Offense looks like it doesn't know what to do right now.

Run it every time!!! Been saying that since the game started. Actually all year. We can't throw?

that 2nd down play really killed the drive... if the Defense can get a stop here with ALL the momentum on Wiscy's side we should be ok but if they score I see way too much pressure on Leidner to pass next possession...

Get the ball into the hands of KJ Maye. Seriously, he is our only threat other than Cobb.

So much for reaching out to Braxton Miller... he's fighting for the starting spot now..

I would say making them start at their 20 is pinning them deep. Sheesh.

Seriously? On a punt from that spot on the field you want to pin them inside the 10.

This is typical Kill football. All the hand wringing on this board is like it is new or something. Kill is going to shorten the game, work to stay within one score and try to win it at the end, hoping his offense has worn down the D or our D caused a turn over or our superior special teams. He knows who he has at QB and will act accordingly.

No Gordon and a fullback in the backfield...that was a really predicatable play call....great job by the D reading it.

We're blowing it so hard. Turnover is the only thing to save us now. Completely outclassed in the last quarter and a half

In college that was a good play by BBC considering it was only 15 and not a TD.

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