***OFFICIAL*** Minnesota Vs. Michigan State (GAME THREAD)

Yeah but he was not only down, but forward progress had him stopped. Like I said, I'll take it. Close enough.

Fair enough, magpie. Glad to see we both liked the TD! :)

so, losing decker = passing game opens up like whoa or are psu and osu just that much better than msu?

It's good to exploit the bonuses your best player(s) give you, but I think we've seen tonight that you can't neglect the rest of the "team" in the process. This is the Gopher team we all expected to see this year (minus the penalties).

so, losing decker = passing game opens up like whoa or are psu and osu just that much better than msu?

A little of both. I think you're seeing a "galvanized" effort from the team, as well as the fact that MSU's pass defense is kiddy stuff compared to PSU and OSU. PSU and OSU have made many teams look terrible. MSU.....not so much.

you have got to be kidding with the penalties. this is absolutely terrible. and that's at least 2 false starts on 71

Gray had the ball inside the pylon (assuming he was in bounds). Too bad Kuznia's first call on TV was a penalty in game 9.

Now we know why Kuznia doesn't play more... :)

Penalty after penalty after penalties. Just ridiculous.

oh jeez. what happened. I told them not to false start. (Brewster's innermost thoughts...)

When the announcer says "okay, this is ridiculous"... you've got a right to be mad. The coaches can be positive all they want, but they need to call themselves out this week.

side note: 2 & 20-some and we call a run play?

I'm sorry but it's time to pull Wills even if his dad does post here.

seriously, 2nd and long and a draw play? can we at least pretend we want to get that yardage back?

So, at some point do we get to say that the continued penalties can be pinned on the coaching staff? I know that's not popular here, but I gotta think that becomes an option sooner or later?

that sequence of events simply CANNOT happen. that is embarrassing and ridiculous.

14 point swing on the holding penalty. From 35-17 to 28-24

So, at some point do we get to say that the continued penalties can be pinned on the coaching staff? I know that's not popular here, but I gotta think that becomes an option sooner or later?

You ABSOLUTELY have that right. I'm not a "fire Brewster" guy but discipline starts with coaching. Anyone that tells you different is an "apologist" in wolf's clothing.

And back-and-forth we go........

we're going to get knocked out of FG range. here comes a false start

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