Whether you like ML7 or not, whether you think he is bad or OK, understand he is our best option. It really is that simple.

I still believe this, but I find it so very sad.

Have any of Leidner's completions travelled more than three yards past the line of scrimmage?

Mitch had Maxx open on the first drive too.

He didn't take one step too many on the roll out.

He took four steps too many.

Gophers deflated after blocked field goal - Nebraska now moving at will. Hope the coaches can rally the troops or it will be a blowout.

Poor half but the good news is we are still in the game. We just need some things to go our way in the 3rd quarter.

If the D-Line can do anything positive in the 2nd half we still have a shot at this. Without....we just wont have enough time imo. Can't keep giving up big QB runs.

Plenty of time to come back. Nebraska gave up 56 in a row last week to a team without a passing game

I was going to post a comment about ML, but then I said "Frick It."

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I'm not sure if we can hand them the game any more than we have so far. If Armstrong was half the QB Barrett was Nebraska would be up by four touchdowns right now.

Barrett is certainly a hell of a quarterback, but what about Armstrong has held Nebraska back in the first half? Tight completions, big runs, converts every 3rd down...so far, it's not clear that he's playing any worse than Barrett did last week.

Let's just revert back to our game plan from San Jose State. I don't think Nebraska's tough enough to hold up to it we might as well not even f$ck around with trying to throw the ball.

Need to come out running the ball in second half and get away from an ineffective passing game. Give Streveler a series to throw them off balance and settle Mitch. Defense always improves in the second half. We're still ok.


How do we know Leidner is our best option? The Coaches are too scared to try anyone else.

Not saying anyone is a J.T. Barrett on our team, but none of their coaches thought he'd amount to anything other than a 3rd stringer (this year) until he got a few chances to start. When Streveler started, they never gave him any time to get comfortable passing until he was under pressure on 3rd downs.

We better have a real open competition for QB next season and not just a Liedner is the starter because he's a veteran. He just isn't accurate when the pressure is on him. We will not go anywhere with him.

/end rant

Straw poll. The Gophers offense would be better or worse if they just make KJ Maye the QB in the 2nd half?

I would give it to Cobb 25 times here in the second half and run Streveler 15. Do what we do best and screw the rest. I think whiskey threw for what 45 yards last week.

Straw poll. The Gophers offense would be better or worse if they just make KJ Maye the QB in the 2nd half?

Worse because Nebraska would totally disregard the pass and we would have 11 in the box to stop the run.

If I was Nebraska, I'd put 11 in the box. Liedner wouldn't be able to hit any gopher player watching on the sideline if he tried.

Worse because Nebraska would totally disregard the pass and we would have 11 in the box to stop the run.

I realized as I submitted this that they can pretty much disregard the pass now but at least Leidner is a threat to maybe throw whereas Maye would be 100% run. :)

Barrett is certainly a hell of a quarterback, but what about Armstrong has held Nebraska back in the first half? Tight completions, big runs, converts every 3rd down...so far, it's not clear that he's playing any worse than Barrett did last week.

I wasn't necessarily saying he's holding them back, more so making a comparison between our defense last week vs this week. Our defensive line was far from perfect maintaining their lanes last week, can you imagine how much Barrett would have gashed us if we played like we are now?

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