how is it that a guy like brewster makes $1 million a year? America, what a country!!

our team just quit - no effort at all from the front on that drive.

Can we fire Brewster now? I mean how can anyone dispute his inability to coach now?

Horton is making Fisch look like Urban Meyer. Let's see, we've been losing the battle at the LOS all night, especially in short-yardage plays. I think i'll run my 205lb RB behind our below-average line twice and see how it works out. Great calls, great execution.

Weber is a 4 year starter and he's so good that we'd rather hitch our wagon to a failed running game than give him a chance with the ball in his hands.

Listen, just because you've been getting stuffed all night long doesn't mean you can't just run it up the gut 3 times for no yards.

How can Brewster NOT be fired? Really? The House needs cleaning.

only one questoin left...

Will Brewster resign or wait to be fired after his second 1-11 season? Time for the school to nut up and spend some money on a decent staff.

I've never seen players more uninspired and disinterested as this team. Maybe they should all be suspened for conduct detrimental to the team

I was all for letting brewster finish the season. but after this game, I can't see that happening

They shouldn't even let him leave the field with the team send Brewster out with the fans that are left at the end of the game

I have to say I am totally disgusted with this team and the direction it is going. I was a brew supporter. I hated Mason but, now we need to find a new coach. Obviously Mason and Brewster both sucked. We need a proven coach who can get the job done. Put out an APB on big name coaches, big name up and comers, and of course the current TE coach of Denver Broncos.

I can't tell exactly but it looks like Spann was a walk-on. Is that correct? He is definitely worse than those awesome 3* guys like Eskridge and Salamon.

Can we PLEASE PUT IN GRAY!!! Let him get some reps for gods sake. Lets see what he can do.

Anyone want to bet on the Lions beating the Vikings tomorrow?

Here comes the garbage

Here comes the garbage score so we can hear about how close they kept it. LOL. This is one of the worst college football teams I've ever seen.

That was all Gray on that play. Weber sucks so bad I am not going to even give him credit for that TD!

Another garbage TD to pad Weber and Gray's stats....

What are Gray's numbers like in the first 55 minutes of games this year?


Why plan for the future when your future is tonight?

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