Can't believe that actually worked against Nebraska's D-Line but that was a *GREAT* drive...

The Nebraska d-line is not good, at all. We should be able to pound them all day.

Yup...it's been their weakness all year. SDSU was even chewing up yards early in the game. Should be fun if we can sustain a competent ground game...

Now THAT's how you run the football. Mix stuff up so it's not so predictable, throw in some trickiness. Thank you, Limegrover.

Can't believe that actually worked against Nebraska's D-Line but that was a *GREAT* drive...

We ran 10/12 or something like that. Bad play calling. Limegrover needs to change it up.

I know they burned us one one pass, but it's Nebraska. Put 8/9 in the box and make Martinez beat you.

Great drive by the offense now the defense needs to keep them off the scoreboard.

bout time limegrover opened it up a bit

got away with one there, d looking better. line is getting a push

Ya, Limegrover opened it up by having the team execute.

well doc it wasnt the same damn play every time = opening it up. how you doin btw? hows the ticker?

Nice stop by the D, dodged a major bullet on that screen though because if he doesn't run into his guy he gets the first down and potentially a lot more.

Leidner just cannot pass. Have to put Nelson in sometime to throw when they are down in the second half.

Hope Donovahn Jones is okay. Should that have been a 15 yard late hit penalty on Nebby when he pushed him? Looked like Jones may have already been well out of bounds when he was pushed.

Good news... we have 87 rushing yards with 4/6 of the game left... we had 87 rushing yards TOTAL against them last year...

The "slow white guy" had enough speed get wide open. The throw was pretty good as well, just inches off, it happens.

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