I'm done with this team, until next week probably.

Well at least we can be secure in our superiority over minor league NDSU football. Oh wait...

Take Leidner out of the game! Dude could have ran out of the pocket!

I am f***** done. This kid cant throw today so we're going to force it no matter what.

Thanks for the loss, coaches.

time to bench Leidner-- can't scramble on 3rd and 19-- need to force a play at this point

That's enough for me. I've got yard work that's a lot more fun to do then watch this sorry excuse for a team. Good luck to the rest of you and have a great weekend!

Keeping Iowa to under 350 total yards and 3 turnovers yet somehow your down by 7 with 4:30 to go in the game.

Hard to believe.

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Leidner's career should be over. I'm sick of watching him throw away wins.

Tuck and run Mitch. Great call.
Play Demry and prepare for next year.

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I think Iowa's game plan was they don't have a receiver who can get open against us so let's just stop the run.

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He F**ing sucks...how do scouts think he's one of the top 10 qb's in the upcoming draft?

5th year senior playing like a nervous true freshman = loss to a bad Iowa team. He should have been pulled early to send a message and then he could have been reinserted later....or NOT.

Thank god I've at least got ASU to root for, at least Manny can make a throw or two!

Two trophies...two losses. Welcome to the bottom of the B1G West Tracy Claeys.

Karma for Claeys not offering the O line job to Limegrover. At least we have a coaching search to look forward to.

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Oh youre right, rose bowl here we come.

Cant get a simple first down like, 5 offensive drives in a row. but yeah, great coaching.

you sound insane when you swing from asking for competent QB play to talking about the rose bowl

I'm worried that with this performance, Leidner might slip to the second round.

Last gasp here. Anyone have faith that we can pull it off?

All we have to do is go 71 yds. That's it.

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Gift from Beathard there by going out of bounds....QB play for both teams has been terrible. Time for a comeback but outside of one drive it is tough to have much faith in the offense right now.

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