Transfer list possibilities, Spring 2020

So? They aren't included in the value of the scholarship, so it's a dishonest point.

Because this is about the 1%.
Pretty sure we agree that the 1%
So? They aren't included in the value of the scholarship, so it's a dishonest point.

Because this is about the 1%.
Will not be bogged down by the small % of players and coaches who do the money deal. I cheer for programs that beat them playing with kids that value the whole college experience, some win titles, graduate and still play in the NBA. Scout and recruit players of team values, to culture you know, that you experienced,that you built and you can beat anyone. It has been proven. I am very proud that Pitino played it straight here.

Pretty sure we agree that the 1% will not be bogged down by the small % of players and coaches who do the money deal. I cheer for programs that beat them playing with kids that value the whole college experience, some win titles, graduate and still play in the NBA. Scout and recruit players of team values, to culture you know, that you experienced,that you built and you can beat anyone. It has been proven. I am very proud that Pitino played it straight here.
Sure, Hickory can beat South Bend now and then.

If you really want college players who value the whole college experience, and play for the love of the game, go watch the MIAC.

This is the NBA minor league, and the players should be paid professionals and employees of the university, with taking class at the school being as irrelevant as it is for the janitor.

Sure, Hickory can beat South Bend now and then.

If you really want college players who value the whole college experience, and play for the love of the game, go watch the MIAC.

This is the NBA minor league, and the players should be paid professionals and employees of the university, with taking class at the school being as irrelevant as it is for the janitor.
Your entitled your take. I follow teams and players and coaches and AD's and regents who play it differently. Hickory has beaten the big dogs over the course of 8 years many times by any measure. Only Hollywood would make that Milan team a underdog. That had already been a powerhouse the year before and had several college players on their team. Plus the real life coach Norm Wood was 24 years old. It was big news because they were a little tiny school in a small town. Colleges are big schools with everything needed to be a champion if you have the right coach. They set the vision,the tone on how things will be conducted. Just like each human decides how to conduct themselves. Dignity, class, being thoughtful and kind are choices.

Your entitled your take. I follow teams and players and coaches and AD's and regents who play it differently. Hickory has beaten the big dogs over the course of 8 years many times by any measure. Only Hollywood would make that Milan team a underdog. That had already been a powerhouse the year before and had several college players on their team. Plus the real life coach Norm Wood was 24 years old. It was big news because they were a little tiny school in a small town. Colleges are big schools with everything needed to be a champion if you have the right coach. They set the vision,the tone on how things will be conducted. Just like each human decides how to conduct themselves. Dignity, class, being thoughtful and kind are choices.
All of that stuff can be done just as well, in a system that allows NBA minor league players to get paid.

Then it would be about playing the right way, not cheating ("flopping", etc), and so on. Which is just great and fine.

You're such a big stickler for the rules and doing it the right way. But the whole system of the rules, regarding money, is arbitrary and false, in the first place. If that were abolished, you'd no longer have an axe to grind on that part of it.

All of that stuff can be done just as well, in a system that allows NBA minor league players to get paid.

Then it would be about playing the right way, not cheating ("flopping", etc), and so on. Which is just great and fine.

You're such a big stickler for the rules and doing it the right way. But the whole system of the rules, regarding money, is arbitrary and false, in the first place. If that were abolished, you'd no longer have an axe to grind on that part of it.
Wish that no one cheated at anything.

Wish that no one cheated at anything.
You know for a fact that Gophers (and Wisconsin) conference opponents cheat. But you still will support that product with your money. Indirectly, you are supporting the cheating.

Unless you pull out and only watch MIAC, you're not being true to what you believe.

You know for a fact that Gophers (and Wisconsin) conference opponents cheat. But you still will support that product with your money. Indirectly, you are supporting the cheating.

Unless you pull out and only watch MIAC, you're not being true to what you believe.
I support clean programs with gifts and zero for cheaters. All of society is intermingled. I have friends that cheated on their wives and they were still my friends, that does not mean i supported the cheating. I conduct myself the best i can as a thoughtful and kind person. You can attempt to determine what i am however you choose to define my fandom or support. I support coaches and programs that play it clean. I do not have proof of every school that cheats. I think there are several schools in the conference that do not cheat.

The Udeze recruitment seems like we've really prioritized him. I think it would be great to get both Udeze and Robbins, just probably end up losing Freeman and/or Omersa though I think Jarvis might just stay b/c of MN. I'm taking Robbins 1st though if it came down to him or Udeze. I'm sure Gophs are too. Bolded guys current on roster.

