So lets say Claey's wants to do one thing in the game or play one quarterback in the game and Kill another. Who do the players listen to? Claeys' the acting head coach or Kill the on a leave of absence head coach?

Don't get me wrong, it isn't a huge controversial issue I have my pitchfork out about, just think it can create some complications you don't need. I have no problem if Kill is sitting there as a fan just watching quietly, but I have a hard time believing that is the case and that sort of throws out the "focussing on my health" comments. Nor do I believe Kill and Claeys agree on every decision 100% of the time. Just rubs me the wrong way a bit I guess. That's all. Didn't mean to start a fight and throw out a bunch of freaking and frickings.

Focusing on your health doesn't mean you're just sitting on a bed laid out 24/7. I think the focus of it was more going to Michigan, taking time away from the program, trying something to get this meds situation straightened out. When he returned, I'm sure he's had input, but he's still not at the facilities, so it's hard to really bring a lot to the table when you're not even there.

First down PA pass play!??!?! What parallel universe did we slip into?

Oh wait a flag for block in the back, we're in the real world.

Focusing on your health doesn't mean you're just sitting on a bed laid out 24/7. I think the focus of it was more going to Michigan, taking time away from the program, trying something to get this meds situation straightened out. When he returned, I'm sure he's had input, but he's still not at the facilities, so it's hard to really bring a lot to the table when you're not even there.

No, I know. He has every right going to the game and I applaud him for being there to support his team and I am sure they are fired up about it too.

I think it just creates the issue of if there is a crucial decision to be made, who makes it? Will Kill want say in that decision now? Will Claeys concede to Kill? What does that do to Claeys authority going forward assuming the leave continues? Likely won't be an issue, just raises some potential questions to me.

Ed Olson looks to be bringing some leadership today.

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