Reid Travis Picks Stanford Over U

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I'm worried about the impact this may have on his gf's status at the U. Will they break up or will she transfer to Stanford? That could be a major blow to the University of Minnesota...

I don't wish him ill, but I have a finite supply of goodwill. He'll get plenty of goodwill from Stanford fans. Now, it's time for the Gophers to play a game.

Wonder if Michael Humphrey stays committed to Stanford? Can't believe they are going to have two top 100 PFs and they aren't even that great of a program and the Pac-12 is the worst major conference in the country.

I think this is an indication of concern regarding Pitino's lack of experience. Guys who have professional aspirations are more likely to choose a coach with a proven background. Pitino has been a vagabond is is very light on experience for this level of play.

While this could prove to be the case, I would venture to say this is premature. If in 2-3 years there has not been shown the ability to land any big time players, then I will agree with you. You have to start somewhere...just my opinion.

Guess Reid isn't the type of person a lot of people thought he was, there was no reason for him to invite the public if he knew he was headed to Stanford. I thought it was a bad sign right away today when the press conference was in the media room and not the gym and some of the public wasn't let in. I wonder if this was truly his decison like it should be or how much pressure the family put on him to go to Stanford. Hope the relationship with the coach doesn't matter too much to him because there is a decent chance Dawkins is gone before he ever gets to campus.

I think this is an indication of concern regarding Pitino's lack of experience. Guys who have professional aspirations are more likely to choose a coach with a proven background. Pitino has been a vagabond is is very light on experience for this level of play.

Dawkins only track record is sucking Coach K's tiete

Everyone in there cheers when he chooses Stanford? Doubt there were Gopher fans. I wouldn't have clapped. Picture with Condoleeza Rice? Infraction. She paid him to go there. Have fun being hated in your home state. Your coach will be gone and when you come crawling back to MN I hope you get rejected.

Dude this is a 17 year old kid and this is just basketball - chill out

Really thought he was going to pick the Gophers. Life goes on. Pitino will keep plugging away. Good luck to him. Go Gophers

I think some people have made a bit of a wrong turn. This isn't the Reid Travis Message Board. Nor is it the Academia Message Board. Nor yet is it the De La Salle message board. It is the Gopher basketball message board. Anybody shocked at the disappointment that Reid's going elsewhere, or decrying the ire directed at Reid for trolling the city should seek out those message boards, where their tender sensibilities will be less likely to be injured by fans of the University of Minnesota basketball program.

Everyone in there cheers when he chooses Stanford? Doubt there were Gopher fans. I wouldn't have clapped. Picture with Condoleeza Rice? Infraction. She paid him to go there. Have fun being hated in your home state. Your coach will be gone and when you come crawling back to MN I hope you get rejected.


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No response? What reason was there that we should believe you had insider information? You hadn't shown any track record of having insider information, in fact no track record at all. Many people claim to have insider information, but very few actually do.

I've got insider information...what do you want to know?

Nothing against Reid, but he is just going to be another in a line of sought-after recruits that Dawkins and staff will not know how to develop and use well. It would have been nice to see him reach his full potential.

Because Stanford didnt/won't welcome him well at all. Get real man. If you were in his unbiased shoes, you would do the same thing.

He made the right choice. If you can get into that school for free, you have to go. It's pretty much a no-brainer.

People are pathetic ripping on a 17 year old kid for having a different opinion. I hope you realize how dumb you sound.

Can't blame him for choosing Stanford, but I agree that the method in which he did it was poor. As many had said, there were a whole lot of points towards MN here recently. I think visiting the Barn for our last scrimmage was definitely a positive sign. Makes you wonder if we were just being strung along for the past week or two. I know many think that info hadn't leaked because they wanted to keep the MN pick a surprise. Starting to think that the MN attention and class shadowing was a joke on us.....

I think this is an indication of concern regarding Pitino's lack of experience. Guys who have professional aspirations are more likely to choose a coach with a proven background. Pitino has been a vagabond is is very light on experience for this level of play.

Everyone in there cheers when he chooses Stanford? Doubt there were Gopher fans. I wouldn't have clapped. Picture with Condoleeza Rice? Infraction. She paid him to go there. Have fun being hated in your home state. Your coach will be gone and when you come crawling back to MN I hope you get rejected.

The room was full of the media and DeLaSalle Students. The public was not let in. It was either bad info to the public or they decided not to let them in.

There will be other good players to recruit. Have to keep trying.

Everyone in there cheers when he chooses Stanford? Doubt there were Gopher fans. I wouldn't have clapped. Picture with Condoleeza Rice? Infraction. She paid him to go there. Have fun being hated in your home state. Your coach will be gone and when you come crawling back to MN I hope you get rejected.

Do we really have people that feel this way? What a child.

I'm speechless right now about the decision, but Reid is far from a punk. Stupid post.

Rise: You'r absolutely right "far from a punk". He would have to grow up a whole lot and somehow learn to consider his fellow humans' feelings before he could be considered a punk. He's just a pr*ck.

The room was full of the media and DeLaSalle Students. The public was not let in. It was either bad info to the public or they decided not to let them in.

It'll be interesting to hear how many of our fans showed up and were locked out.

I think this is an indication of concern regarding Pitino's lack of experience. Guys who have professional aspirations are more likely to choose a coach with a proven background. Pitino has been a vagabond is is very light on experience for this level of play.

You are totally full of bs.

Calling a kid a punk for taking a full ride to Stanford? Really?

He's a punk to me. That's what I think of him, and it's what I decided to call him. Stanford's cool and all. So is the U. Both offered full rides.

I waited all week for this? I could've had someone kick me in the balls on Monday and got it all over with. Reid seems like a good kid and I hope he does well. Tough blow for our program, though.

What a bummer. I wish the kid well but now he's just another college basketball player to me. This week has been strange to say the least. Show up at the Gopher game, show interest in classes, announce over twitter when you'll be deciding and invite everyone to come, end up holding the press conference in a small room where none of the public gets in, and then NOT pick the local school. That was weird. Oh well, onto the season. The 2015 class will be the real barometer of Pitino's ability to recruit.

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