Roster w/ Positions:
Carr 1
Greenlee 1
Mashburn 1/2

El-Amin 1/2
Willis 1/2/3

Peterson 1/2/3
Gabe 2/3
Walton 2/3
Tre Williams 2/3

Murphy 2/3/4
Mitchell 3/4
Ihnen 4
Omersa 4/5

Udeze 4/5
Curry 4/5

Robbins 5
Freeman 5
*Only have roster spot for 2 of the 6 potential recruits listed right now assuming Carr comes back

This roster is legit. That's 8/9/10 deep whether you agree on Omersa and Curry in the mix. You almost don't necessarily need Udeze after getting Robbins. You could almost go get a wing instead. Somebody to fit in that 3/4 range. That Drew Peterson or Trey Murphy from Rice might be better fits and better players than Udeze . I've changed my mind mid-post, I'd like to see Robbins and Peterson/Murphy. Even better if you could get both Peterson and Murphy or add El-Amin/Walton by freeing up a scholarship from Greenlee. My outlook on next years season would be completely changed. Already changed getting Robbins (Hope he locks in that commitment soon so I stop sweating it).
Totally agree with your late change of heart. I think we need more length and scoring ability at the three spot. We flat out need guys that can score in more than one way. I think we have enough bigs now but need a 6’6” to 6’8” wing to round out the class.

I support clean programs with gifts and zero for cheaters. All of society is intermingled. I have friends that cheated on their wives and they were still my friends, that does not mean i supported the cheating. I conduct myself the best i can as a thoughtful and kind person. You can attempt to determine what i am however you choose to define my fandom or support. I support coaches and programs that play it clean. I do not have proof of every school that cheats. I think there are several schools in the conference that do not cheat.
You seem mainly to care what the rules say, and that people try to live according to the rules.

So if the rules changed, and suddenly it was allowed to pay (top) players, such that paying the players was no longer against the rules, then you suddenly wouldn't care about that?

Right. Need to have a qualifier on that 15 ppg.
Not sure, but maybe Pitino is too selective. Maybe he always wants the home run recruit, when he has good players who will commit. Maybe that explains why he always settles for filler players like Greenlee, Freeman, Diediou, Stull, Ahmad Gilbert, I could go on and on. Just maybe
El-Amin or Walton would still be possibilities I think if a spot opens. I do think it'd be him or Peterson though.
I'm speculating these guys inside college basketball feel that there's gonna be a waiver this year. There's gotta be some correlation with the ridiculous amount of kids hitting the portal this year. Wouldn't you rather take Peterson or Murphy for 2 years than Johnson? Maybe not, I haven't watched much film on any of 'em. All come from teams below 500 last year. I'm growing on board with the recruit 'em all hard and take whoever commits first just cause you never know. Seems like Peterson is a talented do-it-all kinda kid which would be nice on the wing but looks like Johnson is a big guy that can board and shoot the 3. Murphy wing-type that can score. I don't know.

I'd love if they could make that Greenlee for El-Amin swap this year too. Or grab 2 of the kids above. Would be a big help.

However it shakes out I think you need to end up with 1/2 of the above (including Walton) or other transfers that we haven't been linked to or entered portal yet. You don't wanna end up with Robinson or the other freshmen lower on the list. Nothing on those kids, just odds.
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I'm speculating these guys inside college basketball feel that there's gonna be a waiver this year. There's gotta be some correlation with the ridiculous amount of kids hitting the portal this year. Wouldn't you rather take Peterson or Murphy for 2 years than Johnson? Maybe not, I haven't watched much film on any of 'em. All come from teams below 500 last year. I'm growing on board with the recruit 'em all hard and take whoever commits first just cause you never know. Seems like Peterson is a talented do-it-all kinda kid which would be nice on the wing but looks like Johnson is a big guy that can board and shoot the 3. Murphy wing-type that can score. I don't know.

I'd love if they could make that Greenlee for El-Amin swap this year too. Or grab 2 of the kids above. Would be a big help.

However it shakes out I think you need to end up with 1/2 of the above (including Walton) or other transfers that we haven't been linked to or entered portal yet. You don't wanna end up with Robinson or the other freshmen lower on the list. Nothing on those kids, just odds.

This posts reads like one after I review the NFL draft prospects. I want the Vikings to have 11 first round picks to take all of the guys I like. Not criticizing your post, just a general observation

You seem mainly to care what the rules say, and that people try to live according to the rules.

So if the rules changed, and suddenly it was allowed to pay (top) players, such that paying the players was no longer against the rules, then you suddenly wouldn't care about that?
I like small adjustments like higher stipends, travel for families etc.. Not in favor of paying top players. WE ALL HAVE OUR PREFERENCES in everything we think or do. We all change and adapt to whatever gets changed. I like punishment for rules that are broken but i can not help it if they are not enforced. Said all along that when we start paying players in college i am out 100%.

This posts reads like one after I review the NFL draft prospects. I want the Vikings to have 11 first round picks to take all of the guys I like. Not criticizing your post, just a general observation
Bring 'em all in! Not quite sure if these guys are all ranked that highly though according to some transfer boards I've seen. Maybe Murphy is? If you look at the teams in Johnson Final 7, I'd hope we would get him if we were doing all we could to.

All of that stuff can be done just as well, in a system that allows NBA minor league players to get paid.

Then it would be about playing the right way, not cheating ("flopping", etc), and so on. Which is just great and fine.

