought Tyus was gone from the state. However, with the family going THIS far to ensure everyone knows/thinks Minnesota is still in the running, it makes me think maybe there's someone in the inner-circle who wants to keep the option open if the package deal with his buddy falls through. I'm sure this is wishful thinking, but it's a theory.

I have long thought Tyus was gone from the state. However, with the family going THIS far to ensure everyone knows/thinks Minnesota is still in the running, it makes me think maybe there's someone in the inner-circle who wants to keep the option open if the package deal with his buddy falls through. I'm sure this is wishful thinking, but it's a theory.

I think it's the attention more than anything. My guess is they worry if he eliminates Minnesota no one will care about him anymore.

Why am I getting the feeling that there is a slight chance Tyus stays home? I'll acknowledge it is slight, but it seems that Okafor is set on going to a big time program. He has eliminated his home school, basically saying package deal or not, I am leaving for a big program. Tyus has not done that. It sure feels like they are sorting their way thru schools that they can both agree to play for and have it pretty narrowed down, but they may have different views on which is the right school for each of them individually. In the case of the 3 finalists, possibly Tyus wanting Duke, Okafor wanting Kansas and Baylor as some median school they seem to think they might be able to agree on. In the end, they may decide to go different ways, leaving Minnesota as one of the finalists for Tyus. For some reason, I am getting the feeling that they might not be able to agree on the final destination.

Why am I getting the feeling that there is a slight chance Tyus stays home? I'll acknowledge it is slight, but it seems that Okafor is set on going to a big time program. He has eliminated his home school, basically saying package deal or not, I am leaving for a big program. Tyus has not done that. It sure feels like they are sorting their way thru schools that they can both agree to play for and have it pretty narrowed down, but they may have different views on which is the right school for each of them individually. In the case of the 3 finalists, possibly Tyus wanting Duke, Okafor wanting Kansas and Baylor as some median school they seem to think they might be able to agree on. In the end, they may decide to go different ways, leaving Minnesota as one of the finalists for Tyus. For some reason, I am getting the feeling that they might not be able to agree on the final destination.

I believe they call it wishful thinking.

I think it's the attention more than anything. My guess is they worry if he eliminates Minnesota no one will care about him anymore.

You're probably right. I just want to think there's something more here. However, I know better!

Strib: 'Big Three' prep basketball standouts dazzle recruiters

This group, however, is different. Jones, Vaughn and Travis are not simply good; they are elite. All three are rated in the top 25 of the Class of 2014, according to ESPN, which ranks Jones at No. 4, Vaughn at No. 17 and Travis at No. 23. The trio has been soaking up the national limelight for years, being wooed by some of the country’s best programs in Duke, Kansas, Kentucky and North Carolina, to name a few.

Duke and Kansas seem to have captured Jones’ interest long ago.


Go Gophers!!

Since Jones isn't considering MN, I'd like to see him go to Baylor. Duke and Kansas seem like the safe and easy choices, but if Jones truly wants to separate himself and make a case for why he is NBA worthy then he should go to a place where his skill set is remarkably noticeable. So far Jones doesn't strike me as a risk taker and frankly, the elite players in the NBA are risk-takers. Of all the schools that has consistently underperformed in producing NBA talent I would point to Duke. It sounds like Duke may be Jones first pick. If he picks Duke then I might suggest that Jones will have a productive college career while never really having a solid NBA career. Adversity builds character and Duke won't be a place of adversity.

Since Jones isn't considering MN, I'd like to see him go to Baylor. Duke and Kansas seem like the safe and easy choices, but if Jones truly wants to separate himself and make a case for why he is NBA worthy then he should go to a place where his skill set is remarkably noticeable. So far Jones doesn't strike me as a risk taker and frankly, the elite players in the NBA are risk-takers. Of all the schools that has consistently underperformed in producing NBA talent I would point to Duke. It sounds like Duke may be Jones first pick. If he picks Duke then I might suggest that Jones will have a productive college career while never really having a solid NBA career. Adversity builds character and Duke won't be a place of adversity.

