Reid Travis Picks Stanford Over U

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I'm going to close my eyes and take a nap and hopefully when I wake up, this was all just a dream.

Everyone in there cheers when he chooses Stanford? Doubt there were Gopher fans. I wouldn't have clapped. Picture with Condoleeza Rice? Infraction. She paid him to go there. Have fun being hated in your home state. Your coach will be gone and when you come crawling back to MN I hope you get rejected.

Congrats on being quoted on KFAN. You're infamous.

I think this is an indication of concern regarding Pitino's lack of experience. Guys who have professional aspirations are more likely to choose a coach with a proven background. Pitino has been a vagabond is is very light on experience for this level of play.

Yeah, we all saw your idiotic and poorly written post the first time.

What a bummer. I wish the kid well but now he's just another college basketball player to me. This week has been strange to say the least. Show up at the Gopher game, show interest in classes, announce over twitter when you'll be deciding and invite everyone to come, end up holding the press conference in a small room where none of the public gets in, and then NOT pick the local school. That was weird. Oh well, onto the season. The 2015 class will be the real barometer of Pitino's ability to recruit.

Good summary. Hard to know how it all went down, but he's made himself look a little like an ass this week.

What a bummer. I wish the kid well but now he's just another college basketball player to me. This week has been strange to say the least. Show up at the Gopher game, show interest in classes, announce over twitter when you'll be deciding and invite everyone to come, end up holding the press conference in a small room where none of the public gets in, and then NOT pick the local school. That was weird. Oh well, onto the season. The 2015 class will be the real barometer of Pitino's ability to recruit.

I really think that his parents got in his ear and changed his mind either today or earlier this week. There is no way you don't go to a scrimmage game and shadow classes at a school and then not go there, that makes no sense at all. I hope his parents are happy..

I think this is an indication of concern regarding Pitino's lack of experience. Guys who have professional aspirations are more likely to choose a coach with a proven background. Pitino has been a vagabond is is very light on experience for this level of play.

Dawkins has done awhole lot with the talent he has been given? He has under performed immensely.

Pitino is a vagabond. Vagabond: a person who wanders from place to place without a home or job. First he has always had a job. He follows his job to his next place. Second.....this is only his second year as a head coach. You think he would pass up the UofM to stick at FIU?

You have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

We've certainly been kicked in the balls for the 2014 class. Macura, Whitehead, Perkins, Travis, probably Vaughn. I do like our commits, but damn.

The room was full of the media and DeLaSalle Students. The public was not let in. It was either bad info to the public or they decided not to let them in.

Move along folks...go home...there's nothing to see here.

Tried to get in with a few of friends, dressed as obvious Gopher fans, and we were not let in the door. My buddy instantly says "That's a bad sign." Headed back to our apartment and turned on the live feed, and the rest is history.

What a slap in the face. Just like I said before...too much like Harrison Barnes' "decision" at his home school with a packed gym. The thing I find the most laughable is the comments about the academics of Stanford and the "opportunity" he has. Stanford is great, but really, will he need that education when he is playing ball in Europe after a middle-of-the-road college career when he fails to develop under Dawkins (that is, if Dawkins is still there)? I mean, while Pitino is young and relatively inexperienced, what track record do former Coach K assistants have? Amaker was mediocre at Seton Hall, canned from Michigan and finds his way to no-pressure Harvard. Snyder is canned for cheating and otherwise using the same tactics he used at Duke to recruit but doesn't have the Blue shield to protect him. Dawkins has been mediocre. Collins has his first big time challenge now. Brey has had success, but has otherwise been mired in mediocrity.

Don't get it. Pass up the chance to be a legend in a conference with national exposure. The Pac 12 is an after thought.

Unless you want to play in the NBA and make the NCAA tournament.

That might be true, but they go to the tournament as much or more than the Gophers, so Duke would've been the school for that argument. This was a decision about academics. Stanford was the best on the list by far.

It seems he had a change of mind during the week. I know a lot of recruits waiver back and forth even up to the day they are going to announce.

I kinda feel for Reid...he burned a bunch of people by inviting them to the announcement and then not letting them in. He should have tweeted the change in venue so people wouldn't have came.

