This game has been a blast to watch. My question is, has Kill been holding Limegrover back on play calls?

Bold just might make this comment eligible for dpodoll award!!! :)

I LOVE the offensive playbook today. So much fun to watch. Were they saving it all up for today?

This game has been a blast to watch. My question is, has Kill been holding Limegrover back on play calls?

No, he just started reading GH and now he "gets it".

As someone who has been fairly critical of this coaching staff, specifically the play calling, man have I been impressed the last two weeks. This has been absolutely brilliant play calling with the perfect amount of aggressive.

It'll be interesting to see how the defense holds up now that you know Nebraska is likely going to start getting aggressive. Some turnovers might be out there for the taking.

We should've thrown the WR screen to our Offensive Tackle on that play, he was wide open!!! :)

Engel catching that bouncing punt, saving us from a potential "inside the 5" situation.

It is interesting that Griese seems to think it is poor offensive play and not good defensive play by the Gophers

Martinez looks rusty and the Nebraska receivers don't look as good as advertised.

Biggest win in program history? Wins Dpoll award hands down.

Big FG...now a 2 TD lead. With Nebraska's explosiveness, that was key.

Chris Hawthorne: The John Daly of college kicking. Always plenty of distance, but hard to know if it's going to land on the fairway. Nice to see him nail that one.

If only I knew what that was!

It is a comment from the past, originated by dpodoll, that is awarded to a comment that makes no sense:

"congratulations on reaching an epic-heretofore-unheard-of-level-of-dumbassery" .

Martinez looks rusty and the Nebraska receivers don't look as good as advertised.

Martinez doesn't throw a "nice" ball. Receivers always seem to have to adjust to the ball.

These next few plays are huge... can't let that big play hurt...

Wow...a penalty call goes our way.

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