Think they're close to the announcement?

I did get some video and a picture of the plane's tail for proof that I really was there. I will post when able.

For those wondering, I couldn't get close enough to judge the ladies' attractiveness, but they had to be in their 50s, at least.

I was likely the only person at the airport aside from those on the plane and the ground crew.

Regardless of whether you were really there or not, you are now in my Pantheon of Great Gopherhole Stories along with Detlef of Essenhaus, ChinaGopher and the chair leg and the death and (unfortunate) resurrection of Kelly Leeks.

You're grammer policing has always been tiresome to me, but this entitles you to a hell of a lot of slack in my book.

Good on ya.

I'm glad I got to play some small part in this thread. When I die, I hope someone bumps it.

Good investigation, even though it didn't pan out. It was a logical hypothesis, worthy of a test.

Maturi was not on Da Plane Da Plane

Maturi is turning out to be quite the sneak with the exception of the Tafoya "outing".
This was a great thread. dpodoll68 should be commended for his efforts in trying to catch Maturi with the "next" coach would have been awesome if he had. Sneaky Maturi elludes us again. he is causing a lot of us to be unproductive at work and needs to get a coach soon.

Plane landed at about 5:17. Two men and two women got off. All 4 left in separate cars. No limos or anything like that - regular everyday vehicles.

Well played, Mr. Maturi.

How can we track the cars?

The internet is awesome.

I can't wait for the pictures of the plane.

But this leaves the question: where the hell is Maturi?

Sneaky Maturi elludes us again.

But this leaves the question: where the hell is Maturi?


ChemEGopher, you were right. Will you tell your boss what happened here and report his reaction? Thanks!

Who's got flight plan patrol tomorrow? This time I want expletives thrown out against the random nobodies getting off the plane for jerking us around.

Just have someone pop into the AD offices, see if there is an unusual level of activity. It would have been so sweet to have scooped the media, we could have gloated about that for years.

Who's got flight plan patrol tomorrow? This time I want expletives thrown out against the random nobodies getting off the plane for jerking us around.

I think I can take it. Boss is out; not that I've been getting anything done at work this week anyway.

This is the best I can/care to do while I'm on my phone. I will embed later when I get home. Picture forthcoming.

Holy s....t.....I thought you were sitting at your desk. I think Ive been a sarcastic dbag to you in the past and I sincerely apologize. To you and to all. I love this freaking board.

You shoulda started screaming at them....MATURI!!!! SHOW YOURSELF!!!

What is the video title on youtube? The link doesnt work for me for some reason.....

Epic. Just epic. Well done, DP.

I wish it had been a non-work day so I could have sat by the computer refreshing every 15 seconds. Greatest day here ever.

I think I know what happened.

Maturi was on that plane, but when ChemEGopher found out what we were scheming, he went to Mr. Erickson (big Gopher booster) and told him that the jig was up. Mr. Erikson dispatched a second private jet, met the other plane in air, and performed an in-air passenger transfer (the delay, anyone?). Those two men and two women were transfered into JM's original plane, and JM and coach were transfered into the other plane. Just like in Air Force One except without the terrorists.

JM and coach are on their way to an undisclosed location.

I'm guessing there were some disguises involved - just how tall were the "women"??? dpo did say the lighting was difficult...

ChemEGopher, you were right. Will you tell your boss what happened here and report his reaction? Thanks!

My boss is not the type who would understand what happened here today. I will try to glean as much information about the trip from him as possible. I will not, however, ask if Al Golden was on the plane ride back with him. I can only imagine the confused look on his face.

What is really weird for today is that there has been nothing posted on Twitter almost the entire day following the tweet about Maturi flying a Boosters private jet

What is really weird for today is that there has been nothing posted on Twitter almost the entire day following the tweet about Maturi flying a Boosters private jet

I know. Doesn't stop me from refreshing every 15 seconds, though. It's killing me softly.

Good work, dp.

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Best thread ever. I'd love to see someone in the media mention this "chase"

Temple fans have absolutely no respect for our program[/url]

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