Reid Travis Picks Stanford Over U

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It seems as though he was leaning heavily towards the Gophers on Monday/Tuesday, and because of that, he announced his decision would be open to the public. Then he obviously started changing his mind, and, as someone else above me said, he pretty much put himself in a bad situation to disappoint fans when he changed his mind. That's my guess, at least.

And sure, he's a good kid and all and you can't blame him for going to a school like Stanford, but that still doesn't make this hurt any less than it does. I was convinced he would be wearing Maroon and Gold next year, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't very pissed off. I need a beer...

What a bummer. I wish the kid well but now he's just another college basketball player to me. This week has been strange to say the least. Show up at the Gopher game, show interest in classes, announce over twitter when you'll be deciding and invite everyone to come, end up holding the press conference in a small room where none of the public gets in, and then NOT pick the local school. That was weird. Oh well, onto the season. The 2015 class will be the real barometer of Pitino's ability to recruit.
+2 Well said.

What the hell are you talking about? I was responding to mcal24 calling us Gopher fans dumb for being disappointed and voice it. I didn't say a thing about Reid or his decision or call him a name.

Why don't you learn how to read a message board before responding to a post....or at least before responding to my post.

The post you responded to so belligerently read "people are pathetic ripping on a 17 year old kid". You responded in contrast, meaning you were defending the ripping of a 17 year old kid. Then you ended your post with a bunch of unnecessary profanity. That's what I was referring to as "over the top" if it wasn't clear.

FWIW, I agree with what you posted right below me (he could have handled it a bit better, but can't blame the kid for his choice). I wasn't saying that YOU were doing any of the childish name calling, but you were defending it, so I responded with a differing opinion. That's actually how a conversation works, and in fact it works a little better than random profanity and insults (just FYI).

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Reid Travis: I've been flip flopping all week, and last night it really just came to me that it would be <a href="">#Stanford</a>.</p>— Nadine Babu (@NadineBabu) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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This has his parents written all over it, and if so, I doubt a coaching change at stanford does much of anything, this is more of deciding to go there because of the school than it is because of the coaching staff or the basketball team

I'm sure that after months of recruiting....."it just came to him". Funny that it happened the night before his an apparition appearing to guide him. Feel a little foolish the signs are pointing to us being strung along to the kick in the nuts party.

Just once it would be nice for a local kid to stay home. If he's all PAC 12 or a stiff I could care less. Guess when you think about a kid leaving the cities is no different than a Chicago kid leaving Illinois. This Minnesota nice deal about him being one of us is just bs. Seems the grass is always greener outstate and this isn't just a Minnesota thing. He would have been a good kid to have as a face of the program but in Pitino's system I would be much more upset if we had lost out on a big time guard,
Most have for basketball....

It seems as though he was leaning heavily towards the Gophers on Monday/Tuesday, and because of that, he announced his decision would be open to the public. Then he obviously started changing his mind, and, as someone else above me said, he pretty much put himself in a bad situation to disappoint fans when he changed his mind. That's my guess, at least.

And sure, he's a good kid and all and you can't blame him for going to a school like Stanford, but that still doesn't make this hurt any less than it does. I was convinced he would be wearing Maroon and Gold next year, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't very pissed off. I need a beer...

+1 Mostly on your last sentence.

It seems as though he was leaning heavily towards the Gophers on Monday/Tuesday, and because of that, he announced his decision would be open to the public. Then he obviously started changing his mind, and, as someone else above me said, he pretty much put himself in a bad situation to disappoint fans when he changed his mind. That's my guess, at least.

And sure, he's a good kid and all and you can't blame him for going to a school like Stanford, but that still doesn't make this hurt any less than it does. I was convinced he would be wearing Maroon and Gold next year, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't very pissed off. I need a beer...

Agreed, I think that's how it went down. Just another day in the life of a Gopher fan, and fan of Minnesota sports in general.

Its really to bad he decided to go to another school but we will move on. Its to bad so many kids always think the grass is greener on the other side. As far as wishing him luck that wont happen? He is now an opponent of the Minnesota Golden Gophers the team I cheer for. I wish him no ill will and I hope he gets a great a education at Stanford but as far as basketball goes I wish him nothing but losses. I cheer for the Minnesota Golden Gophers and the players that wear the marron and gold if you dont put those colors on when you take the floor I have zero time for you other than the scouting report on how to beat your team.

