Reid Travis Picks Stanford Over U

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If you don't like my necessary profanity, please feel free to block me and not read my posts. And frankly, if people want to rip a 17 year kid and his family for how they handled this...alright by me. If it was my kid, would have been handled better. If you don't like can block them. Regardless, I was blazing the the poster for calling MN Fans stupid for having a passionate response to a highly charged disappointment. If you don't want a fans response, don't read a fan board. That goes the same for you.

Tell me again how he handled this poorly? What came from him at all saying that he was going to the Gophers?

He announced on the same day as the Gophers first game? Guess what, Stanford plays too.

He was at the exhibition game Monday? Guess what, he said he was torn all week about the decision and just chose.

He invited the "public?" He never clearly said the public, sounded to me like he was letting his classmates know when they could watch him commit.

I don't see at all how this was handled poorly...

Let's be honest and call all the "love" the Big 3 have given us what it is: pity sex.

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If there truly is bad news coming, my guess is Jeff Jones is going to decommit and commit some where else.
I could see Harbison being dismissed from the team if it is something with the current group, but Jones is one of the first things I would guess if it is recruiting and football related.

I could see Harbison being dismissed from the team if it is something with the current group, but Jones is one of the first things I would guess if it is recruiting and football related.

Eh. If Harbison was dismissed I wouldn't be too hurt.

At first I was thinking, I wonder what the reaction is at the Gopher offices right now. What Pitino is doing. I first guessed, screaming, cussing, kicking things, etc. Then I realized, no way. He is getting ready for a win tonight and recruiting even better players.

I think that is the best thing for us to do now too. Let's beat Lehigh. Let's beat Penn State. Let's sign Jarvis Johnson, Henry Ellenson, Rashad Vaughn, all of them and let's kick a**. Would it have been nice to have Reid? Sure. But Gopher Football has missed on a lot of big names and now sits at 7-2. Let's see what happens on the court. Pitino took an awful FIU team to one shot from the tournament. I am pumped to see his debut tonight and a big GOPHERS basketball win. Something no recruit can take away! Go Gophers, beat Lehigh!

Do you think football could be back on the table at some point? Look at Tyler Gaffney who didn't play for an entire year and carried the ball 45 times against Oregon last night.

Eh. If Harbison was dismissed I wouldn't be too hurt.

This wouldn't bother me one bit, I've already kind of given up hope of him becoming a major contributor. If he proves me wrong, great, if not we have other guys stepping up.

If Jones decommits, that wouldn't hurt me much either because I've seen it coming and I think we'll be fine with our current RBs (ie Edwards) and our ability to recruit that position going forward. RBs are going to want to play in our system with our huge lineman.

If we get just one of Alex Ilk, Henry, or Elijah Thomas, all will be right in the world.

Has Harbison had issues before? Jones would hurt of course. But they've proven that they don't need a stud back to do well. And Edwards will have 4 years. He should be pretty good. Losing Jones wouldn't be like Travis picking that school out west.

Ha, Tyus is seeing the future.

Tyus Jones ‏@Tyusjones06 2m

Reid picked what he felt was the best decision for himself and his family. No need to hate ppl. I'm happy for my guy @Reid_Travis_22

My thought is Travis kept the U of M in the mix as long as possible to confine having to deal with the backlash for as short a period as possible. I wish he was coming here, but kind of knew it wasn't happening deep down. If any of the Big 3 were going to Minnesota, we'd have known long ago most likely. I feel disappointed, but won't villify them. They were under no obligation to come here and there are plenty of logical reasons not to, even if people disagree with some of them (Williams Arena is run down, no sustained winning for a long time, wanting to get away from home, weather, Big Ten hoops doesn't suit them, academics, campus life).

I also won't play the game of the guy who builds up the hot chick and then as soon as he asks her out and gets turned down says "she's not that good looking anyway and she's kind of stuck up, who cares about her". If you wanted Travis or the others and built them up as potential program changers, you can't then dismiss them as nothings who won't amount to anything at Stanford or Duke or Iowa State or wherever. A good prospect is a good prospect. Any of them going elsehwere doesn't change that and there was no guarantee that coming here would have worked out for them either.

Tell me again how he handled this poorly? What came from him at all saying that he was going to the Gophers?

He announced on the same day as the Gophers first game? Guess what, Stanford plays too.

He was at the exhibition game Monday? Guess what, he said he was torn all week about the decision and just chose.

He invited the "public?" He never clearly said the public, sounded to me like he was letting his classmates know when they could watch him commit.

I don't see at all how this was handled poorly...

We (Myself and many others) can agree to disagree.

Ha, Tyus is seeing the future.

Tyus Jones ‏@Tyusjones06 2m

Reid picked what he felt was the best decision for himself and his family. No need to hate ppl. I'm happy for my guy @Reid_Travis_22

Lulz. Tyus is trying to cool the crowd before he officially announces he's also bailing on the state.

If we get just one of Alex Ilk, Henry, or Elijah Thomas, all will be right in the world.

Very true. Just seems so far away. And tough to be confident that we will get one. Although my confidence with Alex has always been higher than most bigger recruits we've pursued.

