Reid Travis Picks Stanford Over U

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John Thomas actually works where I do, just shot him an email about the Gophers in general (we've emailed a few times before for work, so it's not out of the blue haha) and mentioned the Reid decision. Will see if he has any thoughts/insight.

Productivity's in the frickin' toilet.

uh huh...and after the announcement I'm going to either be too pumped or too disappointed to concentrate for the remaining 90 minutes. I'm just gonna cut my losses now and focus on hitting refresh every 4 seconds.

she's not the only one!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Reading <a href="">@GopherHole</a> forum posts instead of doing homework... <a href="">#Oops</a></p>— emma montie (@emontie13) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script> I just got a call from my nephew who goes to DLS and he said that Reid is wearing a red shirt today...uh oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This can't be good!

I was actually going to ask if anybody had a kid at De La Salle and what color shirt he was wearing. Crap!

Productivity's in the frickin' toilet.

Long time follower of gopherhole. No big time inside info for my first post, just wanted to share in the excitment. Wish I wasnt self employed, because my lack of productivity is seriously costing me today!

So my nephew followed Reid into the bathroom and he said he is wearing blue boxers & maroon socks too...this is getting crazy. I am questioning our decision to recruit this kid...his Mother dresses him funny. : ) I just got a call from my nephew who goes to DLS and he said that Reid is wearing a red shirt today...uh oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This can't be good!

****!!!!! Stop messing with us!!!! How am I expected to wait 2 ****ing hours!!???!!!!!!?!?!???!?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Wouldn't it be funny if Reid announced his decision to play football for Stanford today...they need a QB in this class.

No hope of getting anything done at work today. The F5 key is getting worn out though

Long time follower of gopherhole. No big time inside info for my first post, just wanted to share in the excitment. Wish I wasnt self employed, because my lack of productivity is seriously costing me today!

Welcome! Looks like you're going to fit right in!

Go Gophers!!

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