Quarterback Position

I miss him for the fact that he would have been in his fourth year in this system, and if nothing else could have been a positive influence on the younger QBs.

Come January, Leidner will have been on campus for three full years. He's been around a long time inexperience isn't a legit excuse for his level of play so far this year.

Come January, Leidner will have been on campus for three full years. He's been around a long time inexperience isn't a legit excuse for his level of play so far this year.

What's the end game here? Let's say your right? Now what? Play Streveler?
We have what we have. There is not free agency.

Ummmmm.... My comment is more an indictment of the current state of affairs than it is the belief that Max is Heisman material

I think his point was, Shortell has been below average for Jacksonville St. Why do people think he would be any better with the Gophers? He's never really shown he is a better QB than what Leidner has so far.

Come January, Leidner will have been on campus for three full years. He's been around a long time inexperience isn't a legit excuse for his level of play so far this year.

Wasn't using lack of experience as an excuse for Leidner's level of play, just mentioning that I don't think it would hurt to have an upperclassmen or two at QB.

Shortell?? Ha! Leidner had us up 28-0 at halftime...we're fine. Next week will be a challenge to see if we can get our greatest road victory in a decade. Anybody wishing for Shortell is just stupid. People should watch the games and not just look at stats...most of the pass attempts were just hail marries. I disagree with the calls, but Leidner looks just fine on the simple routes.

Good. We are on the same page then. I am relieved, normally you are spot on Ogee.

Shortell?? Ha! Leidner had us up 28-0 at halftime...we're fine. Next week will be a challenge to see if we can get our greatest road victory in a decade. Anybody wishing for Shortell is just stupid. People should watch the games and not just look at stats...most of the pass attempts were just hail marries. I disagree with the calls, but Leidner looks just fine on the simple routes.

There is typically more than one route ran on the majority of our pass plays, and Leidner tends to stare down one man/one side of the field on most of his drop-backs. I'd agree that Limegrover isn't making anything easier on him though.

I think there is plenty of blame to go around for lack of a consistent passing game.

Again, I'll be surprised if they don't bring in a juco QB or graduate transfer.

Agreed. Listening the to postgame show, Ray Hitchcock must be in denial. "This is how Jerry plays" "They are not going to throw the ball all over the yard" No kidding Ray, but if you gave the coaching staff truth serum, we all know they are concerned/frustrated by the lack of a passing game in the first two games. Receivers were open today, and they were missed, badly. The INT at the end of the half was simply brutal.

Good. We are on the same page then. I am relieved, normally you are spot on Ogee.

I have to admit, I'm as optimistic of a fan as they come but I'm more than slightly concerned about where they are with the QB position. I think this team/roster is deep, talented, experienced across the board with the one glaring exception of that critical position. Good grief, put Cupito or Abdul-Kaliq in there and this is a 10-win team probably (barring any more losses along the D-Line).

The frustrating thing is, I don't know what the answer is going forward.

Mitch just doesn't pass the eye-ball test to me. He doesn't look comfortable (maybe not as uncomfortable looking as Gray but close), he doesn't step into very many throws, he doesn't throw the ball with confidence or authority; some guys just aren't "gamers".

It's only two games in, and he's only a RS SO, so we'll see what happens. If he plays better, this team could be really, REALLY good.

I have to admit, I'm as optimistic of a fan as they come but I'm more than slightly concerned about where they are with the QB position. I think this team/roster is deep, talented, experienced across the board with the one glaring exception of that critical position. Good grief, put Cupito or Abdul-Kaliq in there and this is a 10-win team probably (barring any more losses along the D-Line).

The frustrating thing is, I don't know what the answer is going forward.

Mitch just doesn't pass the eye-ball test to me. He doesn't look comfortable (maybe not as uncomfortable looking as Gray but close), he doesn't step into very many throws, he doesn't throw the ball with confidence or authority; some guys just aren't "gamers".

It's only two games in, and he's only a RS SO, so we'll see what happens. If he plays better, this team could be really, REALLY good.

He appears to be tentative and floats a lot of throws. It is frustrating because we get good looks in the passing game. I am not as optimistic as you on the 10 win team claim, but they would be much more dangerous on offense with competent passing. I am not talking about good or great, just competent. At least there was not a fumble today. Ball security has been another major issue.

I'm sure he's nowhere near ready at this point, but Jacques Perra is probably the only legit passing QB they have on the roster.

He appears to be tentative and floats a lot of throws. It is frustrating because we get good looks in the passing game. I am not as optimistic as you on the 10 win team claim, but they would be much more dangerous on offense with competent passing. I am not talking about good or great, just competent. At least there was not a fumble today. Ball security has been another major issue.

What I've noticed is that ML7 has a tendency to lock on a receiver immediately after the hike and he doesn't check off the receiver to look at other options. He is often telegraphing his pass and leaving a lot of options off the table. This is the mark of a very young quarterback. Whether we like it or not, we will have to live with the growing pains as ML7 grows into the quarterback position. He will get better.