I have no problem that he picked Stanford. If I had a full ride there I wouldn't have went to the U. Hell, I would have cleaned toilets to get a scholly at that school. That said, the way it went down was kind of a dick move. I suspect he got caught up in the hype and excitement and lost his head a bit. One day, he will regret it...probably over the summer during Pulley when he gets this day shoved in his face a thousand times by Gopher fans that got taken by the show this week.

I cannot imagine that he flipped a coin over these past couple of days. He had to have had a good idea on where he would be announcing. For all the signs and optimism, along with the scrimmage attendance and class shadowing, I think this was a huge slam.

Tried to get in with a few of friends, dressed as obvious Gopher fans, and we were not let in the door. My buddy instantly says "That's a bad sign." Headed back to our apartment and turned on the live feed, and the rest is history.

I posted regarding this earlier but I read Reid's tweet inviting people to his announcement as inviting classmates and friends not the general public. Unless I missed something along the way, but I never saw anything that said "public welcome" or anything like that.

Tough miss for the Gophers. I wish Reid well at Stanford, though.

Reid quote per Amelia: "I wanted to give my parents the chance to say I have a kid at Harvard and a kid at Stanford"

No doubt his parents may have caused him to change his mind within the past 24 hours.

Just once it would be nice for a local kid to stay home. If he's all PAC 12 or a stiff I could care less. Guess when you think about a kid leaving the cities is no different than a Chicago kid leaving Illinois. This Minnesota nice deal about him being one of us is just bs. Seems the grass is always greener outstate and this isn't just a Minnesota thing. He would have been a good kid to have as a face of the program but in Pitino's system I would be much more upset if we had lost out on a big time guard,

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Reid Travis: I've been flip flopping all week, and last night it really just came to me that it would be <a href="">#Stanford</a>.</p>— Nadine Babu (@NadineBabu) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

This has his parents written all over it, and if so, I doubt a coaching change at stanford does much of anything, this is more of deciding to go there because of the school than it is because of the coaching staff or the basketball team

Wow. this seems a little over the top. I'm absolutely disappointed that Reid didn't choose the U. Like, I am crushed. I really wish he would have. But I'm not going to call him a d*uche or a prick or the like, just because I disagree with his decision. THE KID IS 17 YEARS OLD. Not only that, he made a decision to go to a great school in a beautiful part of the country.

You don't even have to "wish him well" or anything like that. But to call a kid names because he chose to attend a certain college is just ridiculous.

What the hell are you talking about? I was responding to mcal24 calling us Gopher fans dumb for being disappointed and voice it. I didn't say a thing about Reid or his decision or call him a name.

Why don't you learn how to read a message board before responding to a post....or at least before responding to my post.

Trying to look on the bright side: We won't have a log jam at PF/C now when we go after Ilk and Henry.

The beatings will continue until we put a shovel in the ground on a new practice facility. Let's look in the mirror on this one.

What a slap in the face. Just like I said before...too much like Harrison Barnes' "decision" at his home school with a packed gym. The thing I find the most laughable is the comments about the academics of Stanford and the "opportunity" he has. Stanford is great, but really, will he need that education when he is playing ball in Europe after a middle-of-the-road college career when he fails to develop under Dawkins (that is, if Dawkins is still there)? I mean, while Pitino is young and relatively inexperienced, what track record do former Coach K assistants have? Amaker was mediocre at Seton Hall, canned from Michigan and finds his way to no-pressure Harvard. Snyder is canned for cheating and otherwise using the same tactics he used at Duke to recruit but doesn't have the Blue shield to protect him. Dawkins has been mediocre. Collins has his first big time challenge now. Brey has had success, but has otherwise been mired in mediocrity.

Don't get it. Pass up the chance to be a legend in a conference with national exposure. The Pac 12 is an after thought.

You're right, you don't get it. If Reid doesn't make the NBA he'll have plenty of other options to be successful. This was much more than just a basketball decision.

Whatever if he wants to pick Stanford. But DO NOT invite the public (Gopher fans) and then turn them away. That's my only issue. It was not handled very well.

Wow... I'm absolutely disappointed that Reid didn't choose the U. Like, I am crushed. I really wish he would have. But I'm not going to call him a d*uche or a prick or the like, just because I disagree with his decision. THE KID IS 17 YEARS OLD. Not only that, he made a decision to go to a great school in a beautiful part of the country.

You don't even have to "wish him well" or anything like that. But to call a kid names because he chose to attend a certain college is just ridiculous.

Agreed. +201

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