We didn't look too terrible on their run out the clock drive. Alcohol run.

What do you think the chances are one of the coaches mentions Tinsely? I'd say 75%.

It's *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#ing absurd to say anything about the refs in this game. We're getting clobbered in every facet. The refs are irrelevant.

Don't think I have said anything against this. I was simply pointing out that the refs have been poor. Not in our favor. Reading comprehension.........try it sometime.

I don't care what happens, I'm gonna watch the whole game. I watched all of our 58-0 loss to Michigan last year, I watched all of the Purdue game, I watched all of our 30+ point loss to Nebraska, I watched all of the Wisconsin game. I'm gonna watch this entire game regardless of what happens.

Cool story bro!

If Max hits either Barker or Crawford (both wide open for td's) it's a much different game. Funny...we all were saying the same thing after the UNLV game. Much different game in every other way.

One of the worst first halfs of Gopher football I have ever seen. I can't think of one player who has played well. Destroyed in all phases of the game.

This isn't a good stat:

"@NSandell: In Shortell's three Big Ten starts, #Gophers have been outscored 99-0 if you include the one quarter he played in start at Pur"

Go Gophers!!

The SEC network using the Gopher play as the measuring stick for the Big 10 to bash the conference. They are down but the keep beating the same drum week in week out.

Off to ndsu/uni game if any gophers wanna tailgate and free tickets pm me serious lets get drunk and piss on Iowa

Prediction: the Gophers will do nothing new in the second half and will get clobbered, with Iowa over 40, maybe over 50; everybody knew they'd be able to run against us and that would open up the play-action for Vandenberg. The holes Weisman is running through would accomodate a truck. Our offense doesn't exist; we needed to outscore them to have a chance as we all knew they'd score a lot in a very emotional game for them, before a hyped-up home crowd. I lay most of the blame on Limegrover and the offense - our defense can't get off the field.

Weisman is good but it's the blocking. If you've seen his runs, they're huge gaping holes he's running through. Our linebackers are too undersized, and are getting blocked easily. The receivers aren't doing very good too. Neither is Max. Oh well, at least we know where we stand. Middle of the pack.

Found Baylor and West Virginia. Ch 248 on DTV, which is FX. 35-28 WV right now...

OK guys, I have good news and bad news.

The bad news is that we're down by 24 and will probably end up losing by 40.

The good news is I just saved a bunch of money on car insurance by switching to Geico.

The original good news: Chiana and I are having fantastic sex. That's only for the Farscape fans out there...

Baylor may just have tied it altough now it looks likeQB was past line of scrimmage. Sure is a fun game though...

The holes Weisman is running through would accomodate a truck. Our offense doesn't exist; we needed to outscore them to have a chance as we all knew they'd score a lot in a very emotional game for them, before a hyped-up home crowd. I lay most of the blame on Limegrover and the offense - our defense can't get off the field.

The right side of the Minnesota defense is pretty bad, they are getting handled, I haven't seen Iowa run to their right (Minnesota's left) much, find the weakness and exploit it, Iowa did a good job evaluating Minnesota, problem is everyone is going to try and exploit that from here on in.

If Gopher History has taught us anything it's that we'll come out in the 2nd Half in a game we desperately need points & go 3 & Out...

Baylor may just have tied it altough now it looks likeQB was past line of scrimmage. Sure is a fun game though...

Who *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#ing cares? Every week you give updates during the Gopher game because you are obviously watching other games.

Everyone posting here has the ability to open another tab and check on games they may be interested in.

Either start a different thread about other games today, and fvcking keep your updates there, or piss off.

If Max hits either Barker or Crawford (both wide open for td's) it's a much different game. Funny...we all were saying the same thing after the UNLV game. Much different game in every other way.

"Why if ____ hit's those open receivers we win by 40!"

No kidding..

I hope were not showing are true colors, it will be a very long season in the big ten if we are.

That's the kind of play this team needs to run.

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