Reid Travis Picks Stanford Over U

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Why again are we so sure his family is pushing Stanford? You are not going by Guy Fawkes are you? I can't imagine a kid playing at Harvard and another at Stanford would be that desirable.

So far everything I have reported has been spot on, I told you guys it was between Minnesota and Stanford when everyone thought it was Minnesota and Duke, and a few days after reporting that, multiple recruiting experts reported that it was between Minnesota and Stanford. I also told you guys that he was leaning Minnesota way before all the experts started saying he is a Minnesota lean. So can you please tell me a reason why people shouldn't believe my reports?

I didn't have to share the info I got about Travis with you guys, but I did, because I figured you guys would appreciate it.

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Here you go.


So far everything I have reported has been spot on, I told you guys it was between Minnesota and Stanford when everyone thought it was Minnesota and Duke, and a few days after reporting that, multiple recruiting experts reported that it was between Minnesota and Stanford. I also told you guys that he was leaning Minnesota way before all the experts started saying he is a Minnesota lean. So can you please tell me a reason why people shouldn't believe my reports?

I didn't have to share the info I got about Travis with you guys, but I did, because I figured you guys would appreciate it.

I believe you Guy and I'm sure a lot of others on here probably do too. I understand there are skeptics, but you have been spot on so far and didn't appear on this board out of nowhere like other so-called "insiders" in the past. Thanks for passing on your info!

So far everything I have reported has been spot on, I told you guys it was between Minnesota and Stanford when everyone thought it was Minnesota and Duke, and a few days after reporting that, multiple recruiting experts reported that it was between Minnesota and Stanford. I also told you guys that he was leaning Minnesota way before all the experts started saying he is a Minnesota lean. So can you please tell me a reason why people shouldn't believe my reports?

I didn't have to share the info I got about Travis with you guys, but I did, because I figured you guys would appreciate it.

It is and has been appreciated by me sir. Even if he were to pick Stanford, I'd appreciate your efforts.

So far everything I have reported has been spot on, I told you guys it was between Minnesota and Stanford when everyone thought it was Minnesota and Duke, and a few days after reporting that, multiple recruiting experts reported that it was between Minnesota and Stanford. I also told you guys that he was leaning Minnesota way before all the experts started saying he is a Minnesota lean. So can you please tell me a reason why people shouldn't believe my reports?

I didn't have to share the info I got about Travis with you guys, but I did, because I figured you guys would appreciate it.

Yeah, I appreciate what you've reported too. Even if it turned out that you made it up out of wholecloth, let's be honest, if Reid comes here, I'll be so full of the milk of human kindness that I'll look favorably on every poster on here.

So far everything I have reported has been spot on, I told you guys it was between Minnesota and Stanford when everyone thought it was Minnesota and Duke, and a few days after reporting that, multiple recruiting experts reported that it was between Minnesota and Stanford. I also told you guys that he was leaning Minnesota way before all the experts started saying he is a Minnesota lean. So can you please tell me a reason why people shouldn't believe my reports?

I didn't have to share the info I got about Travis with you guys, but I did, because I figured you guys would appreciate it.

Guy, I look in this thread multiple times a day hoping for an update from you. Your contributions are very much appreciated.

Go Gophers!!

So far everything I have reported has been spot on, I told you guys it was between Minnesota and Stanford when everyone thought it was Minnesota and Duke, and a few days after reporting that, multiple recruiting experts reported that it was between Minnesota and Stanford. I also told you guys that he was leaning Minnesota way before all the experts started saying he is a Minnesota lean. So can you please tell me a reason why people shouldn't believe my reports?

I didn't have to share the info I got about Travis with you guys, but I did, because I figured you guys would appreciate it.

I very much hope you are right. I am just slow to believe. Help me to overcome my unbelief...

So far everything I have reported has been spot on, I told you guys it was between Minnesota and Stanford when everyone thought it was Minnesota and Duke, and a few days after reporting that, multiple recruiting experts reported that it was between Minnesota and Stanford. I also told you guys that he was leaning Minnesota way before all the experts started saying he is a Minnesota lean. So can you please tell me a reason why people shouldn't believe my reports?

I didn't have to share the info I got about Travis with you guys, but I did, because I figured you guys would appreciate it.

Presuming there's no change in the situation - still leaning Gopher? Wondering whether there's anything to the couple of 247 experts who've gone contrarian to their colleagues.

I don't see him inviting the public if it is going to be Standford.

Where are all those people that said if Duke offers he is gone & it was his dream school etc.?

This is my last post in this thread as it's really become silly, and a large part of that is my fault.

Here's how business school works (MBA): Have a high profile job, do well on the GMAT, have decent (or not even that great) of grades.

You can definitely do all three at Carlson. The first is much easier to attain if you graduate from Stanford. Additionally, those high profile jobs (IB, consulting) all require you to go to business school after 2-3 years anyway so regardless of what he studies in undergrad he'll be going back if that's his career trajectory. Again, Stanford makes it easier.
What's cute is you thinking grad school is necessary to be successful in business today.

Reid changed his twitter background to a picture of the last supper. Da Vinci undercurrent? Was Mary Magdalene a Gopher fan? Is he trying to tell us something? Where is Robert Langdon when you need him?!!!!...oh wait, he is at Harvard with Reid's brother!!! What does it mean?