You're such a big stickler for the rules and doing it the right way. But the whole system of the rules, regarding money, is arbitrary and false, in the first place. If that were abolished, you'd no longer have an axe to grind on that part of it.
You are talking about the G league. Go watch that and let us have college basketball with all of the underdogs, hard work, over achievers, cinderella stories, bit players, dreamers, etc... It is the diving on the floor for your "brothers" on the team, the miraculous spin around jumpier at the buzzer from the sub that came in to help on defense.... A sport where 90% of the players are going to school so they can get a job not playing basketball.

That is what makes college sports fun and exciting to watch. Fans want to cheer for their team. When St John's beats St Thomas it is a great time for their fans to watch. Neither of them could beat a higher level team, but who cares?

You are talking about the G league. Go watch that and let us have college basketball with all of the underdogs, hard work, over achievers, cinderella stories, bit players, dreamers, etc... It is the diving on the floor for your "brothers" on the team, the miraculous spin around jumpier at the buzzer from the sub that came in to help on defense.... A sport where 90% of the players are going to school so they can get a job not playing basketball.

That is what makes college sports fun and exciting to watch. Fans want to cheer for their team. When St John's beats St Thomas it is a great time for their fans to watch. Neither of them could beat a higher level team, but who cares?
Exactly. I love the back story of kids, who taught them the game, where did they play,what were they ranked, who offered, who out out performed who. Watching Dusty fight for every inch, watching Lenard smooth as silk. Feeling a college arena shake. Watching Brogdon get his Masters and still make 20 million a year in the NBA and then starting a non profit that brings water to parts of Africa without through wells. Watching Hoffarber win state, pick the U for the Carlson school, conduct himself with class. Watch Kehei Clark go from a 335 ranking to starting on the UVA team as a 5'7 true freshman and beating the cheaters from Auburn, then winning it all. Watching the IRON 5, one of my favorite Gopher teams for fight. Watching Bill Muss teach a team defense, Watching KNIGHTS perfection at Indiana and UMBC beating UVA. Endless memories. Watching guys at each others weddings, bonded forever by winning the ACC. Seeing former teammates help out another on the court in victory or defeat. Watching how happy they were when they got their scholarship and watching their parents cry at graduation. Some things to some people are far more valuble than money. They are shared experiences with other people.

Adding Johnson would be a really nice pickup and (most likely) end a solid spring recruiting period for Pitino. Losing Oturu was expected and if they are able to add a 15-8 PF and a 14-7 C, that's a solid (at least on paper) week.

If we land Johnson (no idea where we stand compared to the others and he's got a really good list of suitors) and Carr returns, you've got the making of a decent team.

Carr (32)-Mashburn (18)
Kalscheur (30)
Willis (24)-Williams (16)
Johnson (26)-Ihnen (18)
Robbins (25)-Omersa/Curry (11)

Goal is to get old and stay old - that whole starting five is upperclassmen including two senior-age kids and one 5th year guy.

Don't know if that's a team good enough to save Pitino, but it might be good enough to keep them relevant through February.

Bring 'em all in! Not quite sure if these guys are all ranked that highly though according to some transfer boards I've seen. Maybe Murphy is? If you look at the teams in Johnson Final 7, I'd hope we would get him if we were doing all we could to.

In related news several former Minnesota Gophers are now part of the Iona Gaels basketball program.

Exactly. I love the back story of kids, who taught them the game, where did they play,what were they ranked, who offered, who out out performed who. Watching Dusty fight for every inch, watching Lenard smooth as silk. Feeling a college arena shake. Watching Brogdon get his Masters and still make 20 million a year in the NBA and then starting a non profit that brings water to parts of Africa without through wells. Watching Hoffarber win state, pick the U for the Carlson school, conduct himself with class. Watch Kehei Clark go from a 335 ranking to starting on the UVA team as a 5'7 true freshman and beating the cheaters from Auburn, then winning it all. Watching the IRON 5, one of my favorite Gopher teams for fight. Watching Bill Muss teach a team defense, Watching KNIGHTS perfection at Indiana and UMBC beating UVA. Endless memories. Watching guys at each others weddings, bonded forever by winning the ACC. Seeing former teammates help out another on the court in victory or defeat. Watching how happy they were when they got their scholarship and watching their parents cry at graduation. Some things to some people are far more valuble than money. They are shared experiences with other people.
Well stated.

I'm still thinking we need a big grad transfer. If Rollins is not granted a waiver we are screwed.

I'd rather lock up a big and roll with what we have on the perimeter than roll the dice and lock up another perimeter player.

Sure, Hickory can beat South Bend now and then.

If you really want college players who value the whole college experience, and play for the love of the game, go watch the MIAC.

This is the NBA minor league, and the players should be paid professionals and employees of the university, with taking class at the school being as irrelevant as it is for the janitor.

Dumb. Maybe dumbest post ever.

Bummer. Changed my approach to I'm in on take the one you can get. If that's Johnson and he's first, let's go. Peterson, Walton, El-Amin whoever. Wouldn't go as far to relay that to the 3 star freshmen guys though.

Bummer. Changed my approach to I'm in on take the one you can get. If that's Johnson and he's first, let's go. Peterson, Walton, El-Amin whoever. Wouldn't go as far to relay that to the 3 star freshmen guys though.
Can't win them all.

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