Reid Travis Picks Stanford Over U

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I'm guessing a lot of the Stanford steam is "experts" that are trying gain ground in the Crystall Ball rankings or however that thing works. I'm sure a couple switched from Duke to Stanford and others followed suit thinking they knew something. Maybe I'm wrong but that's how I see it.

I flew home from boston for this announcement and the games tonight & tmrw, but mainly this announcement so I hope he picks Minnesota!! Anyone else going to be there?

Is this the Gopherdude that couldn't hit the broad side of a barn in high school? (CK?) If so, get a hold of me before the football game tomorrow.

You guys really need to stop comparing the path a typical person takes to grad school with the path a smart, famous, elite, extremely well connected basketball player would take. That is my last comment on this topic.

Are you trying to tell me that Charles Barkley wouldn't be an analyst for ESPN if he hadn't played ball??? Mind blown

So If you don't mind me asking Guy, who are your sources? Friends, Family, Coaches?? I know that a reporter "never tells people who there sources are" but I'm just curious.

I would like to tell you more about my so called "source" (god I hate saying that word) but I don't want to out the person, the person has a really close relationship with the family and I don't want to be responsible for ending it. All I can say is the person is really close and back when when Reid's older brother was being recruited he was giving me inside info about him that turned out to be all true, so I really trust this person.

What would really suck would be an announcement that the decision is being pushed back until later in the year. Can't wait to know...3 hours.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Good luck to my brother <a href="">@Reid_Travis_22</a> on his commitment today!</p>— Tyus Jones (@Tyusjones06) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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He told me this yesterday and I didn't report on it, but I thought it was interesting, the announcement was originally planned to be in the school's media center, but was moved to the gymnasium on Monday. Gotta think if he was planning to pick another school he would have kept it in the media center where it would hold less people, but the move suggests Minnesota. Monday was also the day I heard that the family started backing off the stanford talks and suggested he shadow some Carlson classes. Everything just adds up to Minnesota.

VERY interesting.

Jeff Borzello has a pretty good history at picking the correct school and has alot of good connections and inside info. Many 24/7 crystal ball guessers pick the school he picks. Widely known.

Jeff admitted on Twitter that he's basing the Stanford pick on a gut feeling. I wouldn't read too much into the late trend in picks to Stanford.

I would like to tell you more about my so called "source" (god I hate saying that word) but I don't want to out the person, the person has a really close relationship with the family and I don't want to be responsible for ending it. All I can say is the person is really close and back when when Reid's older brother was being recruited he was giving me inside info about him that turned out to be all true, so I really trust this person.

That's totally understandale. I was just courios as to how the person was connected to Reid.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Good luck to my brother <a href="">@Reid_Travis_22</a> on his commitment today!</p>— Tyus Jones (@Tyusjones06) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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This is almost as good as stalking airports.


I'm guessing a lot of the Stanford steam is "experts" that are trying gain ground in the Crystall Ball rankings or however that thing works. I'm sure a couple switched from Duke to Stanford and others followed suit thinking they knew something. Maybe I'm wrong but that's how I see it.

Let's see what happens around 2:30 - 3:00

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>No matter what Reid Travis decides, <a href="">#Gophers</a> already have a good class. Hearing great things about Nate Mason. Could be another Dre Hollins.</p>— Marcus R. Fuller (@GophersNow) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

Is this the Gopherdude that couldn't hit the broad side of a barn in high school? (CK?) If so, get a hold of me before the football game tomorrow.

haha yes! lets go to the announcement together! text me

Edit: Im so nervous I could puke… & I haven't even started drinking yet

Reid changed his twitter background to a picture of the last supper. Da Vinci undercurrent? Was Mary Magdalene a Gopher fan? Is he trying to tell us something? Where is Robert Langdon when you need him?!!!!...oh wait, he is at Harvard with Reid's brother!!! What does it mean?

Is that true? That can't be good.


Reid changed his twitter background to a picture of the last supper. Da Vinci undercurrent? Was Mary Magdalene a Gopher fan? Is he trying to tell us something? Where is Robert Langdon when you need him?!!!!...oh wait, he is at Harvard with Reid's brother!!! What does it mean?



I'm not sure if I'm serious. Just trying to get this MF to the requisite 100 pages!

If it was done for a reason, I'm worried that he's changed his mind since he invited the world to his announcement, and now he's going to be publicly crucified, so today's lunch would have been his last supper.

I'm not sure if I'm serious. Just trying to get this MF to the requisite 100 pages!

If it was done for a reason, I'm worried that he's changed his mind since he invited the world to his announcement, and now he's going to be publicly crucified, so today's lunch would have been his last supper.

Hopefully he won't be playing the part of Judas, the betrayer.

It's been stated before, but still the biggest tip-off in my opinion is the fact that the announcement is open to the general public. With all the local hype and hoopla, how would anyone in his camp let that happen if he wasn't going to MN?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>From De La Salle HS ... Doors will open to the general public for Reid Travis' announcement today at 3:20.</p>— Amelia Rayno (@AmeliaRayno) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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I'm not sure if I'm serious. Just trying to get this MF to the requisite 100 pages!

If it was done for a reason, I'm worried that he's changed his mind since he invited the world to his announcement, and now he's going to be publicly crucified, so today's lunch would have been his last supper.

Or maybe he is going to be the Messiah and resurrect this program?

I'm going to be driving at 3:30, do you think KFAN will chime in with "breaking news"?

There are almost twice as many people viewing this forum as the football forum. That never happens. Man, people are really pumped for the Lehigh game! :cool02:

It's been stated before, but still the biggest tip-off in my opinion is the fact that the announcement is open to the general public. With all the local hype and hoopla, how would anyone in his camp let that happen if he wasn't going to MN?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>From De La Salle HS ... Doors will open to the general public for Reid Travis' announcement today at 3:20.</p>— Amelia Rayno (@AmeliaRayno) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Do we have examples of recent announcements that were not open to the public? I feel like most big time recruits invite the farm.... Complete perception though...

It's been stated before, but still the biggest tip-off in my opinion is the fact that the announcement is open to the general public. With all the local hype and hoopla, how would anyone in his camp let that happen if he wasn't going to MN?

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>From De La Salle HS ... Doors will open to the general public for Reid Travis' announcement today at 3:20.</p>— Amelia Rayno (@AmeliaRayno) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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yeah, I just can't see his camp moving the announcement from media center to the gym and having it open to the public if the pick wasn't Minnesota, no way they don't realize that everyone there will be gopher fans.

Last Supper picture could mean.....

If he picks Duke -- then he knows he will be crucified by media and this plays to the religious background as Duke is a school with a Methodist background. Also notice JEsus is wearing Blue (other part is red)

If he picks Stanford -- Same as Duke, but since Red is on top of Blue it means those were his last two schools.

If he picks Minnesota - - Just letting us know he is the future savior of the program

Or and I know this may be far fetched, but maybe he a Christian and just wants to demonstrate that whatever he picks he is doing with God and family at the top of his priority list. From everything i have seen posted he seems to be a person of character and his faith probably plays a big role in that.

Here's hoping he picks the U, but also hoping that whatever he does he keeps God and sacrifical love to his fellow human beings at the top of the priority chain.

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Here you go.

I had to bump this.

I'm going to be driving at 3:30, do you think KFAN will chime in with "breaking news"?

Yes, Barriero cut in with breaking news when Josh Martin committed, so I'd be shocked if he doesn't when Travis announces.

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