Nice...I can hear the Student Section chanting Fire Brewster on Big Ten Network feed!

I'm calling Brewster right now and tell him to put Gray in...Gray is the best player on the field..WR or QB..

Brewster will laugh in your face as Gray is a very good receiver but hasn't shown much ability as a QB. He might consider Gray for garbage time or if we give up on the season.

This is the most important half of football in Brewsters' career?

This all started with the fact that the morons on offense think that they MUST RUN IT. They MUST RUN IT ALL THE TIME WITH NO SENSE OF HOW TO CALL PLAYS.

Its pathetic. They passed twice, so they couldn't possibly pass it a 3rd time.

Its some kind of gutless loser staff. Please fire them all...........please.

I've never seen a group of morons so devoted to running the ball with no real purpose behind it.

Great! this is F@#in unbelievable. Weber is just a so so QB he cant even lead us downfield. He makes bad decisions. he is just as so so qb. regardless of his stats.

We want to run the football but NIU is killing us in Running Yards...I guarantee Brew runs the ball heavily in the 2nd Half...

Brewster will laugh in your face as Gray is a very good receiver but hasn't shown much ability as a QB. He might consider Gray for garbage time or if we give up on the season.

Well it is Garbage time. Brewster needs to cut his loses with Weber and go with someone who can actually play QB whether it is Moses, Gray or the fricking punter. Weber just cant get it done. he hasnt proved that he can. you know it, I know it, and everyone knows it. Time to prepare for the future. Whether that is firing Brew, starting gray/moses, or whatever.

This is unacceptable!!!!

For those that complain about booing, what about laughing? That's mostly been my reaction tonight. It doesn't matter in the least if the beat NIU, losing can only speed up the process, winning just keeps the door open in case Brewster can rally to 7 or 8 wins...which obviously won't happen if you give up 20 in a half at home to NIU.

made my decision easy

surf's up. off to Bondi. outta here

What was that they were saying about Weber comparing himself to Favre? The only thing Weber has in common with Favre is that they both need to hang up the cleats ASAP.

Don't blame the kids. Brewster is a really, really, really, bad coach. He needs to go and soon, like in the morning.


The Gophers are an awful football team. Not bad, Awful.

Our assistant coaches are every bit as bad as Brewster. There are no gems on this staff. Butler's linebackers and special teams have given up huge plays tonight, and Cosgrove's defensive calls have been terrible. Let's keep shooting those LBs as NIU's backs run through the gaping holes they leave behind. Our DL is brutal, as they have been all season. Jewhan Edwards stays in on 3rd and long? Great idea. He can stand there and run back and forth on the LOS. We get no penetration and our players have no concept of how to rush the passer. Wilhite is awful. He is abused i nthe run game.

The fact that we're losing to NIU at the half in Brewster's 4th season tells you everything you need to know about the state of the football program. It's time for another clean sweep. You have to start over with new coaches. You have no choice. I was with Brewster every step of the way until the loss to SD. That loss can never be forgiven. It was much more then just another bad day. I'm a season ticket holder, but i will not renew my tickets until Brewster is gone. This is painful.

I do not want to hear any morons on GH talk about how this team is progressing. If this is progress than at what point does one consider this team to have regressed? IMO, this team has regressed, it is non-competitive and has become a laughing stock in the B10. I think the Gophers can actually show they are serious about its fb program by firing Brewster during the season. It shows that we are not going to sit by and watch our team go down in flames. Instead, by firing Brewster mid season it shows that we will not tolerate crappy coaching.

Don't blame the kids. Brewster is a really, really, really, bad coach. He needs to go and soon, like in the morning.

Agree completely...there is no way that Northern Illinois has better athletes...Brewster has become more of a liability than anything now.

NIU's running backs break thru the line untouched. Not a linebacker in sight. Linebackers do nothing. I watched Tinsley on one of the long runs, he didn't get blocked, was no where near the running back, made a half hearted attempt as the running back broke through the line, he attempted a diving tackle and didn't come close. They aren't going to beat anybody playing like that. They have no chance. The D is terrible.

A program to be proud of...the only D-1 program in the state AND a member of the glorious Big 10. IA, WI and NW have all been able to come out of the crapper yet our school can't recognize the financial relevance of investing in the football program by spending the money on a quality coach? People need to be fired or forced into retirement because there is no way Maturi can be allowed to hired the next coach...

there is no way Maturi can be allowed to hired the next coach...

bingo. Maturi blew it with this hire. He should be fired along with Brewster. I do not want this moron hiring the next head coach. he might hire his grandson's pop warner head coach since he has more real coaching experience than Brewster.

Isn't it safe to say the players have lost faith in him as a coach as well??? I mean you could kind of see it coming but seriously when is it enough for the players, you lose one of your better players this week, now how many more are going to quit?? How can you even bring in recruits because who are they going to ask about playing for Brewster? The players who probably aren't going to give a real high recommendation. If he loses this game he has to go, I don't care how bad it gets the rest of this year but this has to stop

Unfortunately, the Gophers HAVE to run the ball. This defense has to stay off the field. At least the U's Search ad campaign is highly produced. About the only thing the U has done right tonight. :)

For those that complain about booing, what about laughing? That's mostly been my reaction tonight. It doesn't matter in the least if the beat NIU, losing can only speed up the process, winning just keeps the door open in case Brewster can rally to 7 or 8 wins...which obviously won't happen if you give up 20 in a half at home to NIU.

This sums it up for me. It's hard to get upset with this team at this point because honestly their performance levels have gone from bad to joke to farce. And when watching a farce, all you can do is laugh through it. Makes me wonder what kind of comments we'll hear from Brewster and Maturi after this. I'm sure it will follow right along with the bad to joke to farce trend.

Brewster is a downgrade from Mason. We need to get rid of Brewster, erase any association with Brewster and get a new coach in here ASAP.

A program to be proud of...the only D-1 program in the state AND a member of the glorious Big 10. IA, WI and NW have all been able to come out of the crapper yet our school can't recognize the financial relevance of investing in the football program by spending the money on a quality coach? People need to be fired or forced into retirement because there is no way Maturi can be allowed to hired the next coach...

Completely agree. Maturi's little experiment with the football program has blown up in everybody's face.

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