Think they're close to the announcement?

Over the past few years, I have stood idly by on the sidelines as people like "Leave Britney Alone!" guy, "Chocolate Rain" guy, and the wedding DJ who slapped around that fat chick's titties became internet superstars. Now that I have joined their pantheon, I can scarcely find the words to lend the appropriate gravitas to the situation. Words like "epic" and "legend" are not tossed about frivolously, but I humbly capitulate to these commendations, and further accept the honor, by general acclaim, of GopherHole MVP for 2010.

Special shout-outs to OP and thread life-support Gopher07, as well as to gophmeister - our codepency on made all of this possible. The real kudos go out to the GopherHole community. Your passionate following fueled me on to this near-mythical voyage of discovery. Well, that, and my 2005 Corolla with 130,000 miles on the odometer.

One last thing - contrary to rumors, I have not accepted hush money to become part of the vast conspiracy keeping Gopher Nation from becoming one with its new coaching staff. I would have accepted nothing less than a position in the AD administration, or, at the very least, a GA job. Since I am today still occupying a job that is far less awesome than either of those things, rest assured that I have not acquiesced to the machine.

I wanna see the video. That link you posted from your phone doesn't work for me.


He said the key word was tasteful!

Over the past few years, I have stood idly by on the sidelines as people like "Leave Britney Alone!" guy, "Chocolate Rain" guy, and the wedding DJ who slapped around that fat chick's titties became internet superstars. Now that I have joined their pantheon, I can scarcely find the words to lend the appropriate gravitas to the situation. Words like "epic" and "legend" are not tossed about frivolously, but I humbly capitulate to these commendations, and further accept the honor, by general acclaim, of GopherHole MVP for 2010.

Special shout-outs to OP and thread life-support Gopher07, as well as to gophmeister - our codepency on made all of this possible. The real kudos go out to the GopherHole community. Your passionate following fueled me on to this near-mythical voyage of discovery. Well, that, and my 2005 Corolla with 130,000 miles on the odometer.

One last thing - contrary to rumors, I have not accepted hush money to become part of the vast conspiracy keeping Gopher Nation from becoming one with its new coaching staff. I would have accepted nothing less than a position in the AD administration, or, at the very least, a GA job. Since I am today still occupying a job that is far less awesome than either of those things, rest assured that I have not acquiesced to the machine.

Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue (or get hit by some kind of bug). I apologize for not being apart of this thread. I aplaud all the effort that was done in this thread.

HOWEVER only BIG TEN WINS matter, so these bashers and programs followers do nothing to help GET BIG TEN WINS. this is only good for fantasy football that this coach will try to provide. The prexy b should be ashamed of himself for allowing MACturi to go to temple to get our next coach that won't GET BIG TEN WINS.

(dammit i can't translate to stupidity; I hope dpod gets the joke as an honor to his effort)

You're right, we haven't won a single game yet in the 2011 season. This angers me.

I witnessed a limo heading northbound on 14th Ave in Dinkytown today, and Bierman is in that general direction. Just keeping my fingers crossed that it wasn't Maturi and Mangino just finishing their lunch at Qdoba.

Looks like I picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue (or get hit by some kind of bug). I apologize for not being apart of this thread. I aplaud all the effort that was done in this thread.

HOWEVER only BIG TEN WINS matter, so these bashers and programs followers do nothing to help GET BIG TEN WINS. this is only good for fantasy football that this coach will try to provide. The prexy b should be ashamed of himself for allowing MACturi to go to temple to get our next coach that won't GET BIG TEN WINS.

(dammit i can't translate to stupidity; I hope dpod gets the joke as an honor to his effort)

You forgot to use two important Wren-isms. "Mobbers & Bashers" and "Each game is .08333333333 of the season."

The rest is pretty spot-on.

You forgot to use two important Wren-isms. "Mobbers & Bashers" and "Each game is .08333333333 of the season."

The rest is pretty spot-on.

Add: Wins are good, Losses are bad.

Also, for the full ranting affect, you need to capitalize random words. Your capitalized words made too much sense.

Rock on.

It is hard enough to read the bastardization of the English language. I'd never realized how difficult it was to try to emulate it.

Props to all of y'all who can translate it. I'm nearly nerdy enough to write a web app that would do translation for me if I could gather the requirements for the rule engine.

A long ways to go to catch the Shaggy Bevo "statues" thread, which is currently at 1,965 posts and 522,239 views after five weeks.

That thread sets a high bar for message boards everywhere. It became a brilliant affront to the plastic-ass, clown-worshiping, crap-importing class of impersonators that have been foolishly put in decision-making positions everywhere.

It was beautiful. They took and horribly embarrassing situation and turned it into gold, mostly just using the subversive powers of the internet.

That thread transcends message boards or college football and has became something more like a legendary piece of collaborative folk protest-art.

If Randy Shannon or any other coaching candidate were in town, I would hope we would do a little better than Qdoba (and I love Qdoba).

I think the U may have jumped the gun in highlighting on the front page of that the hire would be announced on Twitter and facebook. It gave the impression that it could be any hour now. It's one thing to announce that the hire will be announced there, it is another to make it the first thing you see when you go to

Oh, well, we will know soon enough.

Keanon Cooper just posted on Twitter. "I just saw Randy Shannon at the local Qdoba. Could he be our next HC?" He also posted, "Really can't believe I just saw Randy Shannon this could be the big hire name Maturi and Gopher Nation needs." Quite interesting if true.

Maybe he reads the Hole and just wanted to see if we'd jump on this twitter rumor as well.

I think the U may have jumped the gun in highlighting on the front page of that the hire would be announced on Twitter and facebook. It gave the impression that it could be any hour now. It's one thing to announce that the hire will be announced there, it is another to make it the first thing you see when you go to

Oh, well, we will know soon enough.

I disagree. If they put up that page only hours before the announcement, they would have lost the chance to have it up there for a week or so and gain hundreds or thousands more facebook fans and twitter followers.

This is a good way for them to increase connectedness in social media, share future news, and hopefully sell more tickets.

to support the never ending thread, randomly

UT message board: life is tough on the other end of I35 too. Lived in Austin for many years. UT fans take their football very seriously. It'll be interesting to see the changes Mack makes.

Qdoba: new UofM austerity program to save funds for a big name coach? Its not Mannys anymore?

Where in the world is Joel Maturi: I can confirm that nobody resembling Joel was on my two flights yesterday, Friday. I was afraid Swans coach Paul Roos might be in the mix for a minute there

Huge thanks to all the GHers! love the passion and entertainment.

Can we find somebody who works at Qdoba? Maybe their boss's boss can confirm or disconfirm whether Randy Shannon dined there.

Perhaps they can check the credit card transactions?

Would it help if I staked out Qdoba for the next 96 hours? Do you think they'd make me leave at some point?

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