Over the past few years, I have stood idly by on the sidelines as people like "Leave Britney Alone!" guy, "Chocolate Rain" guy, and the wedding DJ who slapped around that fat chick's titties became internet superstars. Now that I have joined their pantheon, I can scarcely find the words to lend the appropriate gravitas to the situation. Words like "epic" and "legend" are not tossed about frivolously, but I humbly capitulate to these commendations, and further accept the honor, by general acclaim, of GopherHole MVP for 2010.
Special shout-outs to OP and thread life-support Gopher07, as well as to gophmeister - our codepency on FlightAware.com made all of this possible. The real kudos go out to the GopherHole community. Your passionate following fueled me on to this near-mythical voyage of discovery. Well, that, and my 2005 Corolla with 130,000 miles on the odometer.
One last thing - contrary to rumors, I have not accepted hush money to become part of the vast conspiracy keeping Gopher Nation from becoming one with its new coaching staff. I would have accepted nothing less than a position in the AD administration, or, at the very least, a GA job. Since I am today still occupying a job that is far less awesome than either of those things, rest assured that I have not acquiesced to the machine.