Tyus Jones to Duke.

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I may be an outlier but im cheering for Tyus wherever he goes... if its Kansas I can see myself rooting for Kansas... if its Duke im just gonna be a Tyus fan while hoping duke loses. ...

I think its a crazy jump to say that Tyus is gonna be 2nd fiddle to anyone. Tyus is going to get his , he will have the ball in his hand everytime down the court. .. irs not like hes a 2nd rate PG... kid is gonna be a stud in any jersey with any teammates. ....

It'll be hard to top Khalid El Amin, who verballed as a sophomore, then reneged, then signed with Connecticut after describing in public to the press an apparent NCAA violation during his visit there that was never acknowledged, much less investigated by the NCAA. Oh, and then he won a national title there. So basically if I ever saw him park his car and walk away, I'd probably let the air out of at least two of his tires.

El Amin from the North side , he'll probably cap you for that

I wouldn't cheer for Tyus if he goes elsewhere. This he is one of us is B.S. I'm a Gopher fan not an AAU Howard Pulley groupie.. Keeping the Gophers on his list and at the same time saying he's going to school with Okafer is so disingenuous it really sours me on Tyus. Maybe if he sucks up enough after four years he can join Coach K 's staff at Duke.

I wouldn't cheer for Tyus if he goes elsewhere. This he is one of us is B.S. I'm a Gopher fan not an AAU Howard Pulley groupie.. Keeping the Gophers on his list and at the same time saying he's going to school with Okafer is so disingenuous it really sours me on Tyus. Maybe if he sucks up enough after four years he can join Coach K 's staff at Duke.

well said

I think Tyus has handled his recruitment very well. I have always hoped he would end up at MN, but realize that is not likely now. It is unfortunate that the timing of the Pitino hire was not last year as he would have had a full year to recruit Tyus. Tyus would have had a full year to see Pitino's system. Tyus has more court awareness than any H.S. basketball player I have seen form many years and he makes everyone around him better. He will have a successful college career.

El Amin from the North side , he'll probably cap you for that

Doubt it...was at delasalle has and el Amin was playing in the game before ours (brothers keeper league). Some dude was fouled hard by El Amins cousin, for some reason the dude felt it was Khalid. The guy punched El Amin in the face and Khalid literally started to cry and didn't do nothing back...it was hard to watch!

Doubt it...was at delasalle has and el Amin was playing in the game before ours (brothers keeper league). Some dude was fouled hard by El Amins cousin, for some reason the dude felt it was Khalid. The guy punched El Amin in the face and Khalid literally started to cry and didn't do nothing back...it was hard to watch!

Actually that reminds me of something, didn't Russ Archahoweveryouspellhisname beat him up at a gopher practice right before he decommitted? Too bad El Amin comes after Bobby J back court doesn't miss a beat

GopherHole Q&A: Tyus Jones Talks KU/Duke Visits, Nate Mason Commitment and Still Considering U


"Gopher Hole: So you are to be honest probably down to those three, Baylor, Kansas and Duke for the most part since Minnesota got a commitment from a guard?
Tyus Jones: I am still looking at them. Nate Mason is a great player. That is a great commit for them. He played a lot of “2” guard this summer. I am still considering the Gophers. " [But not taking an official here].

Way to keep the dream alive, Tyus, hahahaha. (I laugh in jest)

"Gopher Hole: So you are to be honest probably down to those three, Baylor, Kansas and Duke for the most part since Minnesota got a commitment from a guard?
Tyus Jones: I am still looking at them. Nate Mason is a great player. That is a great commit for them. He played a lot of “2” guard this summer. I am still considering the Gophers. " [But not taking an official here].

Way to keep the dream alive, Tyus, hahahaha. (I laugh in jest)

Ya, that's what I thought too when I read that line. Really Tyus, please just cut it off if there isn't a chance you come here. At least Okafor did that for his home school so they weren't strung along..

Ya, that's what I thought too when I read that line. Really Tyus, please just cut it off if there isn't a chance you come here. At least Okafor did that for his home school so they weren't strung along..

But in reality, none of us are strung along either. No Gopher fans have believed Tyus had legitimate interest in us for over a year now. It's not going to come as a shock at all.

Not saying he'll come here, but it seems like this might have been a good opportunity to eliminate us. He could have said, "Minnesota just got a point guard commit, so I don't think they're an option for me anymore." Even when the interviewer suggested that the Nate Mason commitment might eliminate us, he said he was still considering us. I still don't think we'll get him, and maybe he's just keeping us around in case he changes his mind at the last minute or something, it just seemed like Mason's commitment might provide him a good chance to finally say he wouldn't come here and yet he didn't.

