Outclassed entirely. No offense and no defense = teetering on the edge of blowout.

Offense needs to get their crap together and respond....give the defense time to regroup.

Their QB is outplaying ours by a wide margin. That, and a couple huge mistakes by us, is the difference. Bummer.

We *HAVE* to score here... or else this could get out of hand...

Our 'stout' passing defense sucks. Making Stave look like Manning and their WRs look like studs, beating us every time. This is where we lose momentum and lose this game. off to the San Fran bowl...

Outclassed entirely. No offense and no defense = teetering on the edge of blowout.

They are up 3.....Agree that the momentum is clearly in their favor right now but there is plenty of time left.

Come on boys we need a big play to turn this thing around.

Even if we lose, I'm happy with this season... with that said, we need a real QB.

Our 'stout' passing defense sucks. Making Stave look like Manning and their WRs look like studs, beating us every time. This is where we lose momentum and lose this game. off to the San Fran bowl...

This is where you prove you are a dbag psuedo fan. We are in this til the end!

Our 'stout' passing defense sucks. Making Stave look like Manning and their WRs look like studs, beating us every time. This is where we lose momentum and lose this game. off to the San Fran bowl...
The difference in the game has been Stave out playing Leidner. Trade quarterbacks and MN is up 14

Third and 18 and they call Leidner up the middle? Limegrover is losing this game. What happened to the "full Nebraska" offense?

Our 'stout' passing defense sucks. Making Stave look like Manning and their WRs look like studs, beating us every time. This is where we lose momentum and lose this game. off to the San Fran bowl...

If they play in SF, I will buy your plane ticket.

Everybody... when we were ahead. Not seeing your point unless you've given up on the team already & if that's the case please do not expect a reply from me.

If your able to relax with a 4 point lead against Wisconsin, you're in your own class.

Then again, Phillip Nelson is still your GH Avatar. :rolleyes:

This **** is over without a passing game for us. I'm hyperbolic and angry but ****. We are literally getting it HANDED to us in the last 25 minutes of game time

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