Whatever if he wants to pick Stanford. But DO NOT invite the public (Gopher fans) and then turn them away. That's my only issue. It was not handled very well.

And don't do it on the afternoon of the Gopher home opener with a new coach. I was really looking forward to the excitement in the stands tonight welcoming Pitino and the news of a big time recruit coming on. This takes a little fun out of the opener for me.

It's highly doubtful that the career path he will choose after basketball will ultimately be that much different going to Stanford as opposed to going to Minnesota. In fact, I would argue that with greater exposure at Minnesota, the chance to be a legend, and the fact he would have stayed at home would have given him a greater platform for success post-basketball.

This sucks but time to move on. However, I do not want him attending Gopher games anymore with FREE seats. Pay your own damn way! Why waste my tax payer dollars on this kid attending Gopher games if he has chosen to attend a different school.

And don't do it on the afternoon of the Gopher home opener with a new coach. I was really looking forward to the excitement in the stands tonight welcoming Pitino and the news of a big time recruit coming on. This takes a little fun out of the opener for me.

Good point. Maybe he isn't THAT smart :confused: Honestly, that doesn't bug me as much. But the excitement at the Barn tonight would have been great. Now, not nearly as much.

What makes you think Reid chose Stanford because of their practice facility?

I didn't SAY that. We'll continue to lose more than our share of recruits until we do something, or at least show a pulse on the facility front.

And don't do it on the afternoon of the Gopher home opener with a new coach. I was really looking forward to the excitement in the stands tonight welcoming Pitino and the news of a big time recruit coming on. This takes a little fun out of the opener for me.

Agreed. This was really a disappointment. The more and more I think about it......the more and more I think that this past week of positive signs have nothing more than theatrics.

I will never believe a reporter again. Not till I hear it from the source. Never again.

Moving On

Reid is a great kid and him picking Stanford doesn't change that. I'm incredibly disappointed, but shifting focus to 2015 for frontcourt players makes me feel a little bit better. I am now much more confident that we can land the duo of Henry Ellenson and Alex Illikainen, which would be huge. I am very skeptical that we could have gotten both if Reid was here. Time to look forward to tonight's game, this season, and other recruits.

And don't do it on the afternoon of the Gopher home opener with a new coach. I was really looking forward to the excitement in the stands tonight welcoming Pitino and the news of a big time recruit coming on. This takes a little fun out of the opener for me.


I don't blame a kid for choosing another school. I certainly understand the perks of Stanford. However, the handling of this announcement was awkward at best and tacky at worst.

Not really all that surprised or even bummed. The kid had to make a choice and he's made it. The only problem I'll have is if he continues to hang around the U or the basketball players. He's made his call, now make yourself absent from anything Gopher basketball team related from here on out. Other than that, it's hard to fault him for picking a world-class school. Academics seemed important and it's hard to beat Stanford in that regard.

Do it Doogie, take a dump on our already depressed Gopher fan souls.

Darren Wolfson (@DarrenWolfson) tweeted at 4:17 PM on Fri, Nov 08, 2013:Teaser because waiting on more, but Reid Travis might not be the only negative #Gophers news today.

Reid quote per Amelia: "I wanted to give my parents the chance to say I have a kid at Harvard and a kid at Stanford"

No doubt his parents may have caused him to change his mind within the past 24 hours.

I had a feeling that his parents changed his mind. I can't really say anything else other than my weekend officially sucks and thanks for ruining my weekend. If they football team loses tomorrow I might go into a depression because that would truly by icing on the cake. :cry:

Oh boy.

Darren Wolfson ‏@DarrenWolfson 1m
Teaser because waiting on more, but Reid Travis might not be the only negative #Gophers news today.

Do it Doogie, take a dump on our already depressed Gopher fan souls.

Darren Wolfson (@DarrenWolfson) tweeted at 4:17 PM on Fri, Nov 08, 2013:Teaser because waiting on more, but Reid Travis might not be the only negative #Gophers news today.
And the day just keeps getting better and better...I'm out.

Feel free to not ever respond to one of my posts and I wont offer you random insults and profanity. Otherwise...f off. : )

Oh don't worry, I wasn't saying you CAN'T do that. I was just offering you advice on how to communicate like a normal, well-adjusted adult member of society. It's a take it or leave it type thing really.

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