Based on the recent history of the basketball program, I can't say I blame him for going to Stanford. This decision was probably heavily based on academics which makes it hurt very little in my mind. I respect his decision. With the looks of our incoming recruiting class, which is not very good, I would have picked a Stanford education, and most likely a better basketball team, too. Good luck Reid and good luck to the Gophers tonight getting that first W!

Based on the recent history of the basketball program, I can't say I blame him for going to Stanford. This decision was probably heavily based on academics which makes it hurt very little in my mind. I respect his decision. With the looks of our incoming recruiting class, which is not very good, I would have picked a Stanford education, and most likely a better basketball team, too. Good luck Reid and good luck to the Gophers tonight getting that first W!

You should stick to baseball, bro.

Lulz. Tyus is trying to cool the crowd before he officially announces he's also bailing on the state.

Tyus will be getting backlash from Duke and/or Kansas and/or Baylor fans though. You think Gopher fans are bad??? We've already realized he is leaving, those blue-blood fans ... yikes.

I still think it's funny that Baylor is in his top 3. Baylor. Waco, TX. Baylor. If Drew and Calipari teamed up at a decent school, they'd have the top 5 recruits every year. And have to leave after 5 years before the NCAA starts breathing down their necks.

We can't change our geographic location, climate, or history (which has some high points, but is largely unremarkable on a scale of what we'd like the program to achieve). All we can do is tackle the things within our control.

- Hire the right coaches (Pitino has tons of potential, Tubby was the right move at the time, he just badly disappointed).

- Get the facilities situation settled once and for all (either replace Williams Arena or pour big money into renovating it, even if it means a season at Target Center, and get the practice facility done).

- Until consistent winning does the job itself, figure out what must be done to get the seats filled on game nights and the atmosphere turned up, in sales, marketing, and game production.

- Schedule glamour teams in appealing locales (that's already in progress, but should be stepped up and continued).

- Strengthen the ties with Nike or whatever shoe/apparel company we have down the line to get the best gear and perks. We're an afterthought and the recruits, who are tied into the shoe/camp/AAU empires, see that and it hurts us.

None of the Big 3 are likely staying home, but there will be others at home and elsewhere. The calendar says 2013 and will soon read 2014, but it's still a decade or so behind at the U of M sometimes. Change has to happen to the factors within our control to compensate for stuff beyond it.

Stanford does that every year. Where the hell does it get them??? There is a reason that Dawkins is on the hotseat. Enough said.

Have to agree. Academically, the choice was a no-brainer. But to suggest that Stanford is currently a better program is a stretch at the very least. They haven't even sniffed the NCAAs in quite a few years.

Stanford does that every year. Where the hell does it get them??? There is a reason that Dawkins is on the hotseat. Enough said.

Yeah, I'm not disagreeing with you there. All I'm saying is Stanford has a much better recruiting class then us. Our 2013 and 2014 (if we don't get Vaughn) have been very disappointing in my mind. This was supposed to be the big year everyone was waiting for and possibly a top 10-20 class and we'll be lucky to crack the top 100. Just disapointing in my eyes, but like I said, I understand Reid's decision because If I put myself in the same situation with that Standford education and the state of our program, I would have probably done the same.

HUGE Weekend Ahead

I know, it hurts. But instead of letting the decision turn gopher fans against each other, we have to come together. We have a huge weekend ahead so let's not let that guy's decision ruin our weekend!
*Here's what we have on tap... Lets cheer on our Gophers to victory!

Men's Basketball: vs. Lehigh (Fri) *season opener and Mathieu debut
Men's Hockey: @ #3 Notre Dame (Fri & Sat) *to remain #1 in the country/unbeaten
Men's Football: vs. Penn State (Sat) *to help our chances for the Gator Bowl
Women's Hockey: @ St. Cloud St. (Sat) *won tonight going for 60 in a row
Women's Volleyball: vs. #11 Nebraska *to take over in 2nd place in the B1G
Women's Basketball: @ UNI *season opener and Zahui B. debut

Yeah, I'm not disagreeing with you there. All I'm saying is Stanford has a much better recruiting class then us. Our 2013 and 2014 (if we don't get Vaughn) have been very disappointing in my mind. This was supposed to be the big year everyone was waiting for and possibly a top 10-20 class and we'll be lucky to crack the top 100. Just disapointing in my eyes, but like I said, I understand Reid's decision because If I put myself in the same situation with that Standford education and the state of our program, I would have probably done the same.

Pitino hasn't been on campus more than 8 months and you are expecting him to deliver 5 and 4 star kids in both the 2013 and 2014 classes? Please. Like I said, stick to baseball.

Yeah, I'm not disagreeing with you there. All I'm saying is Stanford has a much better recruiting class then us. Our 2013 and 2014 (if we don't get Vaughn) have been very disappointing in my mind. This was supposed to be the big year everyone was waiting for and possibly a top 10-20 class and we'll be lucky to crack the top 100. Just disapointing in my eyes, but like I said, I understand Reid's decision because If I put myself in the same situation with that Standford education and the state of our program, I would have probably done the same.

While I agree with you somewhat, I wouldn't be picking Stanford because of their recruiting classes. Academics, sure. I'm not saying the Gophers are better off than Stanford from a bball perspective, but they certainly aren't far ahead (if at all). Like I said, there's a reason Dawkins is on the hotseat. He's done very poorly considering his recruiting. He likely could be gone before Reid steps on campus.

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