Duke isn't a place to build character? But playing for Scott Drew is a better alternative? Ay yi yi.

Since Jones isn't considering MN, I'd like to see him go to Baylor. Duke and Kansas seem like the safe and easy choices, but if Jones truly wants to separate himself and make a case for why he is NBA worthy then he should go to a place where his skill set is remarkably noticeable. So far Jones doesn't strike me as a risk taker and frankly, the elite players in the NBA are risk-takers. Of all the schools that has consistently underperformed in producing NBA talent I would point to Duke. It sounds like Duke may be Jones first pick. If he picks Duke then I might suggest that Jones will have a productive college career while never really having a solid NBA career. Adversity builds character and Duke won't be a place of adversity.

Trying to understand your logic makes my head hurt. Also your facts are incorrect opinions. Duke lead all college in producing the most number of NBA players the past 4 years until Kentucky finally unseated them this year due to the higher volume of one-and-dones going thru Lexington. Also, former Duke's players combined salaries (you know, something aspiring NBA players tend to like) in the NBA last season were greater than any other school. Finally, Tyus plays PG. So does Kyrie Irving. He's not exactly underperforming. He's already a concensus top 5 PG in the league and already an All-Star.

Finally the character thing is just plain silly. Let's see, who should I want to play for: I snake oil salesmen in Scott Drew or a West Point grad, HOFer, USA Basketball coach, and leader of men in Coach K. You're right. No one in the business respects Coach K. Everyone that has played for him says they're a worse person for it. It's actually the exact opposite as you mention. And this "Adversity" you mention...what the F is that in reference to? Kind of an adverse situation for a team being every other team's main opponent on their schedule. Kind of an adverse situation being loathed by a higher percentage of CB fans just because of the college you picked (more Duke haters than any other school and its not debatable).

Stop typing...

Since Jones isn't considering MN, I'd like to see him go to Baylor. Duke and Kansas seem like the safe and easy choices, but if Jones truly wants to separate himself and make a case for why he is NBA worthy then he should go to a place where his skill set is remarkably noticeable. So far Jones doesn't strike me as a risk taker and frankly, the elite players in the NBA are risk-takers. Of all the schools that has consistently underperformed in producing NBA talent I would point to Duke. It sounds like Duke may be Jones first pick. If he picks Duke then I might suggest that Jones will have a productive college career while never really having a solid NBA career. Adversity builds character and Duke won't be a place of adversity.

Drew is my least favorite college coach outside of the Big Ten whose initials are not J.C. I'm pretty confident he's running a shady program, and I do not approve. I'd hate to see any of the big three end up there.

maybe just maybe, tyus's mom wants him to stay in MN and she won't let him go play with Okafor and he's going to leave it all quiet until signing day that his mom actually owns him and that he was coming here all along.

Duke isn't a place to build character? But playing for Scott Drew is a better alternative? Ay yi yi.

The flaw of his argument is that adversity isn't the only thing that builds character... And it doesn't always work.

Im not sure why i even checked this thread and to honest i wish it would just go away. He is not coming here and for those of you that believe he still may, you need a reality check. He doesnt want to be the bad guy while hes here and lose the attention as someone pointed out in an earlier post. This thread has 133 pages of wishful thinking. Not dogging on anyone that still has hopes of him coming here just as i do but as a MN fan in all sports I know better then to get my hopes up. #ballcrusher

Im not sure why i even checked this thread and to honest i wish it would just go away. He is not coming here and for those of you that believe he still may, you need a reality check. He doesnt want to be the bad guy while hes here and lose the attention as someone pointed out in an earlier post. This thread has 133 pages of wishful thinking. Not dogging on anyone that still has hopes of him coming here just as i do but as a MN fan in all sports I know better then to get my hopes up. #ballcrusher

I don't think anyone thinks we have any real chance at getting him. I'm sill interested to see where he goes though, and I like staying up to date on his recruitment. It's not every day a top 5 player comes out of MN, so I don't see the harm in following his recruitment - even if he's not coming here.

