The stadium is going to less than half full by the end of the season. No one is going to pay money to watch this horse crap offense and d.

The game against Nebraska should be fun. How many ticketholders will sell to people in red for a premium??

Mitch is a bit of a gamer. Need to ride that horse the rest of the season barring injury.

I agree with the ABC guy. I think Leidner is the better QB.

Our quarterback is 10 of 12. You can open up the playbook before the 4th quarter coach.

How about a quick slant? Do we throw those ever? I like our screen pass today.

How do u win when u play to lose? I just don't think Limegrover and Clayes are big 10 quality coaches. There is no risk in them and we will not win playing conservatively.

What's there left to say? We're not good enough talent-wise for Big Ten play, and we're not good enough scheme-wise to make up the talent gap. But at least we have those 4 meaningless wins to start the season to keep us warm at night.

With the exception of improving academics and cleaning up the program, this program is broken. I will say this, Mitch Leidner looks like a B1G quarterback. Which is a problem. How can we trust a coaching staff who chose to play Nelson over this guy and who calls a pathetic game. It doesn't take a genius to see that our offensive planner is not effective.

So much for working on the fundamentals that caused our loss to Iowa. We just look pathetic on defense.

We need some help in the defensive backfield. Experience will help, but our guys don't seem to get back to the ball at all.

We need some help in the defensive backfield. Experience will help, but our guys don't seem to get back to the ball at all.

How about getting to the damn QB once and awhile and give our DBs a break?

Nice throw, nice protection, nice catch.

Does Limegrover get brownie points from kill by running the ball?

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