Hoping the football gods give us another piece of karma after that terrible interference call...

Defensive line has a tipped a lot of passes today.

Today's playmakers on D - all three were Brew recruits - Hageman, Manuel, and Vereen...look, Brew was an oddball, but he did bring in some talented athletes

A touchdown that never should have been. Still miffed about that phantom interference call...

NW has been notorious for breaking the Gopher's hearts but I think today that will end...

Handle the on-side, get two first downs, win!

NU might kick it deep with three time outs left

That last interference call wasn't a bad call...

I thought it was. If that was PI, then you can call it on every other pass play. It was very ticky tacky.

Then Fitzgerald goes crazy after a pretty obvious no call. You've been getting the calls all day, shut up.

A touchdown that never should have been. Still miffed about that phantom interference call...

He grabbed his arm twice while ball was in the air. Murray is borderline on many plays.

OK, so they'll now have had to overcome FOUR awful calls, adding the 2 on that last drive - very cheap interference call that wouldn't be called against any team but the Gophers, ever. And on the long pass that got NW on the scoring side of the field, the WR had an extremely blatant pushoff right before the ball landed in his gut, about 5-7 yards right in front of the ref.

Getting screwed by the refs, just another way to lose in the long lore of Gopher football. I'll be very surprised with a victory at this point. Gophers will run the ball 3 straight times and punt, NW with a game-winning TD late, assisted by yet another bad call? Hope I'm wrong!

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