The best alternative is to play at Minnesota. My point is that playing at Duke does not require the individual player to develop individual skills nearly as much as playing at an alternative school where one has to work hard to be the very best. Jones had a chance to actually make a name for himself at Minnesota or its equivalent. He is simply another player at Duke or Kansas.

Duke isn't a place to build character? But playing for Scott Drew is a better alternative? Ay yi yi.

The best alternative is to play at Minnesota. My point is that playing at Duke does not require the individual player to develop individual skills nearly as much as playing at an alternative school where one has to work hard to be the very best. Jones had a chance to actually make a name for himself at Minnesota or its equivalent. He is simply another player at Duke or Kansas.

This just isn't true.

So can we expect to hear him commit next week then? I remember hearing that he wanted to decide by the middle of november.

The best alternative is to play at Minnesota. My point is that playing at Duke does not require the individual player to develop individual skills nearly as much as playing at an alternative school where one has to work hard to be the very best.

So they don't work very hard at Duke? Or are you saying there's not as much motivation to work hard at Duke because they're already one of the best? Not following your logic.

Jones had a chance to actually make a name for himself at Minnesota or its equivalent. He is simply another player at Duke or Kansas.[/QUOTE]

Not every player at Kansas and Duke was a unanimous top five player.

So they don't work very hard at Duke? Or are you saying there's not as much motivation to work hard at Duke because they're already one of the best? Not following your logic.

Jones had a chance to actually make a name for himself at Minnesota or its equivalent. He is simply another player at Duke or Kansas.

Not every player at Kansas and Duke was a unanimous top five player.[/QUOTE]

i think what tiny is getting at is that no matter how highly touted you are at Duke, you are still expected to be team first and fit into the system, hence you are just another player. Where at another school the offense may be adjusted around you to accentuate your skill set and run through you.

Thank you, yes. Playing at a different school would prepare Jones for the isolations and sets used in the NBA. He would be expected to create and score off isolation plays, but this may not be necessary at Duke and thus it may not push him to a higher level by playing at Duke or Kansas.

Not every player at Kansas and Duke was a unanimous top five player.

i think what tiny is getting at is that no matter how highly touted you are at Duke, you are still expected to be team first and fit into the system, hence you are just another player. Where at another school the offense may be adjusted around you to accentuate your skill set and run through you.[/QUOTE]

Ok guys, I, as most of you, have given up all hope of Tyus coming here I just thought this was interesting...

Jahlil Okafor ‏@BigJah22 10h
Is it better to follow your heart or your brain?

I was checking out the Duke board a few days ago to see what they though about the Reid Travis situation, and a good few of them don't seem super confident in getting the Tyus/Okafor package. Apparently Duke has a bit of a monkey on their back with regard to being unable to land elite big men, and some of them feel that Okafor will go to Kansas and make Tyus follow him, or that the package will split and Tyus will go to Duke alone. Just found it interesting because the general sentiment on this thread for awhile has been that everyone and their brother knows they're going to Duke.

Ok guys, I, as most of you, have given up all hope of Tyus coming here I just thought this was interesting...

Jahlil Okafor ‏@BigJah22 10h
Is it better to follow your heart or your brain?

That IS interesting - but not unexpected. History is full of these package deals that don't end up being a package deal because the individuals (rightly) choose a situation that's best for them.

Ok guys, I, as most of you, have given up all hope of Tyus coming here I just thought this was interesting...

Jahlil Okafor ‏@BigJah22 10h
Is it better to follow your heart or your brain?

To play with Jones or not to play with Jones, that is the question.

Is Kentucky in play here, Jones will go to Kansas or Duke with Okafor but not Kentucky.

I kind of hope Jones goes to Duke and Okafor goes to Kansas so then we will all know for certain that Minnesota truly had no chance.

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