Not saying he'll come here, but it seems like this might have been a good opportunity to eliminate us. He could have said, "Minnesota just got a point guard commit, so I don't think they're an option for me anymore." Even when the interviewer suggested that the Nate Mason commitment might eliminate us, he said he was still considering us. I still don't think we'll get him, and maybe he's just keeping us around in case he changes his mind at the last minute or something, it just seemed like Mason's commitment might provide him a good chance to finally say he wouldn't come here and yet he didn't.
Ya I kinda had that same feeling also. I go back and forth on how I feel about the whole thing.

"Gopher Hole: So you are to be honest probably down to those three, Baylor, Kansas and Duke for the most part since Minnesota got a commitment from a guard?
Tyus Jones: I am still looking at them. Nate Mason is a great player. That is a great commit for them. He played a lot of “2” guard this summer. I am still considering the Gophers. " [But not taking an official here].

Way to keep the dream alive, Tyus, hahahaha. (I laugh in jest)

This line pretty much confirms what my source said a few days ago, I had no reason to doubt him, but yeah, its down to duke, baylor, and kansas with his mom leaning baylor

I feel like a Cleveland Cavaliers fan before the Decision...only a majority of our fans are smart enough to realize he's gone.

But in reality, none of us are strung along either. No Gopher fans have believed Tyus had legitimate interest in us for over a year now. It's not going to come as a shock at all.

They need a separate message board for morons who post garbage like this. Several gopher fans I know as well as posters here believe We have a chance with Tyus. Even Tyus said yesterday he is still considering us!

This line pretty much confirms what my source said a few days ago, I had no reason to doubt him, but yeah, its down to duke, baylor, and kansas with his mom leaning baylor

I don't think Tyus is coming here, but how in the world does that line confirm what you said?

I don't think Tyus wants it to look like he is intimidated by Mason's commitment, so that is the reason for insisting that Minnesota is still being considered. Props to GH for asking the question in the manner that they did. If we were a legitimate contender though he'd take an official visit. How hard would it be for him to take an official visit this coming weekend? This is why I think we have a legit shot with Reid. I don't think these kids would take a cross town official visit if they truly have no desire to play for the Gophers.

Why would he be intimidated by Mason's commitment?

I'm saying if he immediately elminated us from his list after Mason's commitment then there might be a perception that he didn't want to compete with him for playing time. I don't think Tyus would be intimated, but I think he wanted to make it clear that Mason would not stop him from going to Minnesota (if he was actually considering us). It's an ego thing. I'm not really judging him, I'd probably do the same thing.

I'm saying if he immediately elminated us from his list after Mason's commitment then there might be a perception that he didn't want to compete with him for playing time. I don't think Tyus would be intimated, but I think he wanted to make it clear that Mason would not stop him from going to Minnesota (if he was actually considering us). It's an ego thing. I'm not really judging him, I'd probably do the same thing.

I think that is reading too much into it. He is going to keep the hometown team on his list until the day he commits, irregardless of whether Minnesota is under real consideration or not.

I think that is reading too much into it. He is going to keep the hometown team on his list until the day he commits, irregardless of whether Minnesota is under real consideration or not.

Why burn bridges at this point, maybe Jahil commits to Kansas, Tyus really doesn't want to go to Kansas and is fighting with his decision, is leaning to Duke, but at the last second decides to stay home, unlikely, I don't believe it will happen, but the possibility is always there.

This line pretty much confirms what my source said a few days ago, I had no reason to doubt him, but yeah, its down to duke, baylor, and kansas with his mom leaning baylor

Whoah, what? Baylor??

It's one thing to spurn your hometown school for the likes of Kansas or Duke. While that sucks (especially for us big fans who know that if Tyus came here, we would soon be competing with Kansas and Duke), most of the local yokels would nod their head and say they understand.

But if he chooses Baylor ... WTH. It would be fair to ask, why didn't you just stay home???

If he ends up at Baylor, the NCAA should probably open up an office next to Scott Drew's.

Tyus is very good at diplomacy, and I'm not going to fault him for that.

What caught my attention the most was he's now saying he'll make the decision in early November. I specifically remember him saying he wanted to see how the Gophers looked under Pitino, style of play, etc., before he made his final decision. That would require he at least wait until mid to late November to see the Gophers play a a few real games. So much for that, I guess.

My call is Kansas, in a bit of an upset (over Coach Alphabet).

And thanks, Chris, for asking the difficult but obvious question.

Why would he be intimidated by Mason's commitment?

Exactly, he's not. No player that's rated a 5 star recruit and ranked #5 by rivals is going to be worried about a 3 star recruit who isn't in the top 150 regardless if they play the same position or not.

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