It's hard to imagine a path to victory based on the way we played last week, but every week is a new week. Why not us?! Let's get the JUG!!! Let's get after it.

You under-estimate my imagination. I have quite the imagination.

Maxx, Maxx, screen to Cobb, Maxx... TD, let's see it!

Seriously? down by 15 with 8 mins left, a hot QB, and you do that on 1st?

The fact that the coaching staff did not start Mitch last week makes me question their ability to evaluate talent and make tough calls even if it hurts a player's feeling.

So what was that supposed to accomplish?

The fact that the coaching staff did not start Mitch last week makes me question to evaluate talent and make tough calls even if it hurts a player's feeling.

Seems like it, but if we ask about that this week we'll be call whiners again.

OL showed a lot of puss on that drive. Bak has to go; not a B1G player.

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