UCLA was clearly the more talented team and couldn’t stop turning the ball over / taking penalties. Amazing that the Gophers pulled this one out.
Lay off the crackpipe...

No one who was there would say UCLA was anywhere close to more talented. Your trolling is sad and you are sad.

Best thing of all that I haven't seen mentioned yet......back to back wins heading into the bye week should mean we are in for a reasonably troll free Gopherhole for the next couple weeks.
Not a chance...USC lost and UCLA is terrible so the trolls will just pretend we were supposed to win those and then bring up UNC. We have seen this game before brother ;)

Not a chance...USC lost and UCLA is terrible so the trolls will just pretend we were supposed to win those and then bring up UNC. We have seen this game before brother ;)
Oh they never go away completely but they get much much much quieter when things are going well because it is hard to be taken seriously as a negative ahole when the team is winning games.

Reading the game thread is a treat. I wish I had a better video of Taylor's family dancing after his GW TD to post after each negative comment. The parents never seemed to doubt what was gonna happen ;)

Well except whoever was there for Daniel Jackson (Dad maybe) he never seemed impressed even when Jackson was making sick catches! Funny to watch :)

Best thing of all that I haven't seen mentioned yet......back to back wins heading into the bye week should mean we are in for a reasonably troll free Gopherhole for the next couple weeks.
Wishful thinking

We were in the wrong D for the play they ran - it happens
We'll probably never know but I have a hard time believing we were running a "0" defense in that situation. Would think someone should be back there to help.

Could be wrong and, like I said, probably never know.

UCLA was clearly the more talented team and couldn’t stop turning the ball over / taking penalties. Amazing that the Gophers pulled this one out.
Doesn't work that way. Part of talent is hanging on to the ball and not getting heavily penalized. Teams often get heavily penalized because the other team is more talented they're cutting corners to have a chance.

Does anyone know the logic behind keeping a player off the field for a play for losing his helmet, even AFTER a timeout? Seems punitive against the player (vs maintaining flow of game).

Edit: Seems the rule is to inventivize securing helmet properly, but still seems like a timeout should be a sufficient intervening event

I’m happy that Brosmer and the team can now go up tempo when we need it. This is the first season in the ten years+ I’ve been watching that we have a team that could execute while going up tempo. When we tried to in years past, it would go horribly wrong most times.

I don’t think we win these close games without going up tempo when needed. It feels good that the team can overcome deficits now.

Does anyone know the logic behind keeping a player off the field for a play for losing his helmet, even AFTER a timeout? Seems punitive against the player (vs maintaining flow of game).

Edit: Seems the rule is to inventivize securing helmet properly, but still seems like a timeout should be a sufficient intervening event
I always thought if you used a timeout they could return. I also was confused on the not targeting call on the hit on Jackson.

What a difference two weeks makes. Before USC, every game on the schedule felt losable, except maybe UCLA (not saying i thought we'd lose all the them, just that there was no individual game i felt confident we'd win), and we were wondering where six would come from to get to a bowl. All of a sudden, every game but Penn State feels very winnable (again, not saying we win them all, but I don't hate our chances in any one game except PSU, and even there upsets happen). Might be overreacting a bit, but sitting 4-3 with some very flawed opponents ahead of us, I'm back to where I started the season thinking that limping into bowl eligibility at 6-6 would be a let down.

I wasn’t happy and I knew a few others who weren’t either. We know nothing.
I wasn’t happy either about going for it on 4th and 4 at midfield with 3 minutes left in the game. Fleck definitely out coached me on that one. 😁

The last 3 minutes was a masterful display of coaching on both side of the ball.

We'll probably never know but I have a hard time believing we were running a "0" defense in that situation. Would think someone should be back there to help.

Could be wrong and, like I said, probably never know.
I had a good view of that play from the stadium...our DB retreated 10 yards right before the snap but he didn't seem to be putting himself in a position to make a play with any help. In the moment it looked like they guessed the wrong they expected a deep pass but on a fly instead of a post or whatever. Didn't see what the safety was doing because I knew what was going to happen as soon as the ball was hiked.

Part of me thinks they called a coverage audible and someone screwed up but I am not and expert by any means.

I always thought if you used a timeout they could return. I also was confused on the not targeting call on the hit on Jackson.
I would assume they determined he put his head down so it became incidental but no the audible gasps when they showed the replay while under review told me most in the stadium thought it was going to stand.

I’m happy that Brosmer and the team can now go up tempo when we need it. This is the first season in the ten years+ I’ve been watching that we have a team that could execute while going up tempo. When we tried to in years past, it would go horribly wrong most times.

I don’t think we win these close games without going up tempo when needed. It feels good that the team can overcome deficits now.
Yes, and it’s nice to have time to change a play at the line, and have a timeout or two available at the half and games end. Huge improvement there.

I wasn’t happy either about going for it on 4th and 4 at midfield with 3 minutes left in the game. Fleck definitely out coached me on that one. 😁

The last 3 minutes was a masterful display of coaching on both side of the ball.
The second half adjustments on the whole were fantastic! I take full credit as my GF and I moved from Section 1 (next to some very annoying UCLA "fans") to where a lot of the parents were sitting! Obviously everything hinged on our enjoyment of the game :oops::cool::ROFLMAO:

after further thought - in the "in-game" thread there was a long argument about Brosmer and the deep ball.

my take - Brosmer does a lot of things very well. He does not throw a great deep ball. that does not make him a bad QB. it just makes him a QB who does a lot of things well, but doesn't do everything well. but what he does is good enough to win.

the bottom line is that the Gophers have an offense that is tailored to what the QB does well - quick passes with a lot of short and intermediate routes, and intelligent use of check-downs, screens and using the RB's in the passing game.

next year, the offense may look different with a different QB. that might be the most encouraging thing about the season - the fact that the Gopher coaches are willing to adjust the offense to fit the skills of the QB - NOT trying to force the QB to fit a pre-determined offensive scheme.

You’re not on fire with your takes tonight that’s for sure. I think we have a lot of young OL in the pipeline that are going to be potentially significantly better than what we’ve got out there right now, sans 69.
And there's always the portal.

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