Just relaying the information (as it's not necessarily indicative of anything), but 8 of the last 11 Crystal Ball selections today/yesterday have been for Stanford.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Im anxious to know where <a href="">@Reid_Travis_22</a> will decide!? </p>— Jarvis Johnson (@MuhneyyChief_12) <a href="">November 5, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Reid changed his twitter background to a picture of the last supper. Da Vinci undercurrent? Was Mary Magdalene a Gopher fan? Is he trying to tell us something? Where is Robert Langdon when you need him?!!!!...oh wait, he is at Harvard with Reid's brother!!! What does it mean?


Is that true? That can't be good.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Im anxious to know where <a href="">@Reid_Travis_22</a> will decide!? </p>— Jarvis Johnson (@MuhneyyChief_12) <a href="">November 5, 2013</a></blockquote>
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I'm sweating because I'm nervous....

Just relaying the information (as it's not necessarily indicative of anything), but 8 of the last 11 Crystal Ball selections today/yesterday have been for Stanford.

And a lot of them were Minnesota just a day or two ago. FRAK!!!

And a lot of them were Minnesota just a day or two ago. FRAK!!!

That was my questions/hope was that they were people who believed Duke moving to Stanford, but I guess that isn't the case...

I'm not going to check this anymore... I'm Twin Cities bound and I'm either drinking to Travis, or I'm drinking because of Travis.... Either way pal, you're the reason for my hangover.

So far everything I have reported has been spot on, I told you guys it was between Minnesota and Stanford when everyone thought it was Minnesota and Duke, and a few days after reporting that, multiple recruiting experts reported that it was between Minnesota and Stanford. I also told you guys that he was leaning Minnesota way before all the experts started saying he is a Minnesota lean. So can you please tell me a reason why people shouldn't believe my reports?

I didn't have to share the info I got about Travis with you guys, but I did, because I figured you guys would appreciate it.

You're the best insider we have had since I've been posting here. You're next assignment if you choose to accept it, is Vaughn.

So far everything I have reported has been spot on, I told you guys it was between Minnesota and Stanford when everyone thought it was Minnesota and Duke, and a few days after reporting that, multiple recruiting experts reported that it was between Minnesota and Stanford. I also told you guys that he was leaning Minnesota way before all the experts started saying he is a Minnesota lean. So can you please tell me a reason why people shouldn't believe my reports?

I didn't have to share the info I got about Travis with you guys, but I did, because I figured you guys would appreciate it.

your reports have been much appreciated and relieved a lot of stress on my front on this matter

Presuming there's no change in the situation - still leaning Gopher? Wondering whether there's anything to the couple of 247 experts who've gone contrarian to their colleagues.

Honestly, haven't heard anything new, talked to my source today and asked him for updates, and he said that Reid has told the intimidate family where he is going, but when he asked what school is that, he was told he was going to have to wait until 3:30 to find out. But he says he is pretty confident its Minnesota from everything he has heard this week.

He told me this yesterday and I didn't report on it, but I thought it was interesting, the announcement was originally planned to be in the school's media center, but was moved to the gymnasium on Monday. Gotta think if he was planning to pick another school he would have kept it in the media center where it would hold less people, but the move suggests Minnesota. Monday was also the day I heard that the family started backing off the stanford talks and suggested he shadow some Carlson classes. Everything just adds up to Minnesota.

Just relaying the information (as it's not necessarily indicative of anything), but 8 of the last 11 Crystal Ball selections today/yesterday have been for Stanford.

67% Minnesota; 14% Stanford; 14% Duke at the moment. Do these people know something, or is it just guesswork?

I flew home from boston for this announcement and the games tonight & tmrw, but mainly this announcement so I hope he picks Minnesota!! Anyone else going to be there?

Honestly, haven't heard anything new, talked to my source today and asked him for updates, and he said that Reid has told the intimidate family where he is going, but when he asked what school is that, he was told he was going to have to wait until 3:30 to find out. But he says he is pretty confident its Minnesota from everything he has heard this week.

He told me this yesterday and I didn't report on it, but I thought it was interesting, the announcement was originally planned to be in the school's media center, but was moved to the gymnasium on Monday. Gotta think if he was planning to pick another school he would have kept it in the media center where it would hold less people, but the move suggests Minnesota. Monday was also the day I heard that the family started backing off the stanford talks and suggested he shadow some Carlson classes. Everything just adds up to Minnesota.

Gracias, Guy!

I've thiught Stanford for him for about a year...gonna stick with that and hope I'm wrong!

You're the best insider we have had since I've been posting here. You're next assignment if you choose to accept it, is Vaughn.

got zero connections to vaughn, someone else is going to need be the insider for Vaughn.

Maybe I'm setting myself up for a huge disappointment, but I'm not buying the late Stanford steam. Given everything that has happened this week, I'd be pretty surprised if he doesn't pick the U.

Myself and a few of my friends from the Barnyard will be at Reid's announcement, and then onto the season opener at the Barn!

got zero connections to vaughn, someone else is going to need be the insider for Vaughn.

So If you don't mind me asking Guy, who are your sources? Friends, Family, Coaches?? I know that a reporter "never tells people who there sources are" but I'm just curious.

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