Haha did the Big Ten guy just say Tim Brewster's team has excels at coming from behind in their wins? LOL!!!!

Unfortunately, the Gophers HAVE to run the ball. This defense has to stay off the field. At least the U's Search ad campaign is highly produced. About the only thing the U has done right tonight. :)
Brewster should hire that medical researcher as a consultant and have her grow some heart for this team.

Fun stats:
2 sacks in 14 quarters. That's .0142 per quarter.
23 tackles for a loss. That's 1.642 per quarter.
110 points given up. That's 7.857 per quarter. 31.428 per game.

Unfortunately, the Gophers 2010 season is like that 2:30 feeling...every Saturday.

If they don't fir Brewster regardless of the outcome of this game they will alienate this fanbase even more than they already have.

Was that 7 or 8 wins over the course of one or four seasons?

bingo. Maturi blew it with this hire. He should be fired along with Brewster. I do not want this moron hiring the next head coach. he might hire his grandson's pop warner head coach since he has more real coaching experience than Brewster.

Don't worry, he's probably already got the contract written up for that clown Mangino.

I didn't really have a problem with going for it. Its pretty obvious that the defense sucks donkey and that they O needs to put up points.

I do, however, hate the moron(s) calling plays. On that drive they got to 4th down by running it up the middle (again) for 0 yards, and then losing 2 on a stretch play to the short side of the field. How f-ing stupid do you have to be to call that play?

Brewster has told everyone that he thinks he can somehow just out-muscle everyone and run it all over them all day in every game. He is an idiot. They are passing it well, same as the other games. Stop being stubborn and play to what is working better than a turd run up the middle 80 times a game.

Tired of the stupid Adam bashing. Adam Weber's not the reason for the team's underperformance. Weber's arguably the best player on the team. If Brewster fails its his own fault. He chose Weber to start over his own recruits, Gray, Alipate etc. Brewster has ownership over the playcalling too.

Don't worry Adam will lead us back.

Gray is the best player on the team, and it is not even close.

We only have 57 Rushing Yards...

Way To Pound The Rock Brew!

I can't even get excited about anything with Gopher football

Even if we win this game it's a loss in my book.

We are going to get killed come B10 time. We barely keep our head above water with MAC schools. Mark it down now, we'll lose to Wisconsin by 20. Pathetic, Pathetic, Pathetic.

I can no longer blame any kid from Minnesota that goes to Iowa or Wisconsin until a new coach arrives. In fact, if it was my son, despite my love for the "U" I would tell him to do just that.

This is the most predictable group of morons in the history of time. Short distance? JUST RUN IT UP THE MIDDLE!!!!! Every single time.

I've never seen such a terrible group of coaches.

I love how when we are on the opponents 10 yard line that we still are not really in field goal range.

OH FFS!!! Time out on the NIU 4 yrd line? WTF??"?

I don't want to hear ANYONE give me the, "oh, it will just be that sweeter when we finally do turn it around" line of bull. 43 years of this crap. I am sick to death of having people laugh at me when I say I'm a fan of this team. Why the hell didn't I just go to OSU as an undergrad?:banghead:

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