Reid Travis Picks Stanford Over U

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BREAKING NEWS: Reid leaves class, goes to water fountain. More to come.

How are we supposed to interpret this? Stanford is by the ocean. Minnesota is the land of 10000 lakes. Is the water fountain filled with fresh water or salt water. I must know!!!

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I am toggling back and forth between twitter and gopherhole and it is getting crazy. I have so much work to do that isn't getting done.

That said, got another call from my nephew and he said Reid was just taken to the nurse with a bloody nose. Must be the nerves. Anyways the blood was blue...what does that mean?

Can you please refrain from posting unless you are adding something involving your inside source?? Unfortunately my Deep Insider position only applies to my orientation with the ladies, if you know what i mean ;) , and I cannot provide such content in this recruiting frenzy. You on the other hand are a beacon of light, so please, sir, spare us our witts, and only shine when the light is meant to be shone, any other false shinings of the light shall blind us all.

Hate to burst everyone's bubble, but I am not going to have anything new to report to you guys, my source was told he will find who the pick is at 3:30 like the rest of us. Only the immediate family knows the pick and no one is talking. All the inside info I had has been posted and I won't have anything new before he announces.

I haven't been productive all week, I just sit on this thread and hit refresh over & over & over & over again. I'm so nervous!!! SH!TTTTT!!!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>One last time: <a href="">#WeNeedReid</a> <a href="">@Reid_Travis_22</a> <a href="">#Gophers</a> <a href="">#InPitinoWeTrust</a></p>— (@GopherHole) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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If Reid wants to go far in the business world he'll likely need to go to grad school. After 4 years on Minnesota's basketball team, good grades, and a Carlson degree, he'll likely have his choice of just about any business school in the country. So, I don't think the undergraduate degree is all that important between Minnesota and Stanford.

No. It's definitely easier to get into an elite graduate school if you went to an elite undergraduate school. Stanford would be the hands down winner in the scenario. Carlson is good, but it's not great. People in the upper midwest just seem to think Carlson is great. It's merely very good.

Reid has now returned top class, is sitting in the back right seat. When looking at a map, Minnesota is to the right of Stanford. Coincidence?

Just got off the phone with my buddy who works over at ESPN. He is hearing reports that as of last night Travis had Minnesota picked.

Reid has now returned top class, is sitting in the back right seat. When looking at a map, Minnesota is to the right of Stanford. Coincidence?

right=east, back=south, back right=Duke, well it was fun while it lasted...

I went to a very good grad school after Carlson (MBA, top 3). Trust me, I was far out numbered by Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford grads. Each of those schools had more representation than my school. It matters. You want to work for McKinsey? Sure they hire at Carlson but not at near the numbers they do at those top schools. Goldman Sachs, Google, BCG, Morgan Stanley all the same. It matters.

Exactly right, but no one actually wants to work for McKinsey. They work there because it sounds great on paper and in conversation. :)

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Is it weird that I'm genuinely nervous about a 17 year old kid's college commitment? <a href="">#Gophers</a></p>— Nadine Babu (@NadineBabu) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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yeah, I know that now, but still doesn't change the fact that it did stress me out a little when it was first reported,To be honest anything Reid does that is reported on is going to freak me out even if it shouldn't. Could be something like, Reid was spotted standing next to a tree before school, My mind would automatically take that as, he is picking Stanford damn it!

I heard his white shirt was meant to represent a white pine. Dammit all!

Can anyone speak to the veracity of a website called Future 150? They tweeted that all their "analysts" agree on Stanford and it has me slightly perturbed...

A double rainbow was spotted over Williams Arena.....what does it mean?

Richard Pitino has summoned the magic of the Barn, can only mean that Reid Travis will announce his commitment to the Minnesota as a dozen white doves fly over De La Salle.

A double rainbow was spotted over Williams Arena.....what does it mean?

Everyone on this board needs to stay away from the Google homepage today. Some weird psychological stuff happening on this board today. In related news, I got a Rorschach of a cat with a moth for a tophat. Is it a sign MN is gonna be picked?!

Here's the link:

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Is it weird that I'm genuinely nervous about a 17 year old kid's college commitment? <a href="">#Gophers</a></p>— Nadine Babu (@NadineBabu) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Actually, my wife just said to me "do you realize that you are a 39 year old guy waiting for a 17 year old to choose a college?"

Can anyone speak to the veracity of a website called Future 150? They tweeted that all their "analysts" agree on Stanford and it has me slightly perturbed...

I honestly believe that nobody other than Reid himself and his close family members know where he's going. Everything else is speculation or flat out guessing.

Hate to burst everyone's bubble, but I am not going to have anything new to report to you guys, my source was told he will find who the pick is at 3:30 like the rest of us. Only the immediate family knows the pick and no one is talking. All the inside info I had has been posted and I won't have anything new before he announces.

Starting a post with that line...REALLY??!!???!

You guys really need to stop comparing the path a typical person takes to grad school with the path a smart, famous, elite, extremely well connected basketball player would take. That is my last comment on this topic.

You are being dense. Travis would still be all of those things, but he would have gone to Stanford instead of Minnesota, which increases his chances even more. I've read all your posts on the subject. I don't think you quite get it.

Can anyone speak to the veracity of a website called Future 150? They tweeted that all their "analysts" agree on Stanford and it has me slightly perturbed...

Future 150 tweeted 5 hours ago that "our analysts are split between Duke and Minnesota. Stanford also in the running." They should lose a lot of credibility as most have known it was between Minnesota and Stanford for days now.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>. <a href="">@NadineBabu</a> is on her way to DeLaSalle & will be covering the press conference live. We'll tweet pics, instant reaction & more <a href="">#Gophers</a></p>— (@GopherHole) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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I call dibs on making the "Reid Travis Commits" thread! :D (Ehh, someone will probably beat me to it anyways...) :(

Actually, my wife just said to me "do you realize that you are a 39 year old guy waiting for a 17 year old to choose a college?"

Your wife must talk to mine. Mine said the same thing to me.

Everyone on this board needs to stay away from the Google homepage today. Some weird psychological stuff happening on this board today. In related news, I got a Rorschach of a cat with a moth for a tophat. Is it a sign MN is gonna be picked?!

Here's the link:

Those damn computer geeks at Stanford are messing with us. Keep Reid away...after seeing it, I tried to enroll in Stanford!

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