Tyus Jones to Duke.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Off to NC.. Official visit at Duke this weekend.</p>— Tyus Jones (@Tyusjones06) <a href="https://twitter.com/Tyusjones06/statuses/393523606837161984">October 24, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Off to NC.. Official visit at Duke this weekend.</p>— Tyus Jones (@Tyusjones06) <a href="https://twitter.com/Tyusjones06/statuses/393523606837161984">October 24, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

No exclamation points. Clearly isn't going to Duke.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Off to NC.. Official visit at Duke this weekend.</p>— Tyus Jones (@Tyusjones06) <a href="https://twitter.com/Tyusjones06/statuses/393523606837161984">October 24, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

Does this mean we can file this thread with the JP Macura and Isiah Whitehead threads come Monday.

Can't wait for him to announce, both because I'm tired of being strung along and I want to see how much backlash there is, if any.

Can't wait for him to announce, both because I'm tired of being strung along and I want to see how much backlash there is, if any.

All of the media backlash would be aimed at Pitino for not being able to land him. Souhan I am sure already has his column written

All of the media backlash would be aimed at Pitino for not being able to land him. Souhan I am sure already has his column written

Yeah I meant backlash both ways. Writers towards the U/Pitino and local fans at Tyus' HS games. When really there shouldn't be any backlash at all.

All of the media backlash would be aimed at Pitino for not being able to land him. Souhan I am sure already has his column written

Souhan's writing is so incredibly lazy. I'm sure he hasn't written anything that far ahead of time in his life. I don't usually get too worked up about writers, but that guy's lack of journalistic ability is laughable!

I don't see much backlash from this one, at least from anyone with journalistic credibility. It's been obvious for quite awhile that Tyus is going elsewhere. In fact, I don't see much backlash this year even if none of the big 3 choose the U. Pitino deserves a pass for this year. He definitely needs to get some solid 2015 guys, though, and I think he will.

Tyus's parents take jobs in Durahm or Lawrence in 3, 2, 1............

Tyus and dad met with Coach K tonight. He's narrowed it down to Duke, Kansas, and Baylor. The Baylor consideration is more than just a polite gesture. Apparently, Baylor is mom's preference. Interesting. Bear in mind, I'm getting this through a third party, so take it with a grain of salt. He was definitely with Coach K tonight, though....

Tyus and dad met with Coach K tonight. He's narrowed it down to Duke, Kansas, and Baylor. The Baylor consideration is more than just a polite gesture. Apparently, Baylor is mom's preference. Interesting. Bear in mind, I'm getting this through a third party, so take it with a grain of salt. He was definitely with Coach K tonight, though....

Not sure about coach K meeting, but I can confirm that he and the family have narrowed it down to Duke, Kansas, and Baylor, and his mom's preference of Baylor, I heard this a few days ago from someone very close to the family(and I mean REALLY CLOSE) and I was going to post this, but hesitated, due to backlash, but since someone else said it, I will just go ahead and confirm it.

Not sure about coach K meeting, but I can confirm that he and the family have narrowed it down to Duke, Kansas, and Baylor, and his mom's preference of Baylor, I heard this a few days ago from someone very close to the family(and I mean REALLY CLOSE) and I was going to post this, but hesitated, due to backlash, but since someone else said it, I will just go ahead and confirm it.

I had no reason to doubt my source (knows mom very well), but that pretty much confirms it.

Assuming this is all true, I sure hope he makes this well known to the public ASAP, instead of draggin along the Gophers and the fans. We have all pretty much known this was coming, but just come out and make it official if true. There is really no reason to not make it public if true.

Assuming this is all true, I sure hope he makes this well known to the public ASAP, instead of draggin along the Gophers and the fans. We have all pretty much known this was coming, but just come out and make it official if true. There is really no reason to not make it public if true.

The Gophers were out of it when he said he was playing with Okafor no doubt. What a joke he strung along Gopher fans this long.

The Gophers were out of it when he said he was playing with Okafor no doubt. What a joke he strung along Gopher fans this long.

That's the part that'll make Tyus generally disliked around here from now on. There won't be the same kind of hard feelings if Rashad or Reid take their talents elsewhere.

Hope Tyus enjoys being 2nd fiddle to Okafor where ever he goes. After watching his game over the years, how good he is and how much he loves the attention, I'm not sure he will enjoy not being THE MAN at KU or Duke.

That's the part that'll make Tyus generally disliked around here from now on. There won't be the same kind of hard feelings if Rashad or Reid take their talents elsewhere.

