Reid Travis Picks Stanford Over U

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Pathetic, I'm sitting here trying to make "working noises" because my boss's office is right next door to mine. For all I know she's working on my termination paperwork.

Come on, she's on GopherHole as well. She's tweeting "#WeNeedReid" right now.

Go Gophers!!

Pathetic, I'm sitting here trying to make "working noises" because my boss's office is right next door to mine. For all I know she's working on my termination paperwork.

You should show her who's boss...start making sex noises to throw her off your scent!

okay so now I am hooked on the refresh train. Good thing I am working form home today.

Pathetic, I'm sitting here trying to make "working noises" because my boss's office is right next door to mine. For all I know she's working on my termination paperwork.

are we sure she isn't golden shower's wife? Probably as stressed out as you right now, refreshing every 4 seconds

if thats the case, than why follow him to the bathroom? Not sure I believe your reports anymore, do you even have a nephew? Does DLS even have bathrooms? I gotta say, I have a lot of doubt

This is when you starting doubting the validity and veracity of my inside are far more trusting than I. That said, I have appreciated your actual inside info and how your "source" is right about Reid. I would love to see him in Maroon & Gold in the coming years. #hometownhero

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So long!!!

This is when you starting doubting the validity and veracity of my inside are far more trusting than I. That said, I have appreciated your actual inside info and how your "source" is right about Reid. I would love to see him in Maroon & Gold in the coming years. #hometownhero

I was joking, I figured you were joking too when you said he followed him to bathroom and noticed he was wearing blue boxers and maroon socks, why would anyone take their shoes off in the bathroom, only to get their awesome maroon socks dirty.

I was joking, I figured you were joking too when you said he followed him to bathroom and noticed he was wearing blue boxers and maroon socks, why would anyone take their shoes off in the bathroom, only to get their awesome maroon socks dirty.

I know a dude that, for whatever reason, strips down to nothing every time he takes a dump.

I was joking, I figured you were joking too when you said he followed him to bathroom and noticed he was wearing blue boxers and maroon socks, why would anyone take their shoes off in the bathroom, only to get their awesome maroon socks dirty.

That is a good question...missed that logic in my fake inside info. Damn it, I have to think this stuff through better.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>If technology doesn't let me down and stupidity doesn't set in, I'll live stream the Reid Travis announcement on the KSTP website. <a href="">#gophers</a></p>— Darren Wolfson (@DarrenWolfson) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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A gopher or a tree, what will it be

I have to take my glasses off, and I don't know why.

And I only see him once a year now when I head out to the World Cup races in Beaver Creek. He has to really plan ahead to get to a "safe house" and get out of all of his ski gear.

Man, I'm way too nervous over this. THIS SHOULD NOT AFFECT MY LIFE THIS MUCH.

Man, I'm way too nervous over this. THIS SHOULD NOT AFFECT MY LIFE THIS MUCH.

I feel the exact same way. Someone who was born in 1995 holds the fate of our program and my weekend in his ample hands. FML

Man, I'm way too nervous over this. THIS SHOULD NOT AFFECT MY LIFE THIS MUCH.

even with the info I have received I am still nervous! I shouldn't be but with the luck this program has had over the years its hard not to, and it doesn't help when you have so called experts picking stanford last minute based on nothing than gut feeling, and the whole what he is wearing is also freaking me out, I SHOULDN"T BE THIS STRESSED!

even with the info I have received I am still nervous! I shouldn't be but with the luck this program has had over the years its hard not to, and it doesn't help when you have so called experts picking stanford last minute based on nothing than gut feeling, and the whole what he is wearing is also freaking me out, I SHOULDN"T BE THIS STRESSED!

DeLasalle has a strict dress code. There is no way he is wearing a red shirt.

DeLasalle has a strict dress code. There is no way he is wearing a red shirt.

yeah, I know that now, but still doesn't change the fact that it did stress me out a little when it was first reported,To be honest anything Reid does that is reported on is going to freak me out even if it shouldn't. Could be something like, Reid was spotted standing next to a tree before school, My mind would automatically take that as, he is picking Stanford damn it!

BREAKING NEWS: Reid leaves class, goes to water fountain. More to come.

I was joking, I figured you were joking too when you said he followed him to bathroom and noticed he was wearing blue boxers and maroon socks, why would anyone take their shoes off in the bathroom, only to get their awesome maroon socks dirty.

Can you please refrain from posting unless you are adding something involving your inside source?? Unfortunately my Deep Insider position only applies to my orientation with the ladies, if you know what i mean ;) , and I cannot provide such content in this recruiting frenzy. You on the other hand are a beacon of light, so please, sir, spare us our witts, and only shine when the light is meant to be shone, any other false shinings of the light shall blind us all.

Man, I'm way too nervous over this. THIS SHOULD NOT AFFECT MY LIFE THIS MUCH.

I know I don't have a bottle in my desk drawer, but I keep digging in there hoping I'm wrong about that.

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