And we concede defeat with 8 minutes to play.

Is this what happens when your head coach is not there to make gutsy calls?

Seems like it, but if we ask about that this week we'll be call whiners again.

Well, one could ask why Kill was so perturbed about the questions about Nelson as starter after the Iowa game only to turn around and start Leidner the next game, but let's keep it positive!

I had lost hope after that failed drive... but then i watched that Dr. Pepper commercial!

Wait... nope, no hope.

Moral victories!!! We didn't lose by 58 this time!!

Seems like it, but if we ask about that this week we'll be call whiners again.

I have seen enough ineptitude for me to question this coaching staff's ability. If the Kool aid drinkers can't handle it, so be it. At this point, kill is on the hot seat until he shows me a reason why he should remain hc.

Good news is if Michigan scores 2 more TDs Triple D wins pick the score, looks like its in the bag for me now

I have seen enough ineptitude for me to question this coaching staff's ability. If the Kool aid drinkers can't handle it, so be it. At this point, kill is on the hot seat until he shows me a reason why he should remain hc.

Unfortunately, he won't lose his job unless he steps down. We can't afford more buy outs.

I have seen enough ineptitude for me to question this coaching staff's ability. If the Kool aid drinkers can't handle it, so be it. At this point, kill is on the hot seat until he shows me a reason why he should remain hc.

I just think the mentality of the coaches is a little off. If they would look at things a little differently, it could get better.

Hey, they sent FOUR GUYS!!!!! Still didn't get to Gardner...

We also do not seem to be interested in using our timeouts. Worst time management by a losing team I've ever witnessed.

At the beginning of the year I was All on board the Kill train. But now I have no excitement for this team and I do not see this staff progressing with this team. After seeing the great hiring job by NT for the bb hc position, I almost would like to see who he could land as hc for mn fb.

Wow, we get zero pass rush. Zero. SO the question becomes WHY do we keep playing this scheme where the DE's fly upfield trying to get to the passer? It creates huge running lanes and good spaces for a QB to escape the pocket. It's so frustrating watching QB's sit back there and pick us apart. I actually think the Dbacks are not bad at all (losing BBC hurt a lot, obviously), but any legit college QB can find a guy 10-15 yds downfield when he has 4 sec to throw. Frustrating.

Who the hell is #22? He's been burned all damn day.

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