Leidner would not be the starting QB on MTSU. it really is that simple.

I'm concerned about Leidner's passing ability - for sure. However, I also don't feel like Limegrover is helping matters. We seem to run about four different passing plays (I know there are more than that, but that's what it seems like). And having Maye in the slot running deep outs doesn't put either him or Leidner in a very good position to succeed. That is a tough ball to throw, and then you're asking a quarterback who hasn't shown to be consistently very accurate to begin with, to throw a deep out ball to a guy who's one of the smallest on the entire roster. If throwing to Maye, the ball has to be perfect, and that appears to be too much to ask of Leidner right now.

what is Lime supposed to do? he has a quarterback with ltd passing skills sooooooooooooooooooooo Limey limits passing plays . i am cool with it.

what is Lime supposed to do? he has a quarterback with ltd passing skills sooooooooooooooooooooo Limey limits passing plays . i am cool with it.

I'm not an OC, but how about some short crossing patterns, a bubble screen underneath here and there, a simple stop, etc. I'm just saying - a 20 yard out to the far sideline to a 5'9 receiver is NOT what I would be doing.

He looks great on som throws and terrible on others. I still think that Jones sometimes doesn't run the best route and I certainly didn't like some of the pass play calls by Limegrover. Wolitarski at 100% will help. I thought the line played outstanding today.

I agree that i would like to see less deep balls on third down and more 15 yard targets. Those deep balls did us no favors and they didn’t do Wisconsin any favors last week either. I think once Wolitarsky is 100% we will convert better on third downs with him being a very reliable move the chains receiver.

I'm not an OC, but how about some short crossing patterns, a bubble screen underneath here and there, a simple stop, etc. I'm just saying - a 20 yard out to the far sideline to a 5'9 receiver is NOT what I would be doing.

That was not a 20 yard out. It was a post-corner route and Maye was OPEN. Mitch was late with the read and late with the ball and overthrew him to the sideline. That was on the QB, no the OC or the play design.

I heard grinning Glen on Dan B's radio show last Thursday, he said Mitch had taken 180 snaps coming into this year. His play has not been great let him get some legs under him and see what happens.

I heard grinning Glen on Dan B's radio show last Thursday, he said Mitch had taken 180 snaps coming into this year. His play has not been great let him get some legs under him and see what happens.

Then they should really practice more. That's not a lot.

Mitch's mechanics are so slooooow.

It takes him forever to release the ball after making a decision.

That was not a 20 yard out. It was a post-corner route and Maye was OPEN. Mitch was late with the read and late with the ball and overthrew him to the sideline. That was on the QB, no the OC or the play design.

That's my point - he can't make that throw, so don't ask him to or even put him the position to be tempted to try and make it. Or if you're going to have him throw it, put a non-midget receiver in there that isn't going to require such a precise throw.

It's not the play-call. It's the play-call with this QB, and KJ Maye as that receiver.

Leidner, Max and Nelson all had plenty of opportunities to show they could be the number 1 guy. They all looked inconsistent and when it came to completing passes, they all have looked pretty bad there too. Have they had passes dropped? Sure, and maybe to many, but not as many as the number of badly thrown balls.

The arguments here that one guy was clearly better than the others have been pretty senseless. All three have been pretty bad at hitting open receivers.

Playing QB at this level has got to be damn tough. Glaring problem of this staff, one that has done a lot of things right, is they haven't found one who can do it well just yet.

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That's my point - he can't make that throw, so don't ask him to or even put him the position to be tempted to try and make it. Or if you're going to have him throw it, put a non-midget receiver in there that isn't going to require such a precise throw.

It's not the play-call. It's the play-call with this QB, and KJ Maye as that receiver.

KJ Maye was open. It did not matter whether he was 5'7" or 6'7", he was not catching that throw.

Yes - I am a Gopher homer in a Gopher message board. For Shame!

I have to admit, I'm as optimistic of a fan as they come but I'm more than slightly concerned about where they are with the QB position. I think this team/roster is deep, talented, experienced across the board with the one glaring exception of that critical position. Good grief, put Cupito or Abdul-Kaliq in there and this is a 10-win team probably (barring any more losses along the D-Line).

The frustrating thing is, I don't know what the answer is going forward.

Mitch just doesn't pass the eye-ball test to me. He doesn't look comfortable (maybe not as uncomfortable looking as Gray but close), he doesn't step into very many throws, he doesn't throw the ball with confidence or authority; some guys just aren't "gamers".

It's only two games in, and he's only a RS SO, so we'll see what happens. If he plays better, this team could be really, REALLY good.

I agree. I hate to admit it but he is not a very good runner either. Yes he is big and gets some yds but he is not quick, fast or athletic.

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