Reid has shown genuine interest in the Gophers. If he chooses Stanford over the U, how can you be mad at that? Disapointed yes, but mad? no. Same with Rashad, he has kept all options open and maybe he has zero intentions of coming to the U. But unlike Tyus, he hasn't made bold statements in public about guaranteeing a package deal with a player who doesn't even know where Minnesota is, but yet telling Gopher fans we are still an option. Once he commits to Duke, I'd hope we don't talk about him at all on this board again.

Hope Tyus enjoys being 2nd fiddle to Okafor where ever he goes. After watching his game over the years, how good he is and how much he loves the attention, I'm not sure he will enjoy not being THE MAN at KU or Duke.

What exactly are you basing this on? Seems like you're just angry and taking random shots at him whether there is logic to support it or not.

What exactly are you basing this on? Seems like you're just angry and taking random shots at him whether there is logic to support it or not.

It is my opinion on watching him play. The guy is good and loves to look the part. Agree or disagree, that's fine. Just calling it how I see it.

Reid has shown genuine interest in the Gophers. If he chooses Stanford over the U, how can you be mad at that? Disapointed yes, but mad? no. Same with Rashad, he has kept all options open and maybe he has zero intentions of coming to the U. But unlike Tyus, he hasn't made bold statements in public about guaranteeing a package deal with a player who doesn't even know where Minnesota is, but yet telling Gopher fans we are still an option. Once he commits to Duke, I'd hope we don't talk about him at all on this board again.

It'll be hard to top Khalid El Amin, who verballed as a sophomore, then reneged, then signed with Connecticut after describing in public to the press an apparent NCAA violation during his visit there that was never acknowledged, much less investigated by the NCAA. Oh, and then he won a national title there. So basically if I ever saw him park his car and walk away, I'd probably let the air out of at least two of his tires.

It'll be hard to top Khalid El Amin, who verballed as a sophomore, then reneged, then signed with Connecticut after describing in public to the press an apparent NCAA violation during his visit there that was never acknowledged, much less investigated by the NCAA. Oh, and then he won a national title there. So basically if I ever saw him park his car and walk away, I'd probably let the air out of at least two of his tires.

Ah, I'm too young to know/remember how the El Amin deal went down. Sounds pretty bad!.

All these young outstanding athletes obviously are free to do as they please and choose the college of their choice. The fan base here is passionate, and would love to keep a star like Jones home. He could be the best PG the Gophers have ever had. If he chose to play for Coach K rather than Minnesota, you really can't be mad. What an opportunity to play for the greatest college coach of all time! But as I have said before, why make statements like he has and then insult the hometown fan base by saying you're still in the mix?

It is my opinion on watching him play. The guy is good and loves to look the part. Agree or disagree, that's fine. Just calling it how I see it.

I get that it's your opinion, I just don't get what you're basing it on. If he was a guy who beat his chest after making a play, yelled, and pumped up the crowd you would have a point, but Tyus shows little to no emotion in games. He just puts his head down and goes about his business. I think you just have an ax to grind since he kept us on his list.

I get that it's your opinion, I just don't get what you're basing it on. If he was a guy who beat his chest after making a play, yelled, and pumped up the crowd you would have a point, but Tyus shows little to no emotion in games. He just puts his head down and goes about his business. I think you just have an ax to grind since he kept us on his list.

The flashy shoes, the arm sleeve, etc. Tyus is awesome, and has been the focal point of every team he has been on. I'm curious to see how it will be when he's not the BIGSHOT at a school like Duke or KU with guys like Okafor around.

and yes, I do have an axe to grind! lol

The flashy shoes, the arm sleeve, etc. Tyus is awesome, and has been the focal point of every team he has been on. I'm curious to see how it will be when he's not the BIGSHOT at a school like Duke or KU with guys like Okafor around.

and yes, I do have an axe to grind! lol

I'll leave it alone after this post, but wow you are really reaching there haha. Talk about grasping at straws. Also, I think Tyus will like all the talent around him. Remember, he is a point guard who likes to pass the ball. If he was so worried about not being the only big-time player there is no way he would be packaging with Okafor....

I'll leave it alone after this post, but wow you are really reaching there haha. Also, I think Tyus will like all the talent around him. Remember, he is a point guard who likes to pass the ball. If he was so worried about not being the only big-time player there is no way he would be packaging with Okafor....

valid point. Call it whatever you want. It's my opinion and I'm sticking to it. Is it sour grapes? yes, absolutely it is, and I know it!!!!

Can't wait til Tyus turns pro and he gets buried on the bench so I won't have to hear about him or see him while I'm following basketball. Tyus definitely has my vote as the goofiest looking hoops star since Adam Morrison.

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