Reid Travis Picks Stanford Over U

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>If Reid commits, I really think this is where you see Pitino's advantage over Tubby. Resume irrelevant. Young, fun vibe more important.</p>— Phil Mackey (@PMac21) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

I hate to continue talking about academics but as someone in the industry who has sent kids to ivy league schools and public local universities, the education at Stanford is NOT superior to the education at Minnesota if you want to study business. I have argued all along that if Reid wants to study business, Stanford (or Duke) is NOT the place to go. He seems set on business. Of the schools on his list ONLY Minnesota has a business school. I work with 17 year olds every day of the year. Even the top ones are not thinking about grad school when they select an undergraduate program. They are thinking about the next 4 years and how those will look for them. I can't imagine Reid is an exception to this. Many students who are mature enough to know what they want to do at 17, go to the school that offers the program that lines up with interests. In Reid's case this appears to be basketball and business. I would be more worried if Notre Dame made the final list than Duke or Stanford.

I wish I had a CLE today. Then I wouldn't get in trouble for checking gopherhole constantly.

I wish I had a CLE today. Then I wouldn't get in trouble for checking gopherhole constantly.

Seriously. I'm not even trying to hide the fact that I have GH up. Productivity is roughly at 40%

Reid obviously seems to value academics, but he's a 5-star recruit. He'll only sniff grad school if he's a bust on the court.

Reid obviously seems to value academics, but he's a 5-star recruit. He'll only sniff grad school if he's a bust on the court.

...or he'll end up as a Minnesota Supreme Court justice after a long and productive athletic career.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>After speaking with him Monday, I truly think Reid Travis will announce he's coming to the <a href="">#Gophers</a> today.</p>— Jack Satzinger (@JackSatzinger) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Thought - Reid and Tyus bonded playing together this year, Tyus and Vaughn don't seem to get along =

Reid commits to Gophers, Tyus follows, and Vaughn goes elsewhere because he doesn't want to play with Tyus.

Reid and Tyus (2) > Vaughn (1)

Love to have Vaughn though..

Thought - Reid and Tyus bonded playing together this year, Tyus and Vaughn don't seem to get along =

Reid commits to Gophers, Tyus follows, and Vaughn goes elsewhere because he doesn't want to play with Tyus.

Reid and Tyus (2) > Vaughn (1)

Love to have Vaughn though..

That'd be nice, but I think with Tyus, we still have no chance. I think we still have an outside chance at Rashad, if he manages to rise above UNLV's many "enticements" or the magnificent grandeur of Ames, IA.

Thought - Reid and Tyus bonded playing together this year, Tyus and Vaughn don't seem to get along =

Reid commits to Gophers, Tyus follows, and Vaughn goes elsewhere because he doesn't want to play with Tyus.

Reid and Tyus (2) > Vaughn (1)

Love to have Vaughn though..

Wishful thinking. But you can wish in one and crap in the other, and see which one gets filled first (Burgess Meredith).

Tyus is all but gone. Vaughn is a long shot, but at least there is a chance with him.

God, I hope this doesn't end up like Harrison Barnes when he chose UNC via Skype in his home gym.

If you do a "Reid Travis" search on Twitter, Gopher fans astronomically dwarf any other fanbase when it comes to tweets about/directed to Reid. In any result, can't say we didn't try!

And in this day/age when recruits and people in general are so glued to technology, don't think that it doesn't help!

Anybody know if the announcement will be covered anywhere? A link to video would be greatly appreciated if available. I would love to be there but 1,200 miles is a helluva trip to make :)

Anybody know if the announcement will be covered anywhere? A link to video would be greatly appreciated if available. I would love to be there but 1,200 miles is a helluva trip to make :)

I doubt it will be streamed, but just watch Twitter or this place. It'll be posted .1 seconds after he speaks.

That'd be nice, but I think with Tyus, we still have no chance. I think we still have an outside chance at Rashad, if he manages to rise above UNLV's many "enticements" or the magnificent grandeur of Ames, IA.

If we lost out on Vaughn to either UNLV or fricken Iowa State I would be so pissed.

Anybody know if the announcement will be covered anywhere? A link to video would be greatly appreciated if available. I would love to be there but 1,200 miles is a helluva trip to make :)

Yeah I just asked Amelia on Twitter and she said she's unaware of a video source, but will be live-tweeting.

If we lost out on Vaughn to either UNLV or fricken Iowa State I would be so pissed.

Oh, I completely agree. But it's looking like those are our two main rivals for him right now.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>I got $100 cash that Travis is going to Minnesota and this "mystery'' is phony hype. Anyone want to cover it?</p>— Patrick Reusse (@1500ESPN_Reusse) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

Wishful thinking. But you can wish in one and crap in the other, and see which one gets filled first (Burgess Meredith).

Tyus is all but gone. Vaughn is a long shot, but at least there is a chance with him.

I use that line as often as possible! :)

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>I got $100 cash that Travis is going to Minnesota and this "mystery'' is phony hype. Anyone want to cover it?</p>— Patrick Reusse (@1500ESPN_Reusse) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

Now that is optimism from Reusse. If Reusse says it's so, count on it. Reid Travis will be a Gopher!!! No way will I bet against Reusse. Now I would be "really fit" to bet against Soupcan.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>I got $100 cash that Travis is going to Minnesota and this "mystery'' is phony hype. Anyone want to cover it?</p>— Patrick Reusse (@1500ESPN_Reusse) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

Whoa! $100!!! That will cover one meal at McDonalds for him.

These commit decisions should be done like the old days.

1. Make your decision without a presentation.

2. Call and inform the coach you are committing to.

3. Call Sid.

4, Go back to what you were doing.:cool02:

These commit decisions should be done like the old days.

1. Make your decision without a presentation.

2. Call and inform the coach you are committing to.

3. Call Sid.

4, Go back to what you were doing.:cool02:

5. Buy Doc and 19 a beer, and make it one each, not one to share.

Now that is optimism from Reusse. If Reusse says it's so, count on it. Reid Travis will be a Gopher!!! No way will I bet against Reusse. Now I would be "really fit" to bet against Soupcan.

I'm still waiting for Lucia to be fired and Dean Blaise to be named the new hockey coach...

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