Reid Travis Picks Stanford Over U

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I went to a very good grad school after Carlson (MBA, top 3). Trust me, I was far out numbered by Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford grads. Each of those schools had more representation than my school. It matters. You want to work for McKinsey? Sure they hire at Carlson but not at near the numbers they do at those top schools. Goldman Sachs, Google, BCG, Morgan Stanley all the same. It matters.

I have a MBA from the Carlson School, worked out fine. That said, I have not heard RT mention he wants an MBA. I could have missed it but feel we are all taking a leap and connecting dots that are not there... He wants to study business... but thats all I have heard. I do know he wants to try and play hoops for a long time...

To invite the public, which will pretty much all be hoping he picks Minnesota, creates a little problem if he picks Stanford. He could be greated with groans, and who knows what.

That said, I am ready to use google maps to find Golden Shower's house in preperation for RT picking the Gophers..

That's the same thing I was thinking of. I'm very hopeful that Reid will pick us, but acknowledge the possibility that his family could win out, and have him choose Stanford. But if so, I'm not sure making that pick in an arena almost entirely filled with Gopher fans would be an easy choice. I don't know. It seems odd to do it this way if he's not picking the Gophs.

I went to a very good grad school after Carlson (MBA, top 3). Trust me, I was far out numbered by Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford grads. Each of those schools had more representation than my school. It matters. You want to work for McKinsey? Sure they hire at Carlson but not at near the numbers they do at those top schools. Goldman Sachs, Google, BCG, Morgan Stanley all the same. It matters.

You just proved my point. You got into a top 3 MBA program after going to Carlson. And you didn't even have high major D-1 basketball on your resume, or have the nearly unlimited connections and references to help you get in that Reid would have. I don't think Reid really cares if most of his grad school classmates were Ivy League.

That's the same thing I was thinking of. I'm very hopeful that Reid will pick us, but acknowledge the possibility that his family could win out, and have him choose Stanford. But if so, I'm not sure making that pick in an arena almost entirely filled with Gopher fans would be an easy choice. I don't know. It seems odd to do it this way if he's not picking the Gophs.

Why again are we so sure his family is pushing Stanford? You are not going by Guy Fawkes are you? I can't imagine a kid playing at Harvard and another at Stanford would be that desirable.

You just proved my point. You got into a top 3 MBA program after going to Carlson. And you didn't even have high major D-1 basketball on your resume, or have the nearly unlimited connections and references to help you get in that Reid would have. I don't think Reid really cares if most of his grad school classmates were Ivy League.

You completely wiffed on mine. I'm the exception if you go by my graduating class. They're the rule, despite having much smaller graduating classes. You can't be this dense. I don't care about Reid Travis's connections, he'd get better ones at Stanford. That's my point. If you're going based on academics, you don't say no to a free Stanford education. Jesus.

Why again are we so sure his family is pushing Stanford? You are not going by Guy Fawkes are you? I can't imagine a kid playing at Harvard and another at Stanford would be that desirable.

I'm not just going by Guy. I've heard from multiple sources, some of whom I believe to be reasonably well-placed, and some of whom I have no idea as to their trustworthiness, that Reid's family would prefer Stanford. I give that many independent reports a bit of credibility. Plus, it fits with some of what we've heard (Reid's dad saying Reid wouldn't visit the U, and then getting overruled, for example).

I have a MBA from the Carlson School, worked out fine. That said, I have not heard RT mention he wants an MBA. I could have missed it but feel we are all taking a leap and connecting dots that are not there... He wants to study business... but thats all I have heard. I do know he wants to try and play hoops for a long time...

Agreed, I didn't make the jump to the MBA thing, another poster did. I simply said an undergraduate degree at Stanford is better than the UofM and somehow, someone decided I was wrong and it didn't matter which is stupid. I'm not saying the UofM is a bad school (I went there, why would I) but the logical jump that 'well you CAN do the same things as a Stanford if certain circumstances fall your way then they must be equal schools' is lunacy.

You completely wiffed on mine. I'm the exception if you go by my graduating class. They're the rule, despite having much smaller graduating classes. You can't be this dense. I don't care about Reid Travis's connections, he'd get better ones at Stanford. That's my point. If you're going based on academics, you don't say no to a free Stanford education. Jesus.

There's nothing more satisfying than finding a spelling mistake in a post calling another individual dense.

I'm not just going by Guy. I've heard from multiple sources, some of whom I believe to be reasonably well-placed, and some of whom I have no idea as to their trustworthiness, that Reid's family would prefer Stanford. I give that many independent reports a bit of credibility. Plus, it fits with some of what we've heard (Reid's dad saying Reid wouldn't visit the U, and then getting overruled, for example).

Got it.

A Stanford degree is objectively more valuable/versatile than a degree from the U.

Stop being idiots, it's Stanford.

There's nothing more satisfying than finding a spelling mistake in a post calling another individual dense.

Sorry, typed it quickly.

Edit: Sorry, thought you were the original poster I was discussing with, my apologies for calling YOU dense.

You completely wiffed on mine. I'm the exception if you go by my graduating class. They're the rule, despite having much smaller graduating classes. You can't be this dense. I don't care about Reid Travis's connections, he'd get better ones at Stanford. That's my point. If you're going based on academics, you don't say no to a free Stanford education. Jesus.

