Not saying it wasn't interference but you go with the same act every week regardless. The blaming of the refs for the Gophers losing at any point in a game is tiresome.

Holding incompetence accountable is never tiresome. If you can't see it that's fine, but don't call out those of us that can.

We really have no choice but to wonder about our defense overall and plays in particular Claeys as a coordinator. I thought he was great last year I think he is maybe gotten to where he has been below average this year

What a disaster of a first half. When the first half goes that badly, you just get the hell off the field and go to halftime to regroup, not call timeouts when the other team is trying to run out the clock.

Hey Jerry let's show pair here and try to actually score 3 points at the end

Complete and utter bull**** answer.

No, it's a realistic answer, unlike the ideal world of your own mind where you live.

In any event, enough of you. The Gophers finally get the defensive break they needed.

I'm not sure if we can hand them the game any more than we have so far. If Armstrong was half the QB Barrett was Nebraska would be up by four touchdowns right now.

At lest we'll still have a ball game in the 2nd half now.

Our d is playing good enough to win! We need to make some plays 2nd half. Get #4 involved.

Cobb has to know to get out of bounds there

Another lousy throw followed by a sack. Bad half.

Cobb has to know to get out of bounds there

I think he was going to, he just didn't realize the guy was behind him.

Not surprised by the way the half ended. Bad throw, then he sits there and hangs onto the ball way too long.

A good pass by Liedner and we would have had a field goal... but nope.

Bad half by gophers. I wonder how good we would be with a Qb that can throw the ball consistently well.

That stuff was back to the last three years were for the most part our games effing suck to watch. It's really an unbelievably poor effort coaching offense defense and special teams.

1st drive of 3rd qtr will be big. Gophers will need to get a stop.

No, it's a realistic answer, unlike the ideal world of your own mind where you live.

In any event, enough of you. The Gophers finally get the defensive break they needed.

If you think a ref shouldn't see a DB grabbing his jersey all the way down the field and arm barring him while the ball is in the air there is no hope for you.

Seriously, have you ever played the game or read the rule book?

When Mitch is running well he is dangerous with his arm. Just not today. Two huge misses (Cobb and Mays).

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