Transfer list possibilities, Spring 2020

I got your point and I know it's happening, but to what extent really makes me think. Who are the guys out there doing it the right way? What does the right way look like? What percentage of coaches at P5 and G5 conferences are doing it the "right" / "wrong" way?

built discussed this extensively either earlier in this thread of another.

Why are you making up this number, when it's nowhere near true for Minnesota and Wisconsin?
Cost of school for out of state, stipend, meals, lodging, travel, apparel, etc.. Star Tribune did a expose several years ago that came too 450,000 for a 4 year football player. Basketball travel is far more extensive and sure inflation has covered more than the rest.

The only way I disagree with you here is if there has become a school-wide understanding that it has become commonplace. I don't know how realistic that is though or if that's what we'd really want the NCAA to operate as.
I also think there is a place where money legitimately helps some of these kids and their families. McBrayer when his mom was sick I know was all paid when the team went out to visit him. NCAA must have some allowance there or the U paid it maybe.
I'm sure most payments are selfish for the coach thinking how it benefits him, but the rules are just strange even in solid moral cases.

McBrayer's situation was a very sad and unique situation. I don't know if the U donated money directly to the funeral costs - I believe they were granted a vaiver to fly as a team to the funeral and a big donor loaned them/paid for a private plane, however a Go Fund me site was set up to pay for the funeral costs $15k - I Know this as I contibuted as did several other hundreds of Gopher fans and that this was raised in a handful of days. The first and largest contributor were the Pitinos who kicked in $5k to get the ball rolling.

Personally I believe the players should receive some type of payment and if that is violated then the school gets a post season ban or lose scholarships and on their third strike that program is done for 5 years. How the paymens are made/how much and real hard core enforcement work, i have no clue as I'm not that smart.

I was extremely proud to be a Gopher fan then and how the team anD our coach rallied around Pree. Occasionally even the NCAA gets one right.

FYI - I cannot recall another situation like Pree's in the recent past.
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Not really. People watch because of their association with the schools and communities, not their status as pros or amateurs. As much as we talk about them being professional, it is a microscopic percentage of them, even in the big money sports, who are and can be. The question few ask or want to deal with is whether the entire system should be altered by small numbers of people who could be categorized as "professionals." If they cared about their system, they would work more closely with the pro leagues to remove the ambiguity that is there for the few.
Good post.

While I didn't go to the U, I did spend time there as they had the same frat as mu original school did: Hsmline didn't.

My tie is that's how I spent some if my best time with my dad going to games - Gopher sports and watching some really crappy Football was our bond.

Pitino really is all over the place. Seems hard when you can't overly commit to any of the guys but I would guess he has the kids ranked on his desk at home. Still, this would be another good get. But then Peterson, Walton, Murphy also would. Tricky.

Pitino really is all over the place. Seems hard when you can't overly commit to any of the guys but I would guess he has the kids ranked on his desk at home. Still, this would be another good get. But then Peterson, Walton, Murphy also would. Tricky.
I woukdlove to be a fly on the wall of his office; the logistics and how this functions fastinates me.

I woukdlove to be a fly on the wall of his office; the logistics and how this functions fastinates me.
I'm guessing Johnson is not a priority, looking at the competing schools and the lack of news around here about him.

Not Gopher related, but notable B1G transfer news IMO. Was never a fan of this guy's demeanor...


Not Gopher related, but notable B1G transfer news IMO. Was never a fan of this guy's demeanor...

Just looked it up and it appears his play regressed this season. He got dropped from the starting lineup for the second half of the season and minutes went down. FG% dropped by 11%, FT% dropped by 6%. Maybe he thought he wasn't being developed well by the staff?

Everyone on this board has speculated that Greenlee would be the one out if a current player were to transfer. Do we have any indications he wants out/Richard is gonna push him out? Or is this pure speculation/wishful thinking?

Not that I think either is likely, but Curry could also be asked to medically retire.

And then let Peterson, Walton, Murphy, El-Amin fade? Dilemma.
Not sure, but maybe Pitino is too selective. Maybe he always wants the home run recruit, when he has good players who will commit. Maybe that explains why he always settles for filler players like Greenlee, Freeman, Diediou, Stull, Ahmad Gilbert, I could go on and on. Just maybe

Cost of school for out of state, stipend, meals, lodging, travel, apparel, etc.. Star Tribune did a expose several years ago that came too 450,000 for a 4 year football player. Basketball travel is far more extensive and sure inflation has covered more than the rest.
You're throwing in all costs of things that are not included in a scholarship.

Then I can throw in the value of all those same things (travel, meals, cost of coaching, rental of facilities, etc. etc.) in the benefits given to a pro player.

I wonder if players would rather have your supposed "500k" with nothing to show for it in their pockets, or an actual contract amount of 250k in their pocket? Don't think it would be close.

And then let Peterson, Walton, Murphy, El-Amin fade? Dilemma.
I'd rather have Johnson over El-Amin, Peterson and Murphy anyways. Put up better numbers and is a grad transfer so you know for sure he'd be eligible unlike the others.

In fact I would probably take a 100% chance at Johnson over a 50% chance at Walton. Johnson would be a really nice piece for us, especially if Robins has to sit. If the staff feels 60% or better with Walton though then I'd probably let it play out.

I'd rather have Johnson over El-Amin, Peterson and Murphy anyways. Put up better numbers and is a grad transfer so you know for sure he'd be eligible unlike the others.

In fact I would probably take a 100% chance at Johnson over a 50% chance at Walton. Johnson would be a really nice piece for us, especially if Robins has to sit. If the staff feels 60% or better with Walton though then I'd probably let it play out.
If they fill up and Walton still wants to come, I think that the Iona coach would help us offload someone. Return of an old favor.

You're throwing in all costs of things that are not included in a scholarship.

Then I can throw in the value of all those same things (travel, meals, cost of coaching, rental of facilities, etc. etc.) in the benefits given to a pro player.

I wonder if players would rather have your supposed "500k" with nothing to show for it in their pockets, or an actual contract amount of 250k in their pocket? Don't think it would be close.
Actually the things i added are in fact benefits to the scholarships. 99% of the D1 basketball players are thrilled to get that scholarship. 99% OF THEM ARE NOT GETTING A 250,000 CONTRACT.

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