Sooooooo close... wow... Defense is doing a decent job right now but you can't commit that penalty...

Holy smokes! Our defense is actually competitive today. Didn't expect this - and now Abdullah may be out.

Shede came up so big on that drive. To get the penalty that could have easily broken them, he turns around and uses that anger and just punishes the lineman and gets the big time sack right on the next play. That's the maturity we need from him, brush it off and make the next play.

If Ted Ginn Jr was running yes, not a slow white guy. Overthrew him and he was wide open. Doesn't have the touch on his throws yet.

He stood in there with guts and delivered a catchable ball on a tough corner throw. No complaints here.

Nebraska's defense is really off balance, wow. If we can just kinda hold their offense a little bit I think we have a shot here, cause they're likely to notch some explosive plays down the line.

Man, we just can't connect on passes down the field....ugh

This is the best our Offense has looked all Season... outside of overthrown passes they are clicking...

Read the first page or two of this thread....neither do some of the 'expert' posters here

....and they just picked up a flag against us....yep, refs are all against us LOL

I'm really confused. I read it. When/where has Griese not respected the Gophers roster? Because he was critical of some overthrows?

Leidner and Nelson both overthrew a deep receiver. Difference is that Leidner's throw was way easier and less pressured

Wow, what a massive shift in momentum. 4th and 10, and you get a TD pass????

Crush their will, & step on their throat!!!

One of the greatest catches I've ever seen a Gopher player make. Kudos to Limegrover and Claeys!

I know most of you aren't on Twitter but Hageman is the #1 Trending Topic in the USA right now...

I'm starting to think the coaches are smarter than some of the posters here. How could that be?

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