I'm not arguing Stanford's education is equal to or below Minnesota's. My point is he can have his cake and eat it too. He can stay home, be the hometown hero, get a good (not world class) education at Carlson, play for an up and coming coach in arguably the best basketball conference in the country AND still have the opportunity to pursue an elite MBA at a school of his choosing IF he doesn't make the NBA.

If Reid wants to go far in the business world he'll likely need to go to grad school. After 4 years on Minnesota's basketball team, good grades, and a Carlson degree, he'll likely have his choice of just about any business school in the country. So, I don't think the undergraduate degree is all that important between Minnesota and Stanford.

If he wants to go into business he will have to go to grad school if he goes to Stanford. His undergraduate degree is important and he will get a lot more offers in the business world if he gets a business degree (and again, he can't get that at Stanford). Stanford would carry more weight if he goes to grad school, but as they don't have a business school...he will have to go to grad school if he goes there. He may not want that. He may want a more practical degree and may want to study marketing more than English lit. Does Stanford carry more weight if you want to go into investment banking or consulting at Goldman...yep...but if you are a big shot basketball player you will probably get those same opportunities if you are smart. They are primarily sales jobs for smart folks.

If he wants to go into business he will have to go to grad school if he goes to Stanford. His undergraduate degree is important and he will get a lot more offers in the business world if he gets a business degree (and again, he can't get that at Stanford). Stanford would carry more weight if he goes to grad school, but as they don't have a business school...he will have to go to grad school if he goes there. He may not want that. He may want a more practical degree and may want to study marketing more than English lit. Does Stanford carry more weight if you want to go into investment banking or consulting at Goldman...yep...but if you are a big shot basketball player you will probably get those same opportunities if you are smart. They are primarily sales jobs for smart folks.

My point exactly.

A Stanford degree is objectively more valuable/versatile than a degree from the U.

Stop being idiots, it's Stanford.

Who is arguing that a Minnesota degree is better than a Stanford degree?

He is not deciding between academic opportunities. It's basketball too. Proximity, friends, family, whatever else.

I felt better 48 hours ago than I do right now, but from everything I gather - even the experts have no idea. They "know" it's either Minny or Stanford but genuinely are unsure after that. We'll see if a prominent source gets the info early today, otherwise it'll be a LONG wait to 3:30.

If he wants to go into business he will have to go to grad school if he goes to Stanford. His undergraduate degree is important and he will get a lot more offers in the business world if he gets a business degree (and again, he can't get that at Stanford). Stanford would carry more weight if he goes to grad school, but as they don't have a business school...he will have to go to grad school if he goes there. He may not want that. He may want a more practical degree and may want to study marketing more than English lit. Does Stanford carry more weight if you want to go into investment banking or consulting at Goldman...yep...but if you are a big shot basketball player you will probably get those same opportunities if you are smart. They are primarily sales jobs for smart folks.

This is my last post in this thread as it's really become silly, and a large part of that is my fault.

Here's how business school works (MBA): Have a high profile job, do well on the GMAT, have decent (or not even that great) of grades.

You can definitely do all three at Carlson. The first is much easier to attain if you graduate from Stanford. Additionally, those high profile jobs (IB, consulting) all require you to go to business school after 2-3 years anyway so regardless of what he studies in undergrad he'll be going back if that's his career trajectory. Again, Stanford makes it easier.

You guys really need to stop comparing the path a typical person takes to grad school with the path a smart, famous, elite, extremely well connected basketball player would take. That is my last comment on this topic.

Reid should go to law school anyway. Then, in the future, he'd have PLENTY of free time to await anxiously the decisions of future recruits on their college destinations.

Reid should go to law school anyway. Then, in the future, he'd have PLENTY of free time to await anxiously the decisions of future recruits on their college destinations.

Then live in a state anxiety trying to get a job and paying your loans back! It's a lot of fun!

Reid should go to law school anyway. Then, in the future, he'd have PLENTY of free time to await anxiously the decisions of future recruits on their college destinations.

You'd be doing the same if you had to sit through an all day CLE webinar.

I think were over thinking it a little bit. All of the signs recently have pointed to Minnesota and even the experts have been changing their picks to MN. Grad school is 4 years away for him, I don't think even he knows what he will be doing or years from now.

If I were Reid Travis and I was leaning towards selecting Stanford, I'd want to wait until the spring to sign my NLI. Dawkins is on thin ice and I'd want to see how this season plays out and who the new coach may end up being before picking Stanford. The concensus is Dawkins will be let go if they don't make the tourney this year.

That would be the smart, intelligent play if he was a Stanford lean. I'd sure as heck would want to know who will be coaching me my Freshman and Sophomore years when picking a school.

That's a long way of saying that if he picks Stanford today, it's not a basketball decision and the Gophers never had a chance.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>S/o to the kid <a href="">@Reid_Travis_22</a> today good luck lil bro! It's YOUR decision no one else's!</p>— MarQueis Gray (@MarQueisG) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>S/o to the kid <a href="">@Reid_Travis_22</a> today good luck lil bro! It's YOUR decision no one else's!</p>— MarQueis Gray (@MarQueisG) <a href="">November 8, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Go Gophers!!

